The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 95: 94. talent

Chapter 95 94, talent

  Looking at Baron Mordo who was following Wanda, his eyes were a little dull, as if he had seen something incredible.

  Master Gu Yi still had a calm expression.

  Rorschach was suddenly curious, and he asked, "Master Guyi, how long did it take Wanda to learn the portal?"

  Master Gu Yi smiled, and replied: "It took about 20 seconds from the beginning of teaching to her learning, and she succeeded on the first attempt."

   "Twenty seconds...Master Gu Yi, do you want to consider accepting Wanda as your closed disciple?"

  Rorschach thought for a while, he remembered that in the original plot, it seemed that Doctor Strange took three days to learn.

   Of course, this is not to say that Doctor Strange is less talented than Wanda.

  At that time, Doctor Strange was going through a trough in his life. He broke his hands and broke up with his girlfriend. In addition, he has always believed in science. After seeing the existence of magic, his three views also suffered a great impact.

  Therefore, at the beginning of Doctor Strange\'s cultivation, he didn\'t give full play to his talent at all.

  Master Gu Yi understood what Rorschach meant.

   Letting her accept Wanda as a closed disciple means that Wanda will inherit the title of supreme mage after the death of the ancient one.

  To be honest, Master Ancient One did have such a slight heartbeat.

  However, Mage Ancient One is a person who is accustomed to following the guidance of fate. In the future, Doctor Strange Steve Strange is destined to become the Supreme Mage. Ancient One does not want to change his fate.

  It’s like Gu Yi knew that he would die at the hands of Casillas, but still chose to face death instead of changing the ending.

   "Wanda\'s talent is extraordinary, maybe it won\'t be long before I have nothing to teach her." Master Gu Yi politely refused.

   "That\'s a shame."

  Rorschach sighed helplessly. If Wanda can inherit the Supreme Mage, Wanda is one of her own, and if she wants the Time Stone, it will not be a matter of saying a word.

  In this way, it will be a bit troublesome to get six infinite gems.

  However, you can try to collect them in other parallel universes at that time. Infinity gems are not only useful in this universe. When Ultron with six infinite gems fights with the Observer, the two-person battlefield sweeps countless parallel universes.

  After all, infinite gems have existed since the birth of the universe, and the six infinite gems can be regarded as the embodiment of the rules of the universe.

  As long as the universe is not destroyed, the Infinity Stones will always work.

However, in Loki\'s plot, there is a Time Management Bureau in a special time and space. In this special time and space, the power of the multiverse cannot penetrate in. Therefore, the Infinity Stones naturally lose all power here and can only be used by Exists as a normal stone for a paperweight.

  In addition to the infinite gems, there is also a more powerful heart of the universe, which can also be used as the source of Rorschach\'s magical power.

  The heart of the universe is called the incomplete power of OAA, and the holder\'s power can surpass the life court.

  Of course, these are things for later.

  Afterwards, Wanda opened the portal to the Osborne Group in New York. For a period of time, Wanda went to Karma Taj every day to learn magic.

  The knowledge system of magic is extremely huge. Although Wanda is extremely talented, she does not have Rorschach\'s super speed and super brain after all, so she can only follow the instructions of the Ancient One step by step.

   In the next period of time, Rorschach still went to Karma Taj with Wanda.

  Although Rorschach has memorized most of the magic knowledge, magic knowledge is different from scientific knowledge. There are many mysterious and complicated aspects of magic knowledge. You need to consult the Ancient One to understand.


  In the evening, Rorschach and Wanda finished their day of magic learning.

  After studying magic at Karma Taj during this period, Wanda has basically mastered her own chaos magic, and can cast most of the basic magic.

  As for those higher-level magic, further practice is required.

  For a magician\'s practice, his spiritual power is the most important point. There are not many shortcuts to improve his spiritual power. He must meditate every day to enhance his spiritual power.

  Of course, Wanda\'s magical talent is extremely high. It only took a few months to achieve the achievement that ordinary mages can only achieve in a few years, or even more than ten years.

"Mr. Luo Xia, the ancient master said that I have mastered most of the magic, and I can learn at home from tomorrow. I also want to join the ranks of superheroes like Pietro." Wanda opened the portal, and Luo Xia Xia returned to New York together.

   "Superhero, to tell you the truth, the criminals in New York have been almost solved by Pietro, Spiderman, and Iron Man. These days, it is not easy to be a criminal!" Rorschach shook his head and said.

  The crime rate in New York City used to be extremely high, and various gangsters and criminal organizations emerged in endlessly.

  Especially on the west coast of Manhattan Island, New York, an area known as Hell\'s Kitchen, where criminals are rampant to an unimaginable level.

  However, in just one year, the crime rates in the respective jurisdictions of Spider-Man and Iron Man plummeted. In desperation, they could only turn their targets to Hell\'s Kitchen.

  Especially the addition of Kuaiyin Pietro.

  Pietro possessed super speed, and ordinary criminals had no time to react, so he was handcuffed by Pietro, and sent to the police station with stolen goods.

   There is a gangster named Jin Bin in the New York underworld, who set a trap and successfully captured him, and tried to kill Spider-Man.

   Just at the critical moment, the Osborne Group dispatched a group of Terminator Legion and Super Warrior Legion to cleanse the gold overnight and form a gang, and the mighty gangster disappeared from this world.

  As the crime rate decreases, those media that specialize in reporting on superheroes, such as the New York Times, the Daily Bugle and other newspaper media, feel that the sales of newspapers have decreased significantly.

  The days are getting worse.

  The boss of the Daily Bugle, Jonah Jameson, even publicly reprimanded the criminals in New York, saying that they were too disappointing, that they did not have the professionalism that criminals should have, and that their ability to withstand pressure was too poor.

  How can you be afraid of those superheroes?

   He even called on all criminals to unite and fight superheroes to the end.

   "Then there are other countries. Now that I have learned the portal, I can reach any place on this planet in an instant." Wanda argued unconvinced.

  Who said superheroes can only guard one place.

   "That\'s true, it\'s time to expand the scope of superhero business." Rorschach agreed with Wanda.

  Restricted by geographical factors in the past, crimes occurred in many places. Before the superheroes rushed there, those criminals had already fled.

   Now that Wanda has joined, no matter what major events happen around the world, she can open the portal as soon as possible.

  According to this idea, Rorschach really wants the mages of Karma Taj to join the ranks of superheroes. Even if they don\'t come out to show their faces, it would be good to open the portal for the superhero team in the rear.

  Hearing that Rorschach recognized her words, Wanda asked excitedly: "Then I can also become a superhero. Pietro\'s code name is Quicksilver, so what code name should I use?"

   "How about Scarlet Witch?" Rorschach said without thinking.

   "Scarlet Witch...I love that codename."

Wanda looked at Rorschach with a smile on her face. At this moment, she suddenly stood on tiptoe and pecked Rorschach\'s face, then quickly lowered her head and said in a very small voice, "Thank you, Mr. Rorschach. "

   After speaking, without waiting for Rorschach to react, Wanda ran out with a blushing face.

  Rorschach stood where he was, watching Wanda\'s leaving back, and subconsciously reached out and touched his cheek.

what is this…

  I am the majestic **** of the world, but I was kissed by someone?

   Can I bear this?

   "Wanda..." Rorschach called softly.

  Ahead, Wanda paused, and turned around slowly. The next second, a black figure appeared in front of Wanda, stretched out his hand, and gently embraced Wanda\'s weak and boneless waist.

  An invisible biological force field enveloped Wanda\'s whole body. In the next second, Rorschach soared into the sky and flew into the night sky with Wanda.

  Looking up, you can see the stars all over the sky, and looking down, you can see the brightly lit New York City.

   While Wanda was still in shock, Rorschach took Wanda\'s small face with his other hand, aimed at Wanda\'s rosy lips, and kissed her directly.

  (end of this chapter)