The Last Frontier of Fire and Sword

Chapter 43

"Pour tar, pour tar." Chechen shouted under the wall.

There are several simple catapults arranged after Pedro demolished the house.

At this time, several places on the city wall have been broken through. At some points, groups of enemies surrounded the city back-to-back and guarded the landing points for the influx of follow-up troops.

Seeing that the situation was urgent, the colleagues next to the simple catapult heard the order and hurriedly put the black pottery pots with fire on their mouths into their pockets. The pots were filled with tar and sealed with cotton and rags.

With the command of the commander, the pottery pots were thrown out one by one. Their landing points were calculated in advance, and each pottery pot accurately landed between the trench and the city wall.

As soon as the pottery pot fell to the ground, it was smashed, the tar in it flowed out, and then it burned in the fire. The fire not only ignited the straw in the trench, but also burned the cotton armor and ladder of the soldiers under the wall.

Some soldiers were in great pain from the fire. They threw themselves at the flames, but it was so easy to put out the tar. Instead, the fire grew bigger and bigger. They burned their coats from their trouser legs and swallowed people\'s faces.

Those lucky people who were not burned by the fire were frightened when they saw the tragedy of their companions. Even the bravest man dare not fight the enemy in the fire. They took off their clothes, threw down their weapons, threw down their companions at the head of the city and fled to their own camp.

Now, the Russian troops who were still fighting in the city had no fighting spirit. Some of them wanted to escape along the ladder, but they turned and were buried in the sea of fire; Some dropped their weapons and knelt on the ground praying for mercy, but they were cut to pieces by angry mercenaries.

The scene at the head of the city was seen by the Czar Russian army under the city. Prince Alexei, riding on a tall horse from Central Asia, could see more clearly.

"Prince, when the fire is out, I\'ll take someone to rush up."

Andre, captain of the Boye cavalry, couldn\'t help saying to Prince Alexei.

"Let the serf soldiers put out the fire, and then you take the Boye cavalry to attack the city."

In the distance, in the trenches of Smolensk City, the fire wall formed by the fire runs between the two armies. I don\'t know how long it will rage. How many people will die if we want to put out such a big fire under gunfire. But Alexei didn\'t care much about attacking Smolensk faster than Bao Hong.

Suddenly, a cloud of smoke and dust came to the left of the military array, passed through the whole regiment of soldiers and came to the prince\'s military flag.

"Your Highness, it seems that your fight is not going well," said the leading rider to Prince Alexei.

"Oh, it\'s general Yakov. You\'re not commanding the battle in the East. What are you doing here?"

It was general Yakov cherkaski, the commander of Czar Russia\'s lejev fortress and the commander of the Russian army in the West.

"I\'m finished," Yakov said concisely.

"Finished? Have you captured Smolensk?"

"No," general Yakov said.

"Are you finished?" Prince Alexei wanted to give him a whip. After all, kyakov cherkaski was a general rather than his subordinate, and he didn\'t have the power.

"There is also such a fire wall in front of me. It seems that the same person should command and defend the city." Yakov said with gestures: "I don\'t think it will be a matter of a while and a half to capture such a huge city, so let the army go back to rest and the artillery continue to bombard. I\'ll see the prince\'s achievements myself."

After Yakov finished, Prince Alexei pulled the bit of his horse and said to Andre, the captain of the Boye cavalry, "go, send someone to the West and south to see how their siege is going. Especially in the west, you know?"

Andre took orders and rode away. After a while, two teams of light cavalry ran in the East and West.

"What? Are you worried that zaporoze\'s Hicks are faster than us?" Yakov asked strangely, squinting at the prince.

Like ordinary Czarist Russian nobles, Yakov despised Cossacks.

"Don\'t underestimate them. When it comes to the experience of fighting with the poles, they have six or seven years more than us."

"No matter how long it is, Hicks are still Hicks," Yakov said.

Yakov was boring at this meeting. Prince Alexei did not answer him, but sat on his horse and looked at Smolensk behind the fire wall.

The fire kept burning.

I don\'t know how long later, the cavalry sent back.

"Your Highness, the Cossacks retreated. The city to the west is full of corpses."

"General shemiao rahmanin did not occupy the wall."

After hearing the news of the cavalry\'s return, the prince ordered the Herald:

"Call the retreated soldiers to rest. All the Boye cavalry dismounted and waited for my order."

With that, he added an order "artillery continue to bombard."

"Hey, Pedro. Go and see your nephew."

In Smolensk. Ruth went up to the tower and said to Pedro. The latter is watching the Czar\'s Russian army retreat.

"What\'s the matter with my nephew? What\'s the matter with Cherchen?" asked Pedro, who was still observing the retreating Russian army. He arranged Ruth and Cherchen together so that Ruth could look after him.

"It\'s no big deal, it\'s just that I vomited badly," Ruth said strangely.

"It\'s inevitable that this boy will go to war for the first time. Just take it slow," said Pedro.

He didn\'t intend to go, but at last he was worried. He explained to the others in the tower and followed Ruth downstairs.

Under the city wall, Che Chen supported the city wall with one hand and covered his mouth with the other. He tried his best to resist the urge to vomit, but at the thought of those mutilated and burned bodies, the young man who went to the battlefield for the first time could not help it. His mouth was soon full of vomit, and then vomited all under the corner of the wall. And the ground is already a mess.

At this time, a big hand patted him gently on the back.

"All right, Chechen."

It\'s uncle Pedro\'s voice.

"I\'m fine, uncle." Chechen said bravely.

"It\'s all right," said Pedro, without revealing it. He looked at the vomit on the ground and laughed. "You\'re much better than me. Uncle, I vomited bile for the first time."

"Uncle Pedro, you too?" listening to what Pedro said, Chechen didn\'t expect that his uncle had been the same as himself.

"Of course, there\'s no one who doesn\'t vomit on the first battlefield. It\'s much more visible and I\'m used to it. You\'re pretty good. Uncle has seen a guy who pees his pants before. What\'s his name? Peter, a giant more than two meters tall, but he\'s very timid."

"Thank you, uncle. I\'m much better." Chechen knew that uncle was encouraging himself, and a warm current flowed through his heart.

"It\'s all right. Go and drink some water and rinse your mouth."

Seeing that Chechen straightened up, Pedro was finally relieved.

"How many enemies did you kill today?" Pedro asked about Cherchen\'s achievements.

"I killed three with a musket and one with my companions," said Chechen. He remembers these achievements.

"Very good, very good. It\'s really worthy of being a child of the aleval family." Pedro was overjoyed to hear that his nephew had achieved so many results in his first battle. He is going to use his authority to reward Cherchen.

Just as Pedro was trying to reward his nephew, a soldier ran down the corridor and shouted, "Lieutenant, Lieutenant Pedro. Captain Franco wants you to go to the castle for a meeting."

So in a hurry, Pedro issued a new order.

"Then I decide that from now on, you will be Ruth\'s deputy. Congratulations, vice captain Chechen."