The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 323: 117, Diana's anger

Following Orm\'s order, the Atlantean army set out and attacked the land mightily.

  King Xebel also rode the sea dragon horse under his crotch, watching the sea lord Orm with complicated eyes.

  In fact, he has come back now and understands that all of this is led by Aum, but at this moment, the Atlantis army has entered the ground, and it seems that nothing can stop this war.

  Atlantic, shallow waters.

   Rorschach and Diana were floating about two hundred meters below sea level.

  This is a shallow sea area in the geographical sense, and most human activities will not exceed this distance.

   "Are they here?" Diana waited a little impatiently.

  Although she is wearing a respirator, she cannot adapt well to the seabed environment after all.

  Rorschach shrugged: "It\'s almost there, but their speed is very slow, and we have to wait a little longer. In fact, I can block them by myself."

"To be honest, the Atlanteans used to be the allies of the Amazons. I still have some expectations for them. The gods and the people of the gods are not allowed to directly interfere or invade the mortal world. As the **** of the sea, they The descendants of Seidon ignored the will of their ancestors and gods, so I am very disappointed in them." Diana said angrily.

  Rorschach seemed to have rarely seen Diana so angry.

   But this is also easy to understand.

  The ancient gods of the earth are all old gods who rely on the belief of mortals, so there are rules not to interfere and invade the mortal world.

  If the gods or the descendants of the gods slaughtered and enslaved mortals at will, then no one would believe in the gods. Without the belief of mortals, the old gods would lose their power.

   This is digging its own grave.

  Amazons are all long-lived species. They have survived from the age of the gods to the present, and they have always abided by the will of the gods.

  Even during the First World War, the enemy invaded Paradise Island and caused the Amazons to suffer huge losses. At that time, Diana was the only one who left the island. The Amazons never thought about participating in the human battle.

  Now, Atlantis has forgotten the will of the ancestors and the gods. Diana believes that this is a betrayal of the allies and a satire of the Amazons\' adherence to the will of the gods.

   So Diana was furious.

   "Here they come..."

   Soon, Rorschach and Diana felt a wave of heat rising from the bottom of the sea.

   That is a wave of energy formed by countless deep-sea war weapons, warriors, and deep-sea behemoths, coming from the bottom of the sea, mighty and mighty.

  Considering that most of the seabed organisms cannot leave the seawater.

   Therefore, the vanguard army is composed of saltwater country fighters who can live amphibiously on land and sea, and Atlantean fighters who have high-end technological armor, as well as large war weapons such as aircraft and heavy armored vehicles.

  The rest of the Xebel Kingdom, the fighters of the Fisherman Kingdom, waited until the sea flooded the land before attacking the land.

  Aum and King Zebel rode a sea drake respectively, and rushed to the front of the battlefield in the lead.

  When they reached the shallow sea area, they saw two figures blocking their way.

  Aum raised his head and squinted his eyes. He recalled the identity of the person in front of him from the information he obtained from the above-ground world.

   "Black Knight, Wonder Woman..."

  Aum gestured to King Xebel who was at the side. The latter understood and ordered his men to detect the fluctuations of life energy around him. They thought that the army on land might be ambushing around.

  Rorschach saw the other party\'s intentions, but let them explore the surroundings.

Diana immediately drew out the Vulcan sword and divine power shield, glared at the Atlantean army, and said loudly: "Atlanteans, while everything is still recoverable, go back to the deep sea immediately, otherwise ..."

   "Otherwise what? Are you going to kill me?"

  Aum received a reply from King Xebel, and there was no life energy around him. In other words, the two people in front of him were really blocking their army alone.

   "Otherwise, don\'t blame my subordinates for being ruthless." Diana scolded.

   There was a sneer at the corner of Orm\'s mouth, and he noticed the artifact in Diana\'s hands, "Are you an Amazon?"

   "Yes." Diana didn\'t hide her identity, and told the other party directly.

  Aum showed a puzzled expression: "Why did the Amazons get mixed up with the people on the ground, or have you become the lackeys of the people on the ground?"

  Hearing Aum\'s sarcasm, Diana, who was already in a rage, couldn\'t bear it anymore. She swooped down, swung the Vulcan sword, and slashed at Aum.

  Aum took his time.

   It seems that the army of Atlantis behind him gave him great confidence.

   "Kill the Amazon."

  Aum spoke lightly, as if he was an emperor who could decide the life and death of others with one word.


The guards behind Aum were dispatched one after another, charging towards Diana like cannonballs. These guards were all wearing the most advanced technological armor and armed with powerful water-energy guns. Watching Diana attack.


  Countless water energy guns shot out blue energy beams, falling towards Diana like raindrops.

  Diana raised the divine shield in her hand to block.

  The blue energy beam fell on the divine power shield, exploding clusters of energy shocks. Diana barely stabilized her figure, resisting the attacks of these Atlantean weapons.

  Rorschach watched from the side, his eyes gradually turned red: "Did you forget me?"

Before the words fell, two blazing rays of light descended from the sky, shooting through two vacuum channels in the ocean, thermal vision flashed across the bodies of the pro-guards, the water energy guns in their hands burst suddenly, and the armor on their bodies exploded. Instantly melted.

  The guards didn\'t even cry out for help or screams, they were evaporated by Rorschach\'s thermal vision, and they died without a place to bury them.


  The originally noisy ocean suddenly seemed to have fallen into a strange silence.

  Diana was the first to react, and once again slashed at Aum with a sword.

  Orm didn\'t have time to think about Rorschach\'s strength, he waved the silver trident hastily, and blocked Diana\'s sword.


  Although the silver trident in Orm\'s hand is not comparable to the Vulcan sword, it can barely be regarded as a semi-divine weapon. In addition, the trident has powerful magic, so it can block the power of the Vulcan sword.

   "Nereus, give this woman to me, and you will command the royal guards that deal with superheroes on the ground."

   Orm hurriedly said something to King Zebel who wanted to help, then waved the silver trident in his hand, and fought with Diana.

  Om has the blood of Poseidon, the **** of the sea, and is also a demigod.

Although his strength is inferior to Diana\'s, he is not far behind. In addition to fighting in the sea, Aum and Diana are evenly matched. It seems that it is difficult to distinguish the winner***** King Bell obeyed Aum\'s order, instead of supporting Aum, he looked at the man with red eyes in mid-air.

  They have collected information on powerful transcendent beings on the ground.

   Among them, the most powerful is a man code-named Black Knight.

  In order to fight against these so-called \'superheroes\', Atlantis trained a well-equipped and powerful royal guard.

   Now I have met the strongest black knight, and I just use him to test the training results of the Royal Guard.

  King Xebel swung the bronze trident in his hand, pointed at Rorschach with the three spikes on it, and said coldly: "The royal guard is attacking, the target is the black knight, kill!"