The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 98: 97. Task list (Second update please subscribe!)

Chapter 98 97, task list (subscribe for the second update!)

   Rorschach did not intervene in these things.

  Because no matter it is Dreykov’s daughter, her identity information is not among the female agents, and other high-level members of the Red House, these people are obviously not among the ranks that need to be rescued.

   Wait until the controlled female agent leaves the red house and Sky Fortress by plane.

   Luo Xia asked Tian Luo to evacuate from the control center of the red house, and then his eyes shot out two fiery rays of light, which completely shattered this magnificent sky fortress on the physical level.

   "Ding, complete the side mission \'Red House\', the host has destroyed the red house, rescued the remaining female agents, and rewarded 30,000 mission points."

  After completing the task, Luo Xia heard the system prompt that the credits will be credited.

  Character attributes:

   Lineage: Kryptonian Lineage

  Level: LV4

   Additional attributes: none

   Skills: Man of Steel, Bio-Force Field, Super Strength, Super Speed...

  Mission points: 1532930

   During this period of time, Rorschach completed daily and liver tasks, and accumulated a total of more than 1.5 million points.

   To upgrade the Kryptonian blood from LV4 to LV5 requires 10 million points.

   Don\'t look at the fact that 10 million points sounds scary. In the list of Rorschach\'s tasks, there are still a few tasks with large amounts of points that have not been completed.

   "Sub-quest \'Heavenly Sword Bureau Director\', the host directly or indirectly controls the Heavenly Sword Bureau and becomes the actual person in power, rewarding 500,000 mission points."

"Submission \'Earth Star Fleet\', build a powerful Earth Star Fleet, including no less than two mothership-class sky battleships, no less than 12 star destroyers, no less than 20 frigates, reward task points 2,000,000 point."

   "For the side mission \'Interstellar Diplomat\', the host establishes diplomatic relations with alien civilizations on behalf of the earth. Diplomatic relations are divided into friendly covenants, affiliated civilizations, colonies, etc. For each additional civilization that establishes diplomatic relations, 1,000,000 mission points will be rewarded."


   In addition, there are massacre **** group, life-killing court, etc. These rewards are also ridiculously high.

   Of course, the difficulty is also very high.

  Taking the massacre group of gods as an example, Rorschach feels that at present, the most promising one to kill is the still-infant **** Tiamu.

   The task points for slaughtering the gods are determined according to the strength of the gods.

  The weakest has more than one million points, and the strongest has tens of millions.

  However, if Rorschach kills the **** Tiamu, it is estimated that the **** group will descend on the earth on a large scale. Rorschach does not want to confront the **** group yet.

   "Let\'s start with some recent tasks, such as massacring the gods group, life court, etc., and we\'ll talk about it later."

   Rorschach shook his head and stopped paying attention to the task list.

  The later the task, the higher the score, but the difficulty is relatively higher.

   Except for those relatively demanding tasks, Rorschach actually only needs to complete the first few major tasks step by step, and it won’t take long to accumulate enough points to upgrade the Kryptonian bloodline.

   "If you can\'t kill the Celestial Group, then kill the Eternals and Mutants first."

  In the task list, there is no task about killing the Eternal Race and the Mutant Race. It may be that this kind of task is relatively simple and cannot be ranked at all, and it may need to be close to trigger it.

  Generally, those that automatically appear in the task list are basically large task rewards.

   Those below 200,000 rarely appear automatically. These are passively triggered based on Rorschach\'s experience.

  After finishing the red house, Rorschach began to think about his next goal.

   After a few days.

  Helen Zhao researched the antidote for the female agent, and first released Dreykov\'s control over Yelena.

  The female agents of the Red House scattered all over the world also arrived at the Osborne Group one after another, and all of them were injected with the antidote to regain their self-awareness.

  Norman Osborn offered them a job as a special forces soldier.

  Most people chose to stay. They should have been homeless orphans. A small number of people chose to leave. They wanted to find their relatives.

   On the S.H.I.E.L.D. side, the black widow Natasha heard about this and came to the Osborne Group for the first time and met her long-lost sister Yelena.

  After Rorschach destroyed the red house.

  The parliamentary elections in various countries of the Tianjian Bureau have been much calmer, at least there have been no more bizarre deaths of candidates for election.

Norman Osborn and Sitwell worked closely together. Not only the number of members of the United States Federation of Representatives can be booked in advance, but also the seats of other countries are basically settled. The position of director of the Heavenly Sword Bureau.

   And Norman Osborn is loyal to Rorschach, and the task of the system\'s "Heavenly Sword Director" can be successfully completed.

   At that time, the 500,000 task points will be at your fingertips.



  A peaceful small town.

  A group of five tall and mighty Chevrolet Saabs lined up, drove on the streets of the town, and finally stopped at the door of a small garden house.

  In this garden, two dark-skinned men are playing American football with a little boy.

The Chevrolet headed by    opened the door first, and a small bald man with glasses stepped down from it.

   This little bald head is naturally the current director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Sitwell, who is disguised as Fobole.

  Following Sitwell out of the car, there were Crossbones Rumlow in steel armor and a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. super agents.

   "We are Fobole, Fastos, you are suspected of a terrorist attack, please come with us."

  Sitwell showed Fobole\'s ID.

  S.H.I.E.L.D. works outside, and likes to use the name of Fobole the most. This time to capture the Eternal Race Fastos hiding among the civilians, it is natural to use the identity of Fobole to capture the other party.

  The black and fat Fastos looked solemnly at Sitwell and other S.H.I.E.L.D. super agents.

   But Fastos\' same-sex partner and the little boy couldn\'t understand, and the two of them kept Fastos behind.

"It must be a mistake. We are law-abiding and good citizens. It is absolutely impossible to have anything to do with any terrorist attack. Unless you come up with evidence, I will call the police!" The black man angrily scolded Sitwell road.

Sitwell sneered, looked at Heipang behind him, and said, "Fastos, don\'t they know your identity yet? Do you think you can really live as an ordinary person by pretending to be an ordinary person? "

  After hearing Sitwell\'s rambling words, the fat black Fastos\' face changed.

  He asked in disbelief, "What are you talking about?"

"You know what I\'m talking about, we have fully grasped the evidence of your alleged terrorist attack, immediately surrender and follow us, you have the right to remain silent, but everything you say will become evidence in court. "

  The terrorist attack mentioned by Sitwell naturally refers to the birth of the **** Tiamu to destroy the earth.

   This is a terrorist attack that threatens the lives of seven billion people on Earth.

  While speaking, Sitwell waved at Crossbones, and Crossbones immediately led the super agents of SHIELD to catch Fastos.

   At this moment, the little boy hugged Crossbones\' thighs, desperately preventing Crossbones from capturing his \'father\'.

   "Go away, you are not allowed to catch my father, go away!"

  Crossbones never knew how to deal with children, he just raised his leg and pushed the little boy who was hugging his thigh out.

   "Stay away from my kids!"

  Another black man stepped forward to help the little boy who had fallen to the ground. He rushed forward angrily and stretched out his hands and violently pushed the crossbones, "You have no right to enter my house, let alone my family."

  But Crossbones is wearing a steel battle armor and has been injected with physical enhancement potions to become a super soldier. How can an ordinary person be able to promote it.

   Instead of pushing the crossbones, the black man was thrown to the ground by himself.

"These two people are suspected of obstructing official duties. It is not ruled out that they are the accomplices of this terrorist, and they will be taken away together." Sitwell was impatient to entangle these civilians, and now he wanted to complete the task ordered by Rorschach and arrest this fat black man. Fastos went back to S.H.I.E.L.D.


  PS: The setting of the Eternals is based on the movie. Some readers may not have seen this movie, so let me explain that there is a plot in this movie that is about the black Eternals kneeling down and confessing to Hiroshima. This plot is really disgusting, so the Eternals have to kill one.

  (end of this chapter)