The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 567

Finally, according to the agreement with Kemal, Chechen decided to hand over yishilan gley to Mohamed gley after Mohamed gley delivered 100000 taels of cash, or correctly, sent instructions from Kafa or Istanbul.

"Xie Miao, you take Yishi LAN gley down. Then send more people to protect him. I don\'t want everything to happen again today." Chechen ordered Xie Miao.

When Xie Miao was ready to take Yishi LAN gley down, the guard outside the camp suddenly came in and reported that Haim asked to see himself according to the order of Muhammad gley.

"That hateful sweat dares to send someone over!"

When he heard that it was the Khan who sent him, pidroton was furious. He rattled the leather whip in his hand and secretly decided that as long as Haim dared to come in, he would call him father and mother.

Fortunately, yelishei timely reminded Pedro that Haim was the first warrior of the khanate, otherwise if Pedro really went up to smoke him, he would make a fool of himself.

At the beginning, LAN gley also fanned the flames and said, "Cherchen bey, my brother sent someone to see if I\'m dead. If I\'m dead, he\'ll punish you. You should be careful."

At the beginning, when LAN gley said this, fedot and others suddenly became nervous. Yelishei also asked the guard, "how many people did that Haim bring?"

"Many, thousands of people," replied the guard.

Everyone is a Lin. Thousands of people. Is it true that they have come to ask questions.

At the beginning, LAN gley couldn\'t help laughing proudly when he saw that he had been guessed for a long time. Half ridiculous, LAN gley\'s laughter suddenly stopped at the beginning. He suddenly remembered that he was a grasshopper on a rope with Chechen. If the mercenary regiment was destroyed, he must be dead.

"What are you waiting for? Send someone to find Kemal quickly! Muhammad gley doesn\'t dare to fight you when there are Sudanese soldiers." Yishi LAN gley shouted. At this time, he was even more worried about the safety of the mercenary Corps than the mercenary Corps.

Unexpectedly, the guard didn\'t finish the last half sentence. He had just been interrupted by LAN gley\'s laughter and words at the beginning, and now he had the opportunity to say, "but those are prisoners, and less than a hundred horses escort them."

Hearing this, all the people breathed a sigh of relief. Many people secretly blamed the guard who came to report for not being able to speak, which surprised them.

Chechen was also nervous just now. At this moment, he was relieved. Although he still had questions about why Haim brought thousands of prisoners, as long as Alan came in, it would be clear.

"Let him in," he said to the guard thoroughly.

After a while, Haim dismounted ten steps away from the big tent. Today\'s Haim is wearing a turquoise robe and a peacock feather on his scarf. It looks strange and gives people a feeling that a poet is better than a warrior.

Of course, Haim\'s sword like edge can\'t be covered up in any case. The closer he walked, the deeper the feeling of everyone. Haim walked into the tent. He first saluted Chechen, and then said, "Chechen bey, it\'s good that you stopped here to rest, otherwise I can\'t catch up with you with so many people."

At the beginning, LAN gley could not help humming coldly when he saw the changed first warrior.

At this time, Haim turned and looked at LAN gley at the beginning. Facing his former master, Haim said in an unassuming manner: "At the beginning, LAN Han, good birds choose trees to live in, and good officials choose the Lord to serve. I don\'t think I\'m wrong. It\'s only because you\'re defeated, otherwise you\'re still the object of my loyalty. Please wait a moment, and I\'ll take you back when I\'m finished handing over with bey. Khan misses you so much these days, and talks about your name every day."

At the beginning, LAN gley looked at Haim with a sneer on his mouth. He disdained to talk to a betrayed dog of Muhammad gley.

"Haim, what do you want to hand over to me? And why didn\'t Alan come today?" Chechen asked.

"Lord bey, of course, you and I are LAN Khan, the brother of Khan, at the beginning of the Khanate. As for Lord Alan, he has something else important." Haim replied word by word.

The truth is that after Muhammad gley learned that he had failed to bribe the traitor to assassinate LAN gley, he was supposed to send Alan to comfort Cherchen and make it clear that it had nothing to do with him. Khayim took the initiative to ask Muhammad gley to hand over the task to him, and made the request in front of Alan. At the same time, he assured Khan that if this was done Leave it to himself and he will be able to bring back Elaine gley.

Of course, Haim knew that he would certainly offend Alan, Khan\'s first favorite, but he couldn\'t care.

Although Haim is the first warrior of the khanate, he has a great desire for fame. What he wants is a high position in the Khanate such as mirzan or bey, rather than being a guard all his life. At the beginning, LAN gley or Muhammad gley only use him as a good knife. Haim is not willing to do so, so he wants to be in Muhammad ·Gley tried his best to show himself in front of him and let Muhammad gley know that he, Haim, is not just a warrior.

"So where is 100000 tales? Why didn\'t I see anything?" Pedro asked Haim. He also deliberately went outside the tent and pointed to the empty ground outside.

"The money is outside." Haim turned and walked out of the tent. He guided Pedro: "deputy head of Pedro, you can see the money from a distance."

Pedro looked up into the distance and saw that the Tatar cavalry brought by Haim were driving in a group of ten prisoners bound by hands and feet and with leather ropes around their necks.

At this time, Chechen and other officers of the mercenary regiment also went outside the tent. When Haim saw all the people, he loudly explained, "bey, Khan has sent you 3124 prisoners. These prisoners are about 100000 tales according to the market price, but they are not low. Now the 24 people who come in are samples, and they are all in good health. The remaining 3100 people are outside. You can send someone to check them. If there is nothing wrong, please let me take Yishi LAN gley away."

With that, Haim bent down and lowered his head below his navel, with unspeakable humility and respect.

But the so-called extremes will turn against each other. The more Haim shows humility, the more it doesn\'t look like humility but coercion in Cherchen\'s eyes. Moreover, Chechen had a feeling that Haim seemed to eat himself today.

"Haim, I think you may remember wrong. I want 100000 tales of cash, not people." Chechen reminded Haim.

That\'s what he said, but Chechen has made up his mind. Even if Haim really takes out 100000 taels of cash now, he won\'t give LAN gley to him at the beginning.

After listening to Chechen\'s refusal, Haim raised his head, but his face took a smile.

At this time, the 24 so-called samples had been driven down by the Tatar cavalry, and they came in one after another. They formed two lines in front of the tent.

Both men and women and children were among the prisoners. Obviously, Muhammad gley or Haim did not choose, but rushed here all the time. Those male captives stared at Haim and Chechen with numb, hatred or despair, while those female captives and children kept crying.

"Cherchen bey, you should know. In our Crimean khanate, these slaves are hard currency, which is no different from tales or gold coins. If you accept them, you will get 100000 tales. Khan also missed his brother and thought of this alternative. I hope you can accommodate one or two."

On one side, yelishei, fedot and Xie Miao were moved with compassion when they saw so many compatriots who had become slaves, especially those female compatriots whose clothes were untidy and their faces were black in order to prevent being raped by the Tatars. Fedot and Xie Miao looked at Cherchen eagerly, hoping that he would agree to what Haim said and exchange yishilan gley for the 3124 prisoners.

The soft part of Chechen\'s heart was also touched. For a moment, he blurted out that he agreed to exchange yishilan gley for the 3124 slaves. After all, the lives of more than 3000 people are important.

Chechen\'s hesitation was seen by Yishi LAN gley, who knew that there was only a dead end to leaving the mercenary regiment. At the beginning, LAN gley ignored Haim. He shouted: "Chechen bey, I\'m the one Mehmed Pasha wants. Now you give me to Muhammad gley, how can you explain to Pasha!"

Che Chen was shocked when he heard the speech, and he swallowed it as soon as he was about to export.

"Haim," Chechen said to Haim, turning away from the poor people. "Please tell Khan that I still hope to exchange 100000 tales for Yishi LAN gley according to the original agreement."

Hearing what Chechen said, the light of hope in the eyes of Xie Miao and fedot went out. They stood aside with their hands down. Although they could understand Cherchen\'s difficulties, they still lowered their heads in disappointment.

Haim was not depressed after hearing Cherchen\'s refusal, as if he had expected Cherchen to say so.

"Of course, of course," said Haim as he walked back. "Since you insist, bey, I can\'t force it."

With this sentence, Haim just walked up to a female prisoner with black hair. The female prisoner Ben bowed her head and sobbed. She saw Haim standing in front of her and nodded in fear.

The change suddenly happened at this time. Haim suddenly pulled out the machete at his waist and cut off the woman\'s head.

Haim\'s knife is so sharp, and his knife technique is so exquisite. The blade flashed through the poor woman\'s blonde hair, cut into muscles and cut bones. When her head fell to the ground, there was an incredible expression on her face.

Everyone was stunned. Until the blood gushed from the headless body\'s neck like a fountain, and the people behind her were covered with faces, no one finally reacted.


Behind the headless body, the prisoner sprayed with blood gave a cry of horror.

"What are you doing!"


"You bastard!"

Chechen, yelisheyi, Xie Miao and others reacted one after another. They shouted at Haim.

Seeing this sudden atrocity, the prisoners stirred up one after another. They were afraid and wanted to spread around, especially the prisoners around Haim, who regarded Haim as the God of death. But before they could disperse a few steps, they were driven back by the Tatars around with sabers and whips.

Haim turned a deaf ear to the shouts of Chechen and others. He took the Damascus machete in his hand and put it around the neck of the second man. This time, he was a young child under the age of ten.

"Cherchen bey, since you don\'t want these prisoners, there\'s no point in their living. In that case, I\'ll send them to their God earlier." Haim said coldly.

This was Haim\'s last resort to accomplish the task entrusted to him by Muhammad graii. He knows that Chechen is not a cold-blooded and cruel person - just because Haim himself is such a person, he can distinguish who are and who are not the same as himself.

Chechen also knew that Haim was threatening himself with the lives of these people and threatening to hand over Yishi LAN gley to him. This method is stupid, because it is like a person holding up his child in the market and threatening the fruit vendor: "if you don\'t sell me the apple, I\'ll kill the child."

But this move is also extremely clever. As long as the vendor has a little compassion, the poison will work.

Che Chen is not that kind of cold-blooded person in the end. A 16-year-old boy, even though he has experienced the most things, in the final analysis, he is only a boy. But Chechen could not hand over Yishi LAN gley, so he tried to threaten Haim with Muhammad gley.

"These people are Khan\'s wealth. If you wantonly destroy the wealth of Muhammad gley Khan, aren\'t you afraid that Muhammad gley Khan will blame you!" Chechen couldn\'t stop shaking when he questioned Haim.

And obviously, his voice was too fierce.

Haim saw that Chechen was so nervous that he knew he was right.

Haim despised Alan\'s way of doing things with feminine means. He believes that Khan and the useless Alan are always led by Chechen because they are not direct enough. What can be solved with fists depends on playing tricks. For example, at the beginning of the assassination, LAN gley failed. The first thing Alan thought of was to find a scapegoat to calm Chechen\'s anger. But in the khanate, who doesn\'t know that Khan and Cherchen are at odds with each other, so he goes to the door. Isn\'t there no taler 250 here?

"Bey, of course I\'m afraid Khan will blame me, but this time I received a military order in front of Khan. If I can\'t take Yishi LAN gley back today, I\'ll be dead." in order to give Cherchen more pressure, Haim deliberately cut the child\'s neck with a knife blade. Immediately, the child\'s snow-white neck shed bright red blood.

Perhaps because of pain or fear, the child burst into tears.

At this time, Xie Miao, fedot and yelishei couldn\'t help pulling out their weapons. Although they knew that even the three people together might not be Haim\'s opponent, they bravely took a step forward in the face of this inhuman murderous demon.


Haim snorted. He changed his posture to face the three people, and then continued to put the knife on the child\'s neck: "three, if you take another step forward, I can\'t guarantee whether your hands will shake."

In the face of Haim\'s threat, yelishai and them were also taboos for a while.

After forcing the three back with words, Haim gave Cherchen an ultimatum: "bey, I don\'t want you to make it difficult, and you don\'t want me to make it difficult. You give me yishilan gley, and I\'ll give you all these people. Think about it, and I\'ll give you three more minutes."