The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 299: 93, calculate each other

Chapter 299 93, calculating each other

   Brainiac wants to negotiate terms with himself?

  Rorschach suddenly became interested. In the past, Rorschach negotiated terms with others, but today someone unexpectedly wanted to negotiate terms with himself.

   "What terms do you want to negotiate with me, tell me." Rorschach looked at Brainiac\'s head and asked curiously.

Brainiac said unhurriedly: "I\'m very curious about all the gene sequences of Kryptonians. If you can provide me with your gene sequences for research, I can stop the invasion of the earth and let you return to Krypton. Kandor City, I captured Kandor City before the destruction of Krypton, Kandor City is now in my collection, what do you think?"

  As soon as Brainiac\'s voice fell, Batman Bruce Wayne asked: "You want to obtain Rorschach\'s gene sequence, I\'m afraid you want to create a powerful biological weapon."

"I just want to study the direction of ultimate biological evolution. Although I am an artificial intelligence, I am attached to a physical body. Kryptonians have the top-level body in the universe, but their shortcomings are also very obvious." Brainiac replied to Bruce Said.

  Rorschach sneered: "So you have taken a fancy to my ability not to be afraid of kryptonite?"

"It can be said that I need to study your genes myself to determine whether your genes are truly infinitely perfect. If there are imperfections, I promise to help you improve them and help you evolve into a higher form of life." Brainiac said seductively.

Rorschach has a Kryptonian bloodline with unlimited potential, and his bloodline can continue to grow stronger. As long as there is enough time and the energy of the yellow sun, Rorschach will be able to evolve to a higher level sooner or later, such as the multiverse-level golden superman, Even an almighty cosmic-level thinking superman.

   There is no need to seek skins from tigers and cooperate with Brainiac.

   "Brainiac, your conditions are very tempting, but I\'m very sorry, I prefer to rely on my own strength to improve my life form." Rorschach refused.

Rorschach\'s refusal made Brainiac look regretful: "Although I inferred from your character before that you would not accept my conditions, but... I am still very grateful for the relationship between you and me. This conversation gave me precious time, Rorschach Rao, your firewall has been breached by me."

   As he spoke, a triumphant smile appeared on Brainiac\'s face.

He was talking about the so-called conditions just now, he was delaying time, he was using this method to distract the attention of Rorschach, Felicity and Sisko, and achieve the purpose of quickly invading and destroying the firewall built by Rorschach .

However, the smile on Rorschach\'s face was even brighter: "You are delaying time, and I am also delaying time, hahaha... Steel Bone, it\'s been so long, has Brainiac\'s data cracking work been done yet? "


  Hearing Rorschach\'s words, Brainiac\'s face froze.

   At the data level, he suddenly felt a third force appeared inside Rorschach\'s firewall, a super artificial intelligence that seemed to be the same as him.

With the emergence of a third-party force, the originally crumbling Rorschach Firewall became more stable in an instant. The stream of data that Brainiac penetrated into the Rorschach Firewall seemed to be blocked by an invisible data blade. , to be severed, and then surrounded and swallowed.

   "Who, who?? How could there be artificial intelligence of this level on Earth?"

   Brainiac\'s face was still roaring on the electronic display, but the screen flickered intermittently, and after a few flickers, he was completely kicked out.

  Felicity\'s face brightened, and she cheered: "Mr. Rorschach, we have resisted the invasion of that alien hacker, and even... even we can launch a counterattack!"

   "Boss, what happened just now, did you ask for off-site assistance?" Sisko asked.

  Rorschach faced the electronic screen on the wall of the Batcave, and introduced to everyone present: "Let me introduce to you, the one who helped out just now is our new teammate, Victor Stone, whose code name is Cyborg."

  Everyone was waiting for Cyborg\'s gorgeous appearance, but there was a sudden silence on the scene.

  Sisko asked: "Boss, where is the steel bone you mentioned?"

   "He may be a little shy, but that\'s not the point. Cyborg\'s ability can penetrate into all information and data networks in the world, and electronic devices that are not connected to the network can also be hacked, so he can hear our conversations."

Rorschach explained the ability of Cyborg, and continued: "Before Brainiac invaded, I tried to find Cyborg, but you have also seen that the Cyborg kid is shy, and he is used to hiding himself on the Internet." , and it is precisely because of this that he escaped Brainiac\'s detection."

  When the Doomsday meteorite appeared before, Rorschach began to be wary of Brainiac\'s invasion.

  Upgrading the firewall for the earth is one aspect, but Rorschach can\'t guarantee that his upgraded firewall will be able to stop Brainiac. He also needs a teammate who can match Brainiac in the data network.

   This teammate is Steel Bones.

  So, Rorschach found the other party based on Cyborg\'s information, and invited Cyborg to join the Justice League.

"I need to concentrate all my computing power against Brainiac. While we have repelled the opponent, deploy the watchtower space station to form a global defense network. Once Brainiac is regrouped, it will be difficult for us to strike again. Retreat the other party."

  A young voice came from the audio equipment of the Kryptonian computer cluster.

  As the voice fell, it disappeared again.

  Rorschach knew that Cyborg was not ignoring him, but was really concentrating all his computing power against Brainiac, so he quickly sat back in his seat and continued to operate on the console quickly.

   "Felicity, Sisko, assist me in linking all the satellites of the Wayne Group, and then combine them into a satellite space station, which I will name, Watchtower."

   "Wait, boss, can we discuss something? Can I also participate in the naming thing in the future?"

  Sisko has always been keen on giving criminals code names in the Lightning Squad.

   This can be regarded as a small hobby of the second-year youth.

  Rorschach glanced sideways at the other party: "As far as your naming level is concerned, forget it."

   "Wait a minute, since when did my satellites have the function of forming a satellite space station?" Bruce Wayne looked at Rorschach puzzled.

  Rorschach continued to stare at the display screen, and replied without turning his head: "I mentioned the watchtower project to you, and you said, just let me handle the technological matters, and let me make my own decisions."

   "But I remember, that was two weeks ago. It took you only two weeks to transform my satellite into a space station?" Bruce Wayne asked uncertainly.

  Rorschach waved his hand: "Actually, it only took me three days, Ji Cao, don\'t 6."

In the relaxed atmosphere of the few people, in the geosynchronous orbit, several satellites that have been transformed by Rorschach, with the Wayne Group logo branded on the metal outer wall, are slowly docked together, like Transformers, forming a cross-shaped satellite. space station.

  The main structure of the space station is a cylindrical space station, with huge solar panels protruding from the middle area toward the left and right sides, and it also has the function of signal transmission.

   "The watchtower space station is online, the communication signal is normal, and the countdown to the watchtower defense network is started... Three, two, one."

  The countdown ended, and an invisible defense network covered the entire earth. Wherever the network passed, all the data invaded by Brainiac was expelled, and the remaining data inside was also wiped out bit by bit by the steel frame.

   Mothership Brainiac.

  On the huge light curtain in the center of the bridge, the model of the earth suddenly disappeared. At the same time, Brainiac showed a painful expression on his face. His body seemed to be severely injured, and he took a few steps back.

   "Steel bone...Damn it, why does this exist on Earth..."

  Blainiak glanced at the data and calculated the success rate of the Earth invasion plan, 69%.

  The failure of data intrusion reduced the original 78% success rate to 69%.

  (end of this chapter)