The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 64: 64. Pre-war preparations (2)

Chapter 64 64, Pre-war preparations (2)

   Regarding the news that the Chitauri are about to invade, the attitudes of the five major powers are different.

   There are main battles, and there are more pessimistic ones.

But no matter what the attitude is, it is better to let the high-level of this world know the existence of the alien invasion civilization in advance than in the original plot. Facing the sudden invasion of the Chitauri army, the high-level of the US Federation has no time to respond and can only hastily The decision to launch a nuclear bomb was issued.

  This is the irresponsibility of the high-level US federal government to the people, and it is also a manifestation of its incompetence.

  If a world can only rely on a group of superheroes to save the world, and everyone else does nothing, then the world is probably hopeless.

   This is what Rorschach is trying to avoid.

   Osborne Group.

  With Sitwell\'s endorsement in front of President Aoguanhai, the orders of the Osborne Group\'s physical enhancement potions and Terminator robots have doubled again.

  All production lines are overloaded and cannot supply enough products on time.

   As a result, the US Federation gave the green light to assist the Osborne Group to expand its production line again to meet the upcoming war.

  Rorschach was sitting in the office, but his eyes were inspecting the entire production line of the Osborne Group.

  Looking at the 24-hour continuous, full-speed production lines, every assembled Terminator robot will be incorporated into the intelligent network of the Tianluo artificial system.

  Tianluo artificial intelligence is a super artificial intelligence far beyond this era.

  In the entire map of the interstellar civilization, only the supreme wisdom of the Cree civilization can compete with Rorschach\'s Tianluo artificial intelligence system.

  The other side of the Rubik\'s Cube.

  Sitwell borrowed the Cosmic Rubik\'s Cube and handed it over to the President, and then returned it to Rorschach on the grounds of continuing to study the Cosmic Rubik\'s Cube.

  In the Osborne Group, the Cosmos Cube Research Center.

  Led by Dr. Savage, Dr. Banner, and Dr. Octopus, a group of extremely intelligent researchers were formed to analyze the mysteries of the Rubik\'s Cube in the universe in all aspects.

   This also provides a theoretical basis for Rorschach to create weapons of infinite gems in the future.

  Rorschach holds the spiritual scepter in his hand, and carefully perceives the energy emitted by the spiritual scepter.

  The spiritual scepter is a magical scepter. Although it is a product of magic, Rorschach still analyzes the spiritual scepter from a scientific perspective.

  Whether it is the Infinity Gloves on the magic side or the Iron Man Nano Gloves on the technology side, both of them can be regarded as converters for the energy of Infinity Gems.

  Rorschach looked at the mind scepter in his hand. The moment he grasped the scepter tightly, Rorschach\'s mind used the scepter as a medium to connect with the mind gem, prying into the power of the mind gem.

  Even Loki, the evil god, only used the spiritual scepter superficially, without in-depth perception of the core existence of the scepter.

  A large amount of information poured into Rorschach\'s mind through the scepter like a flood breaking a bank.

  Rorschach has a super brain, and it is natural to handle such a massive amount of information with ease.

  "Magic, in fact, is to express objective truth with another system different from science..."

   "Magic runes and spells, like scientific expressions..."

  Rorschach tried to understand and analyze the process of the spiritual scepter transforming the energy of the spiritual gem.

  However, Rorschach has only superficially grasped how to use the spiritual scepter, but he doesn\'t understand the profound meaning of the magic runes hidden in the scepter.

   "Perhaps, I should learn magic systematically. Compared with the physical resistance of Kryptonian blood, magic has always been a shortcoming of Kryptonians. If I can master the power of magic, I may make up for this shortcoming."

   Rorschach was thinking about the feasibility of this idea.

  In the Marvel universe, the source of power for many mages is a specific thing.

  The Ancient One mage stole the power of Dormammu\'s dark dimension.

   Doctor Strange\'s source of magic is Visandi.

  The Scarlet Witch\'s Chaos magic originated from Hisos, the **** of black magic.

  Then the question is, can infinity gems be used as a source of magic?

  The power of infinite gems is inexhaustible, and there is no need to worry about the problem of backlash. Since the weapons on the magic side can transform the energy of infinite gems, it may not be impossible to use infinite gems as the source of magic.

   Of course, with the power of the Infinity Stone as the source of magic, this form is very different from weapons like the Infinity Gauntlet.

   The Infinity Gauntlet is to help the wearer, use the power of the Infinity Stone.

   What Rorschach wants to achieve is to use the infinite gem energy of the infinite gem to cast thousands of magic.

   "Learning magic... It seems that I have to find time to go to Karma Taj, or go to Asgard to find Queen Frigg."

   To learn magic, you need to have magic talent.

  Although Rorschach doesn\'t know if he has magic talent, even if he doesn\'t, as long as he can analyze the principle of magic operation, maybe Rorschach can create a set of converters between magic runes and technological logic.

   Once this idea is realized, the power of magic can be interpreted scientifically.

  Even people without magical talent can cast magic, combine technology and magic to create magic technology.


   After a period of time, the United States ushered in a brief peace.

Compared with the endless big news before, the recent news headlines are only that a certain bank was robbed, and then the friendly neighbor Spider-Man helped the police catch the robber, or a terrorist organization appeared in a certain area, and Iron Man was alone Just wiped out the opponent.

  However, in this peaceful day, someone noticed that the whole world seemed to be shrouded in a depressive atmosphere.

  Led by the five hegemony countries, military exercises have been continuously carried out in the near future, and many cities are holding air defense and refuge drills.

   Many people with keen minds began to speculate, is there going to be a war? !

this day.

  Rorschach received a report from Sitwell that the armed forces of the five major powers are ready and ready to join the battle at any time.

  Based on Rorschach\'s understanding of the plot and Loki\'s control of the spiritual scepter, provide the most authentic information about the Chitauri army.

  The Chitauri army that appeared in the Battle of New York in the original plot is just the vanguard of their entire force, and there is also a legend who is a close friend of Lord Thanos who secretly commanded the Chitauri army!

  It\'s normal to think about it, how could Thanos completely trust the space carrier Templar-1 to the Chitauri?

  Whether it\'s the confidant of Thanos or the space carrier Temple One, these Rorschach will personally take action.

  As for the other miscellaneous soldiers and the Leviathan starry sky behemoth, these can be completely handed over to the Earth Alliance, as well as superheroes such as Thor.

   After 24 hours of continuous rotation during this period, the Terminator robot production line has provided sufficient troops for this war.

  Moreover, physical enhancement potions and Terminator robots are not only supplied to the United States Federation, but several other major hegemony countries have also come to place orders.

  In order to save transportation costs, Huaguo took the lead in building a Terminator robot manufacturing plant. For this reason, Rorschach specially returned to the motherland to discuss this matter with the responsible leaders and give the greatest discount.

  The pre-war preparations for the five major overlords are ready. This is the first war with an alien civilization in human history. Naturally, the people on Earth must unite and show the demeanor of the earth.

   What I talked about a few days ago might not be on the list of Sanjiang, but it turned out that it was really not on the list, so sad! I feel a little ashamed of the readers who have voted these days. There are too many gods in recent issues, and there are groups of death. Although I know it in my heart, I still have a little bit of expectation in my heart. Now that my expectations have come to nothing, the editor told me that it will be on the shelves at 12 o\'clock in the morning on May 1st. The leader of No. 30 company asked me to be on duty. I have to ask for leave. Post ten chapters on the shelves, begging for support!



  (end of this chapter)