The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 595

Keayan, who left the castle, stayed in a hotel in the town. He wanted to go to kiayan of Silesia to drink and complain, but he couldn\'t find most of the town. Later, a mercenary of the mercenary regiment told kiajan that kiajan had been called by Pedro again.

Kiajan, who returned to the hotel dejected, lay down in bed and began to plan his next step. Keayan lost his job, but the Jewish life is like the dandelion flying in the wind. He can live anywhere.

"Maybe I should continue to be a middleman for count Hesse, or apply for a consortium to transfer me to America." kiajan, lying in bed looking at the ceiling, was thinking.

Unexpectedly, before keayan thought it over, he was sent by Pedro.

"Keayan, you should know a lot of great nobles and lords under Prince yanush raziwiu for so many years?" this time, Pedro asked directly as soon as he saw keayan.

Kiajan was stunned. He didn\'t know what Pedro meant by asking. In particular, yanush raziweu had already been beaten as a traitor of the Republic of Poland, and most of the nobles who had close contacts with the prince also stood on the opposite side of the Republic.

"Sometimes there are some, but I don\'t know many. I know general Jan sobesky, Grand Marshal lubomatsky, Jan zamois... These are the supreme jade pillars of the Republic," kiajan said carefully.

Pedro tilted his lips again. He decided to explain his words to kiajan.

"Kiajan, you know that the Republic is now in a period of war. War requires a lot of food, arms, armor, horses, mercenaries, etc., but in the final analysis, it needs money. Am I right?" Pedro said meaningfully to kiajan.

Kiajan tasted what Pedro said.

"My benefactor, protector, what do you mean?" kiajan said cautiously.


Pedro\'s big hand slapped kiajan\'s back without warning, and he almost stumbled.

"Pretend again! You dishonest Jew," said Pedro angrily. "Keayan, who has the same name as you, knows it clearly. I don\'t believe you won\'t know what I mean."

Kiajan certainly understood what Pedro meant - Pedro wanted to lend money to the nobles and lords to fight.

War has always been the most expensive business. How much money do you burn? For example, during the hundred year war between Britain and France, the British royal family invested almost 30000 to 40000 pounds a year in the war. Don\'t underestimate this figure, because at that time, the total land rent income of Britain was only more than 70000 pounds, so it was a very amazing investment. The income of Britain\'s great nobility, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the highest head of the British church, can only get 1100 pounds a year from his territory, while the annual income of his territory is only more than 500 pounds for a prominent count.

But even if half of the fiscal revenue is invested, it is still far from meeting the speed of burning money for war. In order to raise the military expenses of 10000 expeditionary troops, including 3680 British longbowmen, 3500 infantry and 1141 knights, the British royal family racked their brains and ingenuity to come up with the name of "shield money" - that is, collecting exemption money from nobles and knights who are unwilling to serve. At that time, if the elderly nobles and knights were unwilling to fight for the royal family and honor, the British royal family did not force them to go to the battlefield, as long as they paid for someone to replace them. The price is: the landlord with an annual rent income of £ 5 should bear the expenses of a Longbowman, the landlord with an annual income of £ 10 should bear a horseback infantry, and the local tyrant with an annual income of £ 25 should bear a heavy cavalry. But even so, the money is not enough. As a last resort, the British royal family mortgaged its wool export income to Italian bankers in exchange for 800000 florins of the Baldi family (Genoa and Florence began casting florins in 1252) The Florin coins entered western Europe and Northern Europe through the increasingly important trade routes in southern Europe and became the prototype of most European gold coins later.) the war loan of 600000 Florin of the Peruzzi family. Among them, it is the Jewish profiteers living in London who connect the British royal family and Italian bankers. Through their matchmaking, these Jews even earned back about 3000 pounds a year for the British royal family.

On the other side of the continent, King Philip IV of France did more for military spending. He kidnapped the Pope and forced the church to collect 3.392 million florins from all over Europe.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable for France to win the Centennial war. In addition to Joan of arc in France, the French king\'s ability to make money is much better than the British royal family.

After being rejected by kiajan, the slightly lost Pedro went to drink with his friends. He told kiajan of Silesia. The Jewish profiteer and lender thought that both Cherchen and Pedro\'s ideas were too out. He gave Pedro an idea: put the money here, and then their Jewish consortium lent it to the kings and nobles of Sweden, czar Russia, Poland and other countries in the war, from which the mercenary group charged high interest.

Of course, the higher the interest rate, the greater the risk. Because once the borrower can\'t afford it, the borrowed money is likely to be wasted. However, in order to reassure Pedro, the kiajan told Pedro that this rarely happens because their Jewish consortium has a comprehensive assessment of the borrower\'s qualifications. He also disclosed a message to Pedro that Prince boguslav of Lithuania, the successor of the raziweu family after the death of yanush raziweu, is preparing to borrow 600000 tales for military expenses, and the money is mortgaged by the castle, valuable jewelry and the output of the raziweu family\'s farm in Lithuania. Their consortium is raising money to take over the business.

Pedro listened and thought it was really a good way to make money. But he had some distrust of the kiajan in front of him. After all, this is a bad friend. Pedro is always a little flustered when he lends money through his hand.

Therefore, Pedro didn\'t promise immediately. He just said he went back and discussed with Cherchen.

Of course, what he really discussed was the kiajan of Poland.

Pedro consulted kiajan on this proposal, and he also believed that since they were all Jews, kiajan in Poland must also know the consortia that lent money to the great nobility to fight. Keayan doesn\'t do his own business, but can also be his own intermediary or lender, which doesn\'t conflict with Chechen\'s punishment.

Kiajan listened to the suggestion of kiajan of Silesia repeated by Pedro, and he immediately applauded the case. Now kiajan can have no worries. He told Pedro that his Jewish consortium is also lending war loans to the kings and nobles of Sweden, czar Russia and Poland, and has no less access than kiajan of Silesia. As long as the mercenary group needs it, he will help it.