The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 345: 139, the bullet is loaded

Knowing that Sisko is an official employee of the Justice League, Kendra looked at Sisko with surprise. For ordinary people, the Justice League is an extraordinary organization gathered by a group of powerful superheroes.

   Being able to become an official employee of the Justice League, even if it is not a hero, is enough to prove Sisko\'s excellence.

   "Wow, Sisko, no wonder the Flash came as soon as that person appeared, so you must know the Flash... No, you called the Flash!" Kendra suddenly understood.

  Sisko did not deny it, and directly raised his mobile phone: "That\'s right, I installed the Flash calling software in my phone, as long as you press this button, Flash will come over immediately."

   "So, does the Flash work here? What about the Black Knight? If I stay here, will I have a chance to meet the Black Knight?" Kendra excitedly started gossip about superheroes.

   "The Flash is investigating the clues of the highlander, and he may come over at night. As for the black knight, he is usually very busy and hasn\'t been here for more than a month." Sisko answered every question.

   "So, the Black Knight will still appear, as long as I wait here long enough..." Kendra said with some expectation.

These words made Sisko\'s expression collapse, Kendra noticed her boyfriend\'s expression, immediately put her arms around the other\'s arm, and said affectionately: "The Black Knight is the idol of countless people, and I am also looking forward to seeing him, but I The person I love the most is you, Sisko."

   "That\'s more or less."

  Sisko brought Kendra to the command room of Star Lab.

Catherine was not off work yet. She and Kara received the news that Sisko was attacked by a mysterious person when they were dating. The two daughters saw Sisko bring Kendra to the command room, and they rushed to Sisko\'s girlfriend. Warm hello.

  It turns out that women have more topics to talk about.

  When the Flash returned to the Star Lab, he saw Catherine and Kara, having a hot chat with the newcomer Kendra.

   Completely left Sisko aside.

   Flash came to Sisko\'s side and patted him on the shoulder silently: "Don\'t be discouraged, your girlfriend\'s safety is the most important thing now."

  Sisko understands what Barry means. Kara, who has a body of steel, is here. Even if a terrorist organization attacks here, it will not pose any threat to them.

   "I understand, Barry, that...can I tell Kendra who you are?" Sisko asked.

  The Flash shook his head: "The less people know about my real identity, the better. If it weren\'t for today\'s special situation, I don\'t suggest that you involve Kendra. You know, our work is very dangerous."

   "Okay." Sisko shrugged and turned to ask the identity of the attacker: "Barry, have you found any clues about that person?"

"No, he is not in any police records. The dagger he used is a cultural relic from centuries ago. We tried to search for the name Vandal Savage and found clues about him seventy years ago." Barry and Sisko shared the information he found.

   "Seventy years ago, but this person looked at most fifty years old, this person was not even born seventy years ago!"

   The unbelieving Sisko ran to the console, entered the official system by himself, and searched the entire Internet for relevant clues about ‘Vandal Savage’. He accidentally found several records in historical documents.

  It was 70 years ago, 100 years ago, and 120 years ago. These are all recorded history. Going forward, it is a bit difficult for the United States Federation.

  According to the historical documents of these old times, the appearance of Vandal Savage was always accompanied by murders. He always appeared suddenly and then disappeared immediately.

"I hacked into the Pentagon and found a catalog in their archives: Ancient Egypt was destroyed by meteorites, Prince Khufu and the priestess... This information is seventy years ago, a Ph.D. in archeology from the University of St. , a research note written by Aldous Birdman, he mentioned that Vandal Savage was hunting down Prince Khufu and the reincarnation of the priestess, and the name of the priestess..."

   Speaking of this, Sisko\'s face was a little ugly.

  Barry poked his head out and took a look. The name of the priestess was indeed Triaya.

"This is simply unbelievable. Perhaps, we should ask Mr. Rorschach." Based on all the information he searched, it is not difficult for Barry to see that this Vandal Savage is an immortal. He may have survived from ancient Egypt to the present. However, he kept hunting down the reincarnation of Prince Khufu and the priestess.

   Coincidentally, the priestess in the story is the girlfriend Sisko just made.

   "Good idea, if you encounter unimaginable things, you must go to the boss." Sisko agreed with Barry\'s proposal.

  So, Barry took out his mobile phone and sent Rorschach a text message, briefly describing what happened today.

  However, the two waited for a while, but did not receive a reply from Rorschach.

   "Mr. Rorschach has been in the UK recently. According to the time difference, he should be asleep right now. Maybe he will see my text message when he wakes up." Barry put down his phone and said.

   After that, the three ladies gradually ended their chat, and it was already late at night.

  Barry returned home, and Catherine and Kara also returned to their respective rooms. At this moment, Sisko finally found an opportunity to use the excuse of settling Kendra to be alone in a room with his new girlfriend.

   "Sisko, it\'s getting late, I want to rest."

   "I\'ll stay with you tonight to protect your safety, don\'t worry, I\'ll sleep on the sofa at night..."


  Kendra let Sisko stay in her room by default, and Sisko immediately beamed with joy, feeling that there was a great chance tonight.

after an hour.

  Sisko climbed onto Kendra\'s bed, and Kendra was startled.

   "Don\'t be nervous, Kendra, I\'m just here to talk to you, I will never do anything to you."



  Ten minutes later, under Sisko\'s siege step by step, the two adults who were alone in the room finally completely tore off all disguises, hugged each other and kissed selflessly.

  Just as Sisko took out a short rifle and was about to reload the bullets to kill the enemy.

  The window was broken suddenly, and a black figure entered through the window from the outside. Sisko was so frightened that he immediately wrapped his girlfriend in a quilt, and looked at the person coming with vigilance and anger.

   Kendra screamed too.

   The one who broke in because of the broken window was none other than the one who threatened her in the coffee shop at night, Vandal Savage.

   "Cui Ya, you are mine, what I can\'t get, no one else can get."

Vandal-Savage seems to have been observing outside for a long time. He actually loves the priestess Triaya deeply, so when he found out that the person he loved was getting together with Prince Khufu, Vandal became hateful because of love. , Killed both Khufu and Cuiaya.

  In this life, Triaya actually hooked up with another man in front of Vandal, how could he bear it.

   "Fack squid, highlander." Sisko immediately pressed the alarm device in the room before the other party made a move.

   After Vandal broke into the room, he took out a flint throwing knife from the windbreaker and threw it towards Sisko\'s kidney. Sisko just saw a flash of light, and he had no time to react.

   Seeing that the throwing knife was about to stab his waist.

   Just when Sisko was desperate, a red and blue light and shadow suddenly appeared, blocking Sisko\'s front.


  The flint throwing knife hit Cara in the chest. Cara heard the broken window and Kendra\'s scream, so she immediately checked the room with X-ray vision and flew over as fast as possible.

   Seeing Kara\'s appearance, Sisko\'s hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

   "I will not show mercy to you just because you are a little girl." Vandal saw that the girl in the red and blue battle suit in front of him was also a superhero.

  Holding a flint throwing knife in each hand, he rushed in front of Kara and wanted to fight Kara in close quarters.

  Kara put her hands on her waist, and waited motionless for Vandal to hold the throwing knife tightly and stab her in the neck.