The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 6: 6. Norman Osborn

Chapter 6 6, Norman Osborn

   "It\'s a pity that this perfect super soldier serum is good, I don\'t need it at all."

  Rorschach sighed. Thanks to his \'steel body\' characteristics, he didn\'t need it at all, and it was difficult to inject himself with other serums.

   If you have your own power in the future, you can use the perfect super soldier serum to train your subordinates.

  Continue to look down.

  Seeing the latter section, a lot of black technology began to appear in the system mall.

  For example, Mark 1 to Mark 85 of Iron Man, a full set of armor design drawings.

   "It\'s amazing my brother, Iron Man\'s full set of armor design drawings, the current timeline, Iron Man Tony Stark just started to develop the Mark 5 suitcase armor, right?"

  Rorschach suddenly thought very viciously, if he exchanged for a Mark 85 nanometer steel suit and flew in front of Tony Stark wearing it, what would the other party\'s expression be.

   I guess my mentality will collapse!

  Unfortunately, Mark\'s 85-nanometer iron man armor needs more than 600,000 yuan just for the design drawings.

With Rorschach\'s current points, don\'t think about Mark 85. Forty thousand points can only be exchanged for the fourth-generation design, but now even if Rorschach has exchanged for the fourth-generation steel suit, there is not enough equipment. Build it out.

  As for selling the blueprints for money...

  Rorschach is really not short of money at the moment. Compared to selling the design drawings of the steel suit, it is more convenient and quicker to directly exchange points for gold.

  Continuing to look down, Rorschach suddenly saw a high-end technology.

   "Controllable nuclear fusion technology, exchange requires 180,000 mission points!"

  Rorschach remembered that in the story of Spider-Man, Doctor Octopus had researched the technology of controllable nuclear fusion, but it failed in the end.

   Nuclear fusion technology itself is nothing, but if Rorschach has obtained a complete Kryptonian bloodline, then this technology will be too useful for him.

  You must know that the energy emitted by the yellow sun belongs to the nuclear fusion reaction. If Rorschach can control the nuclear fusion technology and simulate it as the energy of the yellow sun, the effect will be the same as when Superman bathes in the sun every day.

   "It is still necessary to complete the exclusive mission as soon as possible to obtain the complete Kryptonian bloodline!"

  Rorschach walked around the system mall, and suddenly felt a feeling that he could not afford the things he needed, but the things he could afford were all insignificant things.

   "I want to do something, I need more mission points!" Rorschach lamented.


the next day.

  Rorschach woke up early and started a new day of training tasks.

  One hundred push-ups, one hundred sit-ups, one hundred squats, plus run ten kilometers.

   Morning exercise is over, another day full of energy.

  Driving his own big Benz to the school, but just in front of Rorschach, a pitch-black Rolls Royce parked.

   "Hey, Mr. Luo Xia, I met you by such a coincidence..."

  A middle-aged man with a curly hair and a custom-made suit. He was going to get in the Rolls-Royce, but after seeing Rorschach, he stepped forward to chat.

  Rorschach recognized the middle-aged man at a glance.

  His name is Norman Osborne, and he is the chairman of the Osborne Group, one of the top ten companies in New York.

  Of course, this middle-aged man also has a hidden identity, that is Spider-Man\'s old enemy, the Green Goblin, or in other words, the future Green Goblin.

   "Hello, Mr. Osborne, are you here to see Harry off?" Rorschach knew what this guy was doing at school.

  Norman Osborn has a son named Harry Osborne, who is in the same class as Peter, and the two are still very good friends.

  In the original plot, Norman, the old Green Goblin, unfortunately killed himself in the battle with Spider-Man, while Harry became the second-generation Green Goblin, and vowed to kill Spider-Man to avenge his father.

But the **** thing is that when the little Green Goblin found out that his enemy Spider-Man was actually his good friend Peter, he was shocked, and then painfully chose to let Peter go, even though he kept saying Peter, I will never I won\'t forgive you, but I still stood up when Peter needed him the most, and blocked the fatal blow for Peter.

   I have to say, Harry really loves the little spider!

"Yeah, I happened to be free today, so I sent Harry to school, Mr. Rorschach, those two papers you published in the Nature magazine are simply amazing... With all due respect, with your talent, you can\'t do this in this school." Being a teacher in high school is a shame.”

Norman Osborn talked eloquently, and continued: "Of course, I didn\'t mean to belittle high school teachers, but if you can join the Osborne Group, I will give you a broader platform to show your intelligence Wisdom."

  This old capital made a face that I was doing it for your own good. Rorschach just looked at him like this, but he was thinking in his heart, if I just kill this old guy and prevent the Green Goblin from appearing, can I also get a mission point?

   It should be possible, but Rorschach has analyzed his own mission system.

  The daily task \'intervene in the progress of the world\'. Strictly speaking, helping Spider-Man kill the Green Goblin is intervention. Similarly, helping the Green Goblin kill Spider-Man is also intervention.

  Obviously, the degree of intervention in the former is definitely lower than in the latter.

   Helping Spider-Man kill the Green Goblin, the task reward should be about the same as preventing Dr. Lizard from appearing.

   But what if he helped the Green Goblin kill Spider-Man?

  The degree of this intervention is definitely several times that of the former.

  Of course, the rules of the game don’t necessarily require killing and killing. What if you help the Osborne Group defeat the Stark Group and become the world’s number one biotechnology and military industrial group?

   Or, simply control the Osborne Group by yourself, and then expand yourself step by step to control the entire world?

  Compared to killing a Green Goblin or a Spider-Man, it is obvious that manipulating the entire world involves a much deeper level of intervention. In this way, it will be unpredictable to obtain mission points.

   Rorschach lowered his head in thought. Norman Osborn thought that his capital speaking skills had worked, so he took out a business card and stuffed it into Rorschach\'s hand.

   "Teacher Luo Xia, I appreciate your talent very much. As long as you are willing to join my company, you can pay whatever you want."

  Norman Osborn showed a standard smile and said, "I believe you will make the right choice."

   After finishing speaking, Norman Osborn stopped talking, patted Rorschach on the shoulder, got into his Rolls-Royce, and drove away.

  Rorschach glanced at the business card in his hand and shook it.

  Will I pay you whatever you want?

  Ordinary salary Rorschach really doesn\'t like it.

  He is not short of money. Compared with some black technology, the gold in the system mall is the least valuable thing. Rorschach can exchange a few hundred points for money that ordinary people can\'t earn in a few lifetimes.

   Also controls the entire Osborne Group, which can make Rorschach a little interested.

   Ignoring these things, Rorschach walked towards the school.

   Ask for collection, please recommend tickets, ball!



  (end of this chapter)