The Last Embrace

Chapter 152 Goodnight~Sweet Dreams!

Adam and Princess Abigail went inside Zain's prison-like room in their invisible form. He appeared to be sleeping, his haggard face was facing them, even during his sleep...Zain was wearing an aura of hopelessness around him.

Zain's disheveled appearance squeezed Adam's heart, his appearance was that of someone who already loses zest in life, his brother used to be a mighty and proud vampire Prince, his parents' lone pride and joy, but now he looks like a forgotten man, abandoned and neglected by his own family.

Adam felt an extreme pity towards his brother...

His brother's wretched condition awakened the intense guilt he feels inside.

If only he died and never resurrected, Zain would never end like this.

He already accepted his ill-fitted destiny a long time ago, the saddest day of his life was when he took his last breath on the night he died in Jessy's arms but it's something that he already prepared himself with. But his brother isn't prepared for this drastic turn of events in his life, it's too much for his proud heart to bear.

If he was the one in his position he could survive the pain because he was used to the suffering in his cursed life from such a young age.

Then Zain's eyes opened, he fixed his stare at the ceiling of the room. His eyes were vacant devoid of emotion.

Adam sighed softly, he doesn't want to see his brother like this...reduced to a broken man. The more he wanted to transfer his power to him so that he can see again the vigor and strength in his brother's face and return the spark of life in his eyes. He can never return Jessy to his brother then at least he can return something to him and that will be his power, all of it. He is willing to live, a mortal man without power as long he can bring back the old Zain, it's the least he can do for his brother.

There's a problem though...

His parents and Jessy won't agree with him giving up his power for Zain.

He will try to convince Jessy as long she will agree his parents' can not do anything to stop him. It's useless to have great power while one of your family members is suffering because of it. The burning desire to transfer all his power to his brother to make it up for his betrayal in loving Jessy is now reaching a fever pitch. He thought that after Zain will get his power back he can learn to forgive him and let go of Jessy as well. But before he will transfer all his power to his brother he must convince him to let go of Jessy first, he can give up his power but he can never give up the woman he loves so much.

After reaching a decision, he and his sister Princess Abigail exited the room.

"Abigail, go back to your room now, I'm going to talk to Jessy before I go back to my condo," Adam said.

"Brother, can you bring me to your place? I want to see what's it's like?" she said with childlike curiosity in her eyes.

"Some other time... okay?" Adam said. "Go now."

"Okay. Goodnight brother," Princess Abigail said and sauntered quietly into the hallway heading to her room.

Adam watched his sister entered her room.

He teleported into Jessy's room. He found her sleeping soundly in her bed, he decided not to wake her up and let her sleep peacefully. He will just talk to her about his decision in transferring all his power to his brother tomorrow morning.

Yawning, Adam climbs into the bed and lie down beside Jessy, he embraced her lovingly from behind. "I love you so much, Jess!" he murmured into her ears, she's not responding, she was indeed in a deep sleep.

Adam shuts off his eyes and forced himself to sleep.

Yet, his mind won't allow him to fall asleep easily. His subconscious was actively thinking of the process of transferring all his power to his brother, he was thinking of the pros and cons, to hell with the prophecy of creating new powerful vampire race! he doesn't give a damn about it, what matters the most for him right now is that he can bring back the zest of life in his brother's eyes.

One reason why he doesn't like to visit his family much in the Facility 'coz he was not comfortable seeing his brother due to his overpowering guilt. Until now they never have a serious talk with each other. When he saw his brother's pathetic condition earlier he was tempted to talk to him but his sister was present in the room so he doesn't want to pursue it.

But now that his sister was already back in her room, who can prevent him from going back into Zain's room and talk to him?

No one...

He was peering at Jessy's face, she's still sleeping soundly.


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He was about to rose from the bed but that was also the moment Jessy opened her eyelids.

"'re back...where are you going?" she asked in a sleepy voice, she reached for his hand and pulled him back into the bed beside her. "Let's sleep..." she closed her eyes again.

Adam scratches his head, he wants to talk to his brother now!

When he tried to rise again from the bed...Jessy's hands pulled him back into the bed.

"Where are you going?" she asked and looked at him in the eyes.

"I'm going to the bathroom, nature's call," he lied.

"Okay go ahead," Jessy said and let go of his hand.

Adam scrambled from the bed and went to the bathroom. He planned to stay there for up to ten minutes hoping that when he goes out of the bathroom she was sleeping again.

Ten minutes later...

Adam exited the bathroom, dang! He saw that Jessy was already sitting in the bed combing her long hair with her fingers, she looked at him trying to stifle her yawn.

"Did you see your brother?" she suddenly asked.

Adam nodded his head. "I saw him but I didn't have the chance to talk to him, he looks pathetic Jess," he said sadly.

Jessy sighed deeply. She can see a wide array of emotions flashing on Adam's face, two of them she can identify... guilt and pity.

"Yeah... he looks so miserable inside that room," she agreed, then she yawned again covering her mouth with her hands, she smiled at Adam. "You want to talk about your brother? I'm all talk while I listen," she offered.

Adam shook his head. "Nah, let's just sleep, we will talk tomorrow morning," he said upon seeing that Jessy was fighting her sleepiness so that he can have someone to talk to.

He lies down beside her spooning her. "Go back to sleep, Jess," he said.

Jessy beamed and sunk deeper into Adam's heavenly embrace.

"I love you, Jess!" he said.

"I love you ten times more," she responded with a giggle.

"Goodnight, sleep tight," he whispered into her ears.

"Sweet dreams, Adam," she murmured and closed her eyes loving the luxurious feel of his body pressing hot on her back.

One hour later...Adam and Jessy fell into a deep slumber.