The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 407: 201, finale

Chapter 407 201, the finale

   Gotham City.

   I don’t know when, the thick dark clouds in the sky of Gotham City disappeared.

  The golden sunlight shone on the street, making it look extraordinarily dazzling.

  Rachel finished a busy and fulfilling day of work, and she walked into the house with a stack of thick files.

  As soon as she opened the door, two children under the age of ten, a boy and a girl, rushed to the door bouncing and stretching out their hands to ask their mother for snacks.

   "Mom, I want to eat donuts. You promised me last night that you would buy us donuts after you get off work today."

   "Mom, I don\'t want donuts, I want chocolate."

  Rachel remembered the promise she made to the two children yesterday in order to put them to sleep, but because she was too busy with work these days, Rachel forgot.

But looking at the innocent smiles of the two children, Rachel couldn\'t bear to refuse them directly, but handed the documents in her hand to the two children, and said, "Hey, little ones, help me move the documents to the study room. Just bring you your favorite snacks."


  The two children happily took the stack of files from Rachel, and ran upstairs to the study with a bang.

Taking advantage of the moment the children left, Rachel hurried to the kitchen, smiled at the handsome black-haired young man inside and said, "Rorschach, dear, I forgot to buy food for the children, please go to the supermarket to buy some Snacks come."

   "Is there any reward?" Rorschach hugged Rachel over with his backhand, and asked maliciously while hugging her.

Rachel blushed, because her two children had awakened superpowers, so she tried to lower her voice, and whispered in Rorschach\'s ear: "I have a girlfriend who is a nurse, and she borrowed her nurse uniform gave me..."

  Rachel would never say that she bought that suit in Qingqu Store.

  Rorschach asked solemnly: "Your nurse friend, is she serious?"

  Rachel gritted her teeth, pinched Rorschach\'s waist fiercely, and replied shyly: "My nurse friend is very decent, but her clothes are not decent..."

  After hearing this answer, Rorschach conjured up a large box of snacks from behind, containing all kinds of snacks.

   "Hey, even if our children are superpowers, they can\'t eat so many snacks, especially Mina, she is a girl, and she will get fat if she eats too much chocolate..." Rachel protested.

  Rorschach reached out and touched Rachel\'s head: "Fool, these snacks are all the purest emotional energy, and they won\'t make you fat."

   "Really! Then I want to eat too."

   Saying that, Rachel opened a bag of potato chips first, stuffed it into her mouth and began to chew.

   "Is this really changed by emotional energy? This tastes like real potato chips... Rorschach, I don\'t have superpowers, don\'t lie to me!"

  Luo Xia heard this and couldn\'t laugh or cry: "How can I, I can\'t lie to you if I lie to anyone!"

  At this time, the two children ran down from the upstairs study room and saw a large box full of snacks, and immediately danced happily.

  The family of four seemed to be enjoying themselves happily.


  Cosmic starry sky.

  A barren planet full of deserts,

  The boundless demon-like army is destroying and killing wantonly on this already barren planet.

  Diana held the Vulcan sword and descended from the sky like a savior. Stepping on the colorful rainbow light, she rushed into the army of countless demons, just like chopping melons and vegetables, killing countless demons.

  After nearly four or five hours of intense fighting.

  The demons on this planet were finally wiped out.

  Diana thrust the Vulcan sword into the ground with her backhand, panted heavily and raised her hand to wipe the sweat off her face. A pink towel suddenly appeared beside her and was handed over by a handsome young man with black hair.

   "My wife is mighty, my wife wipes my sweat..."

  Rorschach held a towel and drink in one hand with a smile, and waved a fan with the other to fan Diana.

  Diana seems to be accustomed to Rorschach\'s behavior. She enjoys Rorschach\'s service, and at the same time, she doesn\'t forget to ask: "Where is there any war in this universe, let\'s take a break and go to the next planet!"

Rorschach thought for a while, and then smiled wryly at Diana: "Honey, our universe is relatively peaceful, and you have been hunting and killing demons to maintain the peace of the universe in the past few years. Who in the universe doesn\'t know how to love?" With the reputation of Diana, the **** of peace, it is estimated that no war will break out in a short time..."

   "Then go to another universe, is there anything left in the dark multiverse?" Diana asked.

  Rorschach shook his head: "I have already finished recasting the dark multiverse, and the new inferior universe has not yet been born. Why don\'t you go back to the museum on Earth for a few years and wait and see!"

   "Going to work is so boring. Fighting is not as interesting as going to work." Diana didn\'t have a choice before, but now she has a choice. Diana prefers a life of fighting and killing.

  She is not the kind of master who can sit back and relax.

   "How about..." Luo Xia thought for a while, and then said: "Why don\'t you have a few babies too, so that you don\'t have anything to do every day, and you have something to do after having a few babies."

   When Diana heard it, she thought the idea was good, but she felt something was wrong.

   "Wait, why did you say \'also\', who else has a baby \'also\'?" Diana asked rhetorically.

Rorschach grinned: "It\'s too much, Louise gave birth to two babies for Clark, Mera also gave birth to Aquaman, oh...and Selena, she is pregnant with her fourth child this year , Of course, Bruce\'s family is rich, even if he raises hundreds of children, he will not be under pressure, but I don\'t know if it will be very lively when their children compete for Bruce\'s inheritance in the future."

   "Listen to you, do we have to hurry up to have children, or we will be too far behind them!"

  When Diana thought that several of her friends had children, if she didn\'t hurry up, her own baby would be the youngest, wouldn\'t she be bullied?

   "Then shall we prepare?" Rorschach asked.

  Diana was used to being swift and resolute. She threw herself on Rorschach\'s body, opened her mouth and gnawed on it: "What are you preparing for? Let\'s give birth now..."


  The boundary of the Marvel Multiverse.

  The Scarlet Witch Wanda shuttled through the chaos. She traveled through several universes, trying to find her husband, but instead of finding her husband, she got into a lot of trouble.

   "Wanda, you can\'t escape, just give up!"

  An emotionless voice echoed in the void of chaos.

  Wanda was suspended in the void, looking around nervously. She waved her hands, manipulated chaos magic, and bombarded towards a certain direction in the void.

   "Get away from me, Sithorne!"

  A group of scarlet chaotic magic beams hit the void, and the shock wave of the explosion caused circles of space ripples.

  In the shroud of the space ripples, a huge dark figure emerged, approaching Wanda a little bit.

   "I have set foot in countless universes, and I have seen countless you, including ordinary people, mutants, and even superhumans. Among you in countless universes, only you have shown a talent that even I am ashamed of..."

"Wanda, in fact, when you were just a baby, I discovered your amazing magical talent. I instilled in you the potential of magic and let you master the power of chaos magic... When you grow strong enough, you Qualified to be my host."

  Sithorn kept approaching Wanda, but Wanda had a look of horror on his face.

  She shouted hoarsely: "I don\'t want to be your host, and I don\'t even want to see you, please go as far as you can!"

  Accompanied by a roar, Wanda pushed forward with both hands again, and a wave of chaotic magic that was several times stronger than before rushed towards Sithorn in a mighty way.

Facing Wanda\'s struggle, Sithorn was completely unmoved, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth: "After learning the book of black magic, you will never be able to escape from my control, Wanda, you borrowed it." I have so much strength, it\'s time to give it back to me."

   While speaking, Sithorn raised his hand to defeat Wanda\'s chaos magic. He opened his huge palm and grabbed Wanda.

  Wanda looked desperately at the huge palm that enveloped the sky and the earth, feeling a sense of powerlessness in her heart.

  She is not strong enough.

   Not to mention defeating Xi Thorn, even if he fought with him, he couldn\'t do it with a few moves.

   Facing the approaching huge palm, Wanda almost gave up resisting, but in her heart, she suddenly thought of someone.

   "I still haven\'t been able to find you... Where are you..."

  Thinking of that person in her heart, Wanda felt extremely wronged.

   Agreed to stay with me all the time, agreed to retire together, and then have many children, travel around the world together, and live the simplest, most ordinary, but happiest life together.

  Is this demanding?

  Why is this wish, which is so insignificant to others, so unattainable to me!

Why? !

what is this!

   The Chaos Magic in Wanda\'s hands became increasingly dim, and just when she was about to give up resistance, another deep voice sounded in the void.

   "Why should she pay back the strength she borrowed on her own?"

   This voice is not loud, but it seems that the entire void is echoing this sentence.

  Wanda\'s eyes widened suddenly.

  Because, that voice is so familiar to her!

  Sithorn suddenly tensed up all over his body. He grabbed Wanda\'s palm, and immediately looked around vigilantly, "Who, who is there!"

  In the void, a black-haired young man in a T-shirt and slacks was walking slowly.

  Sithorn probed the past with power, and unexpectedly found that the black-haired young man had no energy fluctuations at all, and he was completely the most ordinary ordinary person. However, he did not dare to really think that the other party was just an ordinary person.

  How could ordinary people appear in the void!

   "Who the **** are you?" Sithorn asked the black-haired youth who suddenly appeared.

  However, the black-haired young man ignored Sithorne, but teleported across the void and appeared beside Wanda.

   "Wanda, I\'m back."

"Well, it\'s good to be back, Rorschach... I was bullied." All the grievances in Wanda\'s heart over the years emerged. At this moment, she is no longer the famous Scarlet Witch in the universe, but just a bullied Yes, the little girl crying to her boyfriend.

  Rorschach looked at Wanda who threw herself into his arms and wept pear blossoms and rain, and his heart ached and he felt overwhelmed with guilt.

  He hurriedly comforted: "Don\'t cry, don\'t cry, whoever has the heart and courage to bully my woman, see if I don\'t kill him, little Wanda, tell me quickly, who bullied you?"

  After hearing that Rorschach was willing to make the decision for her, Wanda pointed at Sithorne, and said aggrievedly, "It\'s him. He wants me to be his host and wants to kill me."


  Rorschach turned his head to look at Sithorne, his eyes instantly turned indifferent: "Tell me, how do you want to die?"

   Being watched by Rorschach\'s icy eyes, Sithorn felt cold all over his body, although as a multiverse-level powerful existence, Sithorn should not have any cold feeling.

   Even so, just one look from Rorschach made his heart tremble crazily.

   "Almighty... Almighty universe-level gods..."

  After realizing that Rorschach was a more powerful **** than him, Sithorn made a decisive decision, instantly escaped into the void, turned around and ran away.

  Rorschach still had a smile on his face. He raised his hand and grabbed at the void in the direction where Sithorn was escaping. Sithorn, who had already run away for dozens of cosmic distances, found that he had returned to the same place for some reason.

  No...not returning to the original place, but being grabbed by Rorschach.


   In Rorschach\'s hand, there was a **** of the underworld the size of an egg, the dark demon Sithorn, just like this, held in the palm of Rorschach\'s hand, even if he tried his best, he couldn\'t escape Rorschach\'s palm.

  Rorschach looked at Wanda with a smile, and asked, "What do you want to do with him?"

  Wanda looked a little shocked. She believed that Rorschach would be able to defeat everyone, but she didn\'t expect Rorschach to subdue him so easily, an enemy that she thought was impossible to defeat.

   "Squeeze him to death, he almost killed me just now." Wanda said.

   Facing the enemy who wanted to kill him before, Wanda will never show mercy

"it is good."

Rorschach nodded, then clenched his palms tightly, sealing Sithorn\'s time, space, life, energy, godhead...everything was completely erased from this world, even the void in Rorschach\'s hand , also began to collapse.

   "Wow..." Wanda was once again shocked by Rorschach\'s strength. She squeezed the void with her bare hands. How strong a body is to do this.

  My small body, can I bear it? !

   "Wanda? What are you thinking... where are you going next?" Rorschach looked at Wanda with her head down, as if thinking about something.

   "No... didn\'t think about anything."

  Wanda\'s face was flushed, she held Rorschach\'s hand awkwardly, and said softly, "I want to go home."

  Rorschach and Wanda interlocked their fingers and said with a smile, "Okay, let\'s go home now!"


  It\'s over, sprinkle flowers! !

  (end of this chapter)