The Last Embrace

Chapter 149 Mission Accomplished!

Dammit! Captain Mercado swore profanities while staring at the two empty attache case above the table, it was attached with a tracker device, if the masked men took the attache case with them his men will be able to track down the hideout where they hide the other girl.

Captain Mercado went to the girl's side. "Can you walk, Miss?" he asked.

"Yes," the girl nodded weakly.

"Let's get out of here!" Captain Mercado said. He picked up the two empty attache cases, then he turns around and moved towards the entrance.

The two men helped the girl to her feet and they walked by her side holding her arms assisting her, they followed the captain.

When Captain Mercado pushed the door opened it won't budge no matter how hard he tried, that only means one thing they were padlocked inside by the masked men.

Dammit! he kicked the door hard.

One of the men went to the wall on the right side and began kicking the crumbling wall, Captain Mercado joined in, soon enough they were able to make a crack in the wooden wall, with one last hard kick, the wooden wall crumbled down with a gaping hole, wide enough for one person to get out.

Captain Mercado gets out of the hole first...

"I will check the vicinity first," he said. He walked around the warehouse and saw no one guarding the place. He went back to the hole on the wall and signaled his men that it's now safe to come outside.

The men assisted the girl in getting out of the warehouse safely.

They went to the entrance of the warehouse to get inside the car and leave the place immediately, unfortunately, both tires of the vehicle were flat, which means before the masked men left the area they intentionally flattened the tires so that Captain Mercado and his men can't go after them.

Jessy was watching the captain and his men below her, she stared at the flat tires of the van.

"What we're gonna do, Sir?" one of the men asked.

"Let's wait here for the arrival of our back up, they will arrive soon."

They get the girl settled comfortably inside the van while waiting for the rescue team to arrive.

Captain Mercado roamed his eyes around the area, it's just cornfields everywhere as far as his eyes can see.

He was wondering where did the kidnappers go since he doesn't see a single vehicle parked at the entrance of the warehouse when they arrived earlier, and when the kidnappers vacated the place he was not able to hear any sounds of vehicles leaving the area as well, where did they go? The captain's brows drew together in confusion.

Thirty minutes later, the backup finally arrived, they all got out of the vehicles and secure the perimeters.

"Have you seen the masked men pass by on the area where you are hiding guys?"

The leader of the men shook his head. "No Sir, we didn't see or hear any vehicles passing the area of our responsibility," he answered.

Captain Mercado's brows furrowed in bafflement. So, his suspicion was right, the masked men didn't use any vehicles to get away from the warehouse.

But they certainly arrived in vehicles, there is only one way to find out, he walked to the car and asked the girl. "Miss, when you arrived here with your kidnappers, you walk by foot or you were aboard the vehicle?"

"We're aboard a running vehicle," she answered.

"Thank you, Miss," he said and walked away from the van and continues inspecting the endless cornfields in front of him. The kidnappers left the warehouse by foot and they were traveling in the cornfields right now which is a dangerous path for his men to follow, it's not worth pursuing what's waiting in the dark out there. Besides the Colonel specifically instructed them not to make any noise unless the two girls were already returned safe, they only rescued one girl so girl to go...they just have to wait for the time that the kidnappers will demand the 2nd installment, and then rescue the girls and finished the mission in one go.

"Let's go men!" Captain Mercado commanded upon seeing that his men had already finished replacing the flat tires with new ones.

Jessy hovered in the air.

The four vehicles were now leaving the warehouse.

Jessy muses, well...nothing bad happened tonight, one girl was rescued successfully and the girls' parents were now 10 million dollars poorer while making the kidnappers 10 million dollars richer. Hmm, the way the money quickly changed its ownership is kind of horrifying, what if the lawless people will keep kidnapping rich man's children just to have a taste of that million-dollar ransom money? The rich people will never have peace of mind living in this world, that would be the era that being poor or average income citizens is the ideal way to go than being rich. In this current society that rich become richer and poor become poorer, some desperate hungry people would do anything for money, when so much wealth was given to only a few individuals while the rest of the humanity was struggling to earn a living, there will be chaos in the long run.

Jessy squeezed her eyes shut, not exactly a bright future to look forward to...but who cares...what really matters for her is the present, the future can take care of itself.

Jessy was thinking of the other girl, will the captain and his men successfully rescue the remaining girl in captivity? Well... the only way to find out is to accompany the captain and his men on their next mission to rescue the other girl.

But since she might not be around during the 2nd operation, she just wishes the captain and his men lots of good luck.

Jessy was no longer following the military men back into the camp for the girl's happy reunion with her parents. It's enough for her that no bloodshed happened today during the rescue operation. It's now time for her to return to her bed in the Facility and sleep.

She teleported into the Facility, right inside her room. She quickly discarded her clothes and changed into her pajama, then jumped into the bed shutting her eyes for a much-needed sleep. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.