The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 89: 88, Dr. Pym

Chapter 89 88, Dr. Pym

  Tony Stark is not a full-time researcher.

  While studying Chitauri technology, Tony will continue to play Iron Man, continue to save the world, and there will be a few days every month to deal with his own company\'s affairs.

  Iron Man is more important than life to Tony.

  When Tony Stark was poisoned by the palladium element last year, it was obvious that as long as he took off the iron suit, the speed of the palladium element poisoning could be greatly slowed down, but Tony would rather die wearing the iron suit than live without taking off the iron suit.

   Therefore, Tony expressed deep dissatisfaction with his increased workload.

   "Don\'t get excited, Tony, I\'ll find you a new partner."

Rorschach grabbed Tony by the shoulder, pushed him onto the sofa, and said, "We will continue to recruit researchers. I got the news from S.H.I.E.L.D. that the space carrier of Chitauri\'s core part Technology will be handed over to us for research."

   Speaking of Chitauri\'s space carrier, Tony\'s eyes lit up.

  As the world\'s top genius, why doesn\'t he want to study the alien space carrier.

  However, the alien mothership is the biggest spoil of war in this war.

   The ownership of this big cake is naturally the most fiercely contested.

  However, after the end of the Chitauri annihilation war, all countries are competing for Chitauri technology. Although the United Nations released the news that it will form a Tianjian Bureau, it will represent all countries on the earth to research alien technology.

   Now I suddenly heard Rorschach talking about how to keep Tony from getting excited.

   "That space carrier, this is really big news, but just recruit researchers, and those kids you\'re looking for who haven\'t even grown their hair, might as well go on stage in person."

Tony finally expressed his reason for coming: "Rorschach, why don\'t you come and help me research together, I believe that with the ability of the two of us, let alone the project in hand, even if it is the space carrier, we are not here Next."

  Tony Stark has an arrogant personality, and not many people can admire him.

  Even a genius like Bruce Banner can barely be treated equally by Tony, not to mention admiration.

   And Rorschach\'s ability in scientific research is something that Tony admires from the bottom of his heart.

  Regarding Tony\'s invitation, Rorschach smiled and shook his head: "My main focus is still on the research of the Rubik\'s Cube, please believe me, you are absolutely satisfied with the partner I found for you."

   "Well, why don\'t I believe it!"

Tony curled his lips and said unceremoniously: "Most of the well-known scientists now come to Osborne Group to work for you, even if they have not become your employees, they have signed some cooperation terms, and the rest, They are the ones who explicitly rejected you! Although there are some real geniuses among them, they don\'t seem to want to cooperate with you."

   "You discovered all of this, I didn\'t expect you to know quite a lot."

  Rorschach said with a smile: "But there is one person, I think he is very suitable. Although he rejected the solicitation of the Osborne Group, I have the confidence to persuade him and change his mind."

   "Who?" Tony also became interested and asked.

   Rorschach directly said a name: "Hank Pym."

   "Gift Crab..."

  Tony subconsciously said a dirty word: "Did you do it on purpose? Don\'t you know that that guy has a big feud with my father?"

  About 1989, Howard Stark copied Pym particles without permission from Dr. Pym. After Dr. Pym found out, Dr. Pym angrily quit S.H.I.E.L.D.

   "I\'ve probably heard about the grievances between your father and Dr. Pym, but what does this have to do with me?" Rorschach asked back.

Tony shrugged: "Pym is a stubborn old man. He thinks that people all over the world will steal his Pym particles. You can\'t convince him. In addition, the Osborne Group and Stark Industries have publicly expressed their cooperation, unless You drive me out of the team, otherwise Hank Pym will just ask you to leave the first time he sees you."

   "I won\'t drive anyone away, Tony, the Pym particle is one of the greatest inventions of this era, and it is also the key to unlocking the quantum realm. I will try it no matter what." Rorschach said.

   "Whatever, say, when did you become interested in the Quantum Realm?" Tony asked.

   "An hour ago." Rorschach replied.

  After Dr. Banner asked for leave, Rorschach was thinking about how to persuade Dr. Pym to join his team.

  Dr. Pym and his wife, Wasp, were on a mission to stop the Hydra missile decades ago. In order to enter the interior of the missile, his wife used Pym particles to continuously shrink herself to the subatomic level.

  Although the Wasp finally managed to enter the interior of the missile and prevented the missile from launching, she was also lost in the quantum realm.

  If Rorschach can help Dr. Pym and rescue his wife trapped in the quantum realm, it is naturally possible to persuade Dr. Pym to join his scientific research team.

  So, Rorschach spent an hour learning about quantum physics in today\'s scientific field.

  Tony Stark looked at his watch, he stood up, "I have to go, anyway, I don\'t care who you are looking for, in short, you have to arrange a partner for me."

   After speaking, Tony left Rorschach\'s office.

   Rorschach yawned, besides Hank Pym, he actually has another candidate list, that is Princess Shuri of Wakanda.

   That one is also a genius scientist.

  However, Wakanda is relatively wary of outsiders. This is like a poor household who suddenly dug out a gold mine at home, and quickly closed the door to play with himself to prevent outsiders from discovering that they have a gold mine.

  Compared to Wakanda\'s vibration gold mine, Rorschach actually wants to get the Uru metal mine in the dwarf kingdom.

   That is a metal that can fuse magic. If Rorschach wants to create a fusion of magic and technology, there is a high probability that Ulu metal will be used.

   Without further ado, Rorschach was going to find Dr. Pym immediately.


  New York, a villa area on Long Island.

  A white-haired old man sat on a recliner by the fireplace in the living room, flipping through the latest New York Times.

  This white-haired old man is naturally Hank Pym.

"Stark Industries and the Osborne Group are actually engaged in alien technology. The world is really getting more and more crazy." When Dr. Pym spoke, his sharp eyes were fixed on the huge outer space in the newspaper. star ship.

  As a top contemporary scientist, Dr. Pym naturally wants to see alien technology.

  Even when the Osborne Group sent him a recruitment invitation, Dr. Pym was shaken for a moment.

  However, he was very clear why these people invited him, especially when he heard that Stark Industries and the Osborne Group announced their cooperation, Dr. Pym became more certain of his conjecture.

   It must be for his own Pym particles again.

  According to the ability of Pym particles to shrink and enlarge objects, this is of great help in assisting the research of alien technology.

  These people must be aiming at the Pym particles.

  With the lessons learned from Howard Stark’s private copying of Pym particles, Dr. Pym is worried that once his Pym particle technology is leaked, the world will definitely be messed up by those crazy people.

  Darren Klaus, a student of Dr. Pym, wanted to use Pym particles for commercial and military purposes, which directly caused Dr. Pym and his students to fall out, and eventually left the Pym Technology Company he founded.

  Just as Dr. Pym thought more and more angrily, his doorbell rang at this moment.

   "Who is here, Hope, take a look, if it\'s a salesman, just drive away... Hope?"

  Dr. Pym yelled upstairs a few times, but after finding that no one was paying attention to him, Dr. Pym remembered that his daughter had quarreled with him and had already moved out.


  Dr. Pym sighed, and the doorbell rang again, which made him stand up from the recliner in a state of distraught, and walked towards the door.

  (end of this chapter)