The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 319: 113, Sea King is defeated

Queen Hippolyta looked at the nano-armor on her body, then at Rorschach, and asked, "Isn\'t it possible to see such armor armor everywhere in the outside world?"

   "Of course, but I have a small business in the outside world, so it\'s no problem to build a similar set of armor for all Amazon fighters." Rorschach promised.

  If it was just the energy industry in the United States on Earth, Rorschach would not dare to boast of such a big seaport.

  But he took Brainiac\'s mothership as his spoils. You must know that Brainiac has captured countless resource planets over the years, if the resources of all planets are converted into assets.

   Then Rorschach will become one of the richest people in the universe.

  Queen Hippolyta looked at Diana, "Tell me, how do you think we should understand the world of mortals?"

  Diana shifted her gaze to Rorschach.

  It means that you come to fool people.

Luo Xia coughed lightly, and quickly said: "We have formed an alliance outside, the Justice League, which is responsible for dealing with extraordinary events in the entire world. If I want to invite Amazon fighters to cooperate with the Justice League, you send a group of fighters to assist us For combat, we provide various rewards, including but not limited to external currencies, various resources, and weapons and equipment."

  The Justice League has just been established, and it is a time when manpower is in short supply.

  Amazon female warriors are very strong individually, and they are undoubtedly a very powerful help, but their only weakness is that their defense is too low.

  But as long as it cooperates with the Iron Armor and the Nano Healing Robot, it can solve the problem of the Amazon female warrior\'s low defense and high battle damage rate.

   "I can agree to what you said, but I have two conditions."

Queen Hippolyta stretched out **** and said to her daughter and son-in-law: "First, the location of Paradise Island cannot be revealed to mortals, let alone mortals are allowed to set foot on Paradise Island. Second, all female warriors sent out to perform missions, I hope you will be responsible for their lives, if possible, please let them bring back a good one."

  Bring back all the sent Amazon female warriors?

   Luo Xia felt that maybe when he brought back female warriors in the future, not only would not one of them be bad, but the number might be doubled.

  A group of strong female warriors who have never seen a man, after entering the world of mortals, it is hard not to experience a different life, who can say for sure!

   "No problem, as long as I\'m still alive, I will never let them get hurt in the slightest." Rorschach quickly promised.

"Then you stay one more night, I will discuss with Antiope and the others to see if anyone wants to go to the world of mortals." Queen Hippolyta believed that Rorschach would treat the Amazons well, after all, he was Diana\'s husband , so the Amazons are also the people of Rorschach.


  Underwater world, Atlantis.

  In the much-anticipated royal arena, Aum took the throne of Atlantis as a bet, and challenged his half-brother Arthur Curry, who has the blood of the royal family of Atlantis.

  In fact, Arthur and Orm are not much different in strength. Arthur has a great advantage in strength, while Orm is superior in fighting skills.

   However, Arthur did not grow up under the sea after all.

  His experience in underwater combat is not outstanding. In the past, when attacking islands in the water, he relied on his own strength to crush them.

   Now meeting his younger brother Orm, who is almost the same in strength, his disadvantage of inexperience in underwater combat has been exposed and magnified infinitely.

   After several fights, Aum has gained the upper hand.

  In the distance, in the auditorium.

  Batman and Superman, Mera they were guarded by a group of Atlantis guards.

   Batman whispered to Mera: "If Arthur loses, will that Orm kill him?"

"Of course, all of this is Orm\'s conspiracy. As long as Arthur is killed, Orm will be the sole heir to the throne of Atlantis, and no one will threaten him, so we must rescue Arthur. Go." Meera glanced at the guards around the camp.

   seems to be thinking about how to break out of the encirclement and go up to rescue Arthur.

Batman patted Mera\'s arm, telling her to be calm: "Superman, I will follow my instructions later, you will take Arthur directly to the bottom of the sea, Mera, Vico, you two will come with me, As long as we break out of the encirclement and reach the land, we don\'t have to worry about the threat of Aum."

  Batman has a general understanding of the technological level of Atlantis.

   It’s true that it’s far superior to the current Earth, but so what, they have Superman, the black knight Rorschach, even if they can’t contact Rorschach temporarily, Batman can still contact the Kryptonian warriors at the Mars base at a critical moment.

   Ten Kryptonian warriors should not take it too easy to destroy Atlantis.

  On the battlefield, the silver trident in Orm\'s hand cut off the royal pentacle left to him by Arthur\'s mother in one blow. Arthur, who had lost his weapon, was even less likely to be Orm\'s opponent.

   Seeing that Arthur had no chance of turning the tables, Batman immediately said, "Superman, now is the time."

  The next moment, Superman turned into a bolt of lightning and flew in front of Arthur at the fastest speed, dragging a vacuum-like trajectory behind him. He directly blocked Orm\'s silver trident with his body.


  The silver trident pierced Superman\'s chest, as if hitting a thick steel plate, making a dull sound.

"You are too weak."

  Superman reached out and grabbed the silver trident, and then swung it hard, throwing Orm thousands of meters away.

   Immediately afterwards, Superman didn\'t look at Orm, but grabbed the defeated Arthur Curry and flew straight towards the sky.

   "Stop them, fire the water **** cannon, and blast them to pieces!"

  Aum controlled the water flow and finally stabilized his figure. He looked up and saw that the people on the ground had taken Arthur and flew out of the range of Atlantis city.

  How could he just let the other party go.

  The water cannons on the city wall adjusted their angles one after another, aimed at Superman and Arthur Curry above, and fired energy beams full of magical energy.

  Feeling the fluctuation of magical energy, Superman\'s figure flickered, dodging back and forth.

  He can ignore all physical attacks, but he can\'t resist magic attacks alone. Arthur Curry put his arms around Superman\'s waist, with a look of guilt in his eyes: "Sorry, I lost."

   "Don\'t worry about it, but can you stop hugging me so tightly?" Superman was a little disgusted.

  The feeling of being hugged by a shirtless muscular man is really... very anxious!

  Superman led Arthur to attract most of the firepower. Batman and Mera also quickly shot, put them on the surrounding guards, grabbed an aircraft and began to flee.

  Because the water cannons on the walls of Atlantis are all aimed at Superman.

  Mela rushed out of the city wall of Atlantis at the cost of minor injuries, and fled desperately toward the sea.

   After just a few minutes.

  Superman took Arthur Curry out of the sea level, and Batman and the others followed and arrived on the nearby beach.

   "Gift Crab, is Orm going to war with the ground now?"

   After Arthur was put down by Superman, everyone looked behind him.

I saw a terrifying huge wave hundreds of meters away on the sea in the distance, and Superman looked into the distance. attack.