The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 325: 119, crush them

"The person with the blood of Poseidon is not only not crazy, it can even be said that his decision-making is very correct."

  Diana split Aum with a sword, and stood opposite each other a hundred meters apart.

  The person in her mouth who has the blood of Poseidon is Nereus, the kingdom of Zebel Kingdom.

   If Rorschach can be killed by sacrificing some fighters, it is undoubtedly a very cost-effective strategy. However, Diana knew from the beginning that Atlantis\' technological weapons could not hurt Rorschach at all.

   "Are you mocking me? The Amazons." Orm snapped angrily.

  He and Diana have fought until now, and neither side can do anything to the other. Of course, this is mainly because Diana is not used to underwater combat.

  If she can return to the water, Diana is confident that she will kill this arrogant Atlantean prince within ten rounds.

   Therefore, while fighting, Diana tried every means to transfer the battlefield to land.

  Unfortunately, Aum seems to have seen Diana\'s intentions. The two sides are not only competing in force, but also fighting wits.

"I\'m not mocking you, Atlanteans, you have no idea what kind of existence you have offended, even if your ancestor Poseidon, the sea god, saw the black knight, he would not dare to act like this." Diana Said a big truth.

  Rorschach\'s strength has long surpassed the era when the Olympus gods were at their peak.

  At least the gods of Olympus at their peak could not destroy a planet by themselves, but Rorschach could do it.

Diana mentioned Poseidon, the **** of the sea, in order to let Orm understand the gap between the two sides, but after hearing this, Orm said with a grim expression: "Poor Amazons, the age of the gods is over, you shouldn\'t... Said, I will create a more glorious era than the age of the gods, and if you dare to stop me, you will become a stepping stone on my road to glory."

   After speaking, Orm waved the silver trident in his hand again, and stabbed towards Diana.

   "It\'s simply unreasonable."

  Diana also gave up arguing with Orm. The Atlanteans were too far away from the age of mythology. They seemed to have forgotten the power of the gods and their own insignificance, otherwise they would not have swelled their ambitions to such a degree.

  It seems that only by letting them feel the pain will they understand their own insignificance.

  The two fought together again, and the aftermath of the terrifying battle seemed like an earthquake on the bottom of the sea.

  The lower area.

Rorschach was fired upon by the dense Atlantis technology weapons. Most of the Atlantis and Saltwater soldiers in the front row did not have time to escape the range of the firepower, and were torn into countless pieces by the dense and terrifying energy storm. .

  The sea area in this area was dyed bright red.

The deep-sea mothership, King Xebel stared at the screen of the light screen. The area with dense artillery fire was blown out of a vacuum. As the battleship stopped attacking, countless seawater squeezed past, as if it had become a ball of boiling oil. pot.

   "Is that man on the ground dead?" King Zebel asked hoarsely.

The captain of the murloc swallowed, "Probably dead, the firepower fired by our fleet just now was enough to raze the country of Atlantis to the ground. It\'s safe and sound!"

   King Xebel turned his head and glanced at Captain Murloc.

  He agreed with the other party\'s words, but for some reason, King Zebel was always very disturbed in his heart, as if something terrible would happen.

   "The signal of life energy was detected, and he is moving fast. He... came towards us." A female technician from Atlantis reported.

  King Zebel\'s heart trembled suddenly, "What?"

  He looked at the light curtain again.

  I saw a black figure rushing out of the boiling red ocean, like a black lightning bolt, rushing towards an Atlantis battleship ahead.

   "He...isn\'t dead? What is he going to do?" King Zebel\'s face was extremely ugly, and his eyes were fixed on the light curtain.

  In the light screen, Rorschach bumped into the energy shield of the Atlantis battleship. The powerful energy shield that can withstand dozens of water cannons has become more fragile than ice at this moment.

  Rorschach just touched it lightly, and it exploded suddenly.

   Without the protection of the energy shield, Rorschach drove straight in and bumped into the outer armor of the battleship.

  Two heat vision burst out from inside the armor, cutting it into dozens of pieces.

   Immediately afterwards, Rorschach flew out from the other side of the battleship and flew towards the next Atlantis battleship.

  Behind him, the battleship exploded suddenly, and joined the splendid fireworks show tonight.

   It’s just that the fireworks that bloomed before were all small fireworks, but from this moment on, giant fireworks that illuminate the entire seabed will bloom.

   A moment later, Rorschach rushed into the next Atlantis battleship, just like the previous one. After leaving, this battleship also exploded, and the flames shone in all directions.

  In the deep-sea mothership, King Zebel\'s heart almost jumped into his throat.

  He was not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful fireworks on the bottom of the sea at all, but almost used a trembling voice, and ordered to the Murloc captain: "Quickly, mobilize all force, block him, stop him..."

   "Your Majesty King Zebel, we are no match for that person, let\'s retreat!"

  The murloc captain\'s eyes are vicissitudes. He has lived for nearly two hundred years, and he has never seen anyone who can stand against the high-tech warships of Atlantis by himself.

  Even the most ferocious sea beasts, under the baptism of battleship gunfire, can only end in ashes.


   King Zebel seems to have aged hundreds of years all of a sudden. Will the war to attack the land be defeated before they reach the land?

   "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, retreat quickly. We are no match for that person. If we continue to fight, it will only cause the death of countless soldiers. Your Majesty, order to retreat!" the captain of the murloc begged bitterly.

  That black figure is like a **** of death, everywhere it passes is destruction and death.

Seeing that figure approaching this side, maybe it won\'t be long before the other party rushes into his mothership, like trampling an ant to death, destroying this deep sea ship that represents the highest glory of Atlantis mothership.


   Trench country.

  The Bat Fighter passed through the siege of dense trench monsters, and rushed into the position where Poseidon\'s golden trident might be hidden.

   After passing through a magic circle.

   Everyone arrived at an island.

   That\'s right, it\'s an island, to be precise, it\'s an island in the inner world.

   Hidden sea in the center of the earth!

  This extremely wide space is surrounded by endless ocean, and there is only one island in the central area, which has stood tall in the vast sea after countless years.

  The Bat fighter rushed out of the sea level, parked the plane on the edge of the beach, opened the hatch, and everyone got out of the fighter plane.

   "It seems that we have found the right place. This should be the place where Poseidon\'s golden trident is buried." Mera said in surprise.

  Batman has been looking around vigilantly since the moment he got down: "I remember you said that there is a monster named Kraken here, guarding the Poseidon Trident?"

   "Yes, but don\'t worry, the Kraken will not stop the real king." Mera seemed to have no doubts about the fact that Art became king.


  Batman sensed movement on the island, and immediately put on a fighting stance. Everyone followed Batman\'s gaze, and a man wearing an armor made of Trench Monster\'s skin came out from the woods on the island.