The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 292: 86 Tragedy

Chapter 292 86, Tragedy


  Among the ruins, Clark struggled to get up, scraped away a few broken concrete stones with his bare hands, and found Lex Luthor who was buried in the rubble.


   Lex Luthor coughed up a big mouthful of blood foam when he opened his mouth.

  He stared fixedly at Clark, and murmured: "Put away your hypocritical expression, you never believed me, you lied to me for so many never intended to tell me the truth."

   "Stop talking, Lex, I\'ll get you out."

  Clark looked ugly, and he pulled Lex out of the gravel.

  Although when Lex fell, Clark grabbed the opponent, but the height of the fall was too high, almost all of Lex\'s chest was comminuted, and the remaining consciousness was rapidly dissipating.

   "Lex, I\'m sorry, I should have told you earlier." Clark felt extremely regretful.

  Perhaps heeded Rorschach\'s suggestion earlier and took the initiative to confess his identity to Lex Luthor. It was better than waiting for the other party to find out and then turn against each other.

   Among the friends of the United States, the most taboo is to hide secrets from each other.

   Therefore, Luo Xia treats his friends with straight words, and even if there are some secrets that cannot be said directly, he will find some compromises in a tactful way.

  Rorschach did a good job in asking himself.

   At least until now, he hasn\'t overturned the car because of hiding the secret.


   There was a weak roar again from around. Although Bizarro fell from the top floor, that low fall was nothing to Bizarro.

   Bizarro almost crazily launched a retreat towards Rorschach again.

  Contrary to Superman Clark Kent’s calmness and rationality, Bizarro’s way of thinking is rather crazy and chaotic. I kept waving my fist and threw it at Rorschach, but ignored the strength gap between the two sides.

  Rorschach blocked all of Bizarro\'s attacks, flew forward with a whip kick, and hit my waist heavily.


  The sound of broken ribs came out, and Bizarro was kicked away by Rorschach. His body smashed through the wall of the Lex Group building like a cannonball, and flew hundreds of meters backwards, hitting the street below the road.

  A small city at night is like a night city.

  The small street is still a quiet scene of people coming and going.

   Bizarro fell from the sky and hit the ground, scaring the surrounding people to scream.

At first glance, everyone thought it was a superman who had fallen from the world, but at a casual glance, the guy who looked exactly like a superman behind his eyes, his eyes were shining with a faint blue light, his skin was cracked every inch of his face, and his appearance was as beautiful as it was beautiful .

   "What\'s that?"

   "How can I dress like Superman, it\'s disgusting."

   "That\'s a counterfeit, where is the real Superman?"


  It is the same as the scene where the people greeted coldly during the day. At this moment, Bizarro felt the expressions of fear and delay from the people around him.

  That made me feel extremely angry.

   "Shut up... shut up for you!"

  Bizarro roared, and I looked angrily at the people behind me. Two blue freezing rays shot out from my eyes, and shot towards the sparse crowd behind me.


  Seeing that scene, the people screamed in fright and fled in seven places.

  However, before the freezing ray landed, a white phantom blocked the freezing ray.


  The freezing ray slammed into Rorschach\'s chest, as if it had hit an indestructible wall of copper and iron. There was no way to retreat half a point, and it could only turn into ripples like water waves, dissipating invisibly.

   "Bissaro, you sympathize with him. He was created by Lex Luthor, and his birth was destined to be a tragedy."

Bu Qing walked towards Bizarro step by step, feeling the killing intent under Bu Qing, Bizarro felt an emotion called fear, my eyes showed a look of horror, and continued to release the frozen vision, However, he turned around and ran, flying towards the sky.


  A white lightning flashed across, and Rorschach blocked Bizarro\'s back, and stretched out his hand to grab Bizarro\'s neck.

  I raised my head and looked at the pitch-white night sky. Then I grabbed the Bizarro and flew up. In an instant, I rushed out of the earth and flew into the void of the universe.

   Appearing in a vacuum for the first time, Bizarro felt suffocated.

   It was Rorschach but he didn\'t pay attention to it. I flew towards the sun in a roundabout way. When I was close to the sun, I raised my hand and threw the Bizarro in my hand towards the sun.

  Yellow sun light can bring superhuman strength, but for Bizarro, the yellow sun will deprive me of power.

  The closer it is to the yellow sun, the slower Bizarro\'s power will disappear, and eventually he will be completely melted by the blazing low temperature, leaving not even a speck of dust left.

   Before using the sun to eliminate the tragedy of Bizarro, Rorschach returned to the small city, Lex Group.

Clark came out holding Lex\'s body, my eyes were full of sadness: "Rorschach, it\'s all your fault, if you can tell Lex the truth earlier, tell me you are Superman, maybe all of that will happen."

"Is there any way for him to change the past, but he can still grasp the future. Although Lex is a bit extreme, I really love that planet coldly, so he will protect it for me." Bu Qing casually told Clark Take a sip of chicken soup for the soul.

  Clark, who is in a confused stage at the moment, really does that.

   I gradually hesitated when I looked at Lex, and secretly made up my mind to use my life to protect that planet until I die.

  A siren sounded nearby.

Today, the speed of the police in the small city is almost half an hour slower than before, but Rorschach\'s love is definitely because the efficiency of the police in the small city has been reduced, but because the location of the accident is the leading company in the small city, Lex group.

   No wonder!

   "Clark, what should the police do with him? Go and clean up Lex\'s biological experiments." Rorschach turned to look at the biological laboratory on the ground of the Lex Group building.

  Besides this, there are still several samples of Clark\'s blood, and Rorschach must completely remove them.

  In addition, the kryptonite in Lex\'s collection also needs to be dealt with.

  Clark nodded: "Okay, the police will leave it to you to deal with it."

  Before it was decided, Rorschach flew to the biological laboratory of the Rex Group, and used cold vision to remove all biological weapons, Clark\'s blood samples and all other things.

   Immediately afterwards, Rorschach scanned the entire building and ruins.

  Destroy all the kryptonite collected by Lex.

   After doing all that, Rorschach left the Lex Group.

  Down that night.

  The small city police took over the Lex Group and issued a notice under the Internet.

  Because Lex Luthor, the president of the Lex Group, researched biological weapons without permission and cloned Superman, but because the technology was mature enough, the clone of Superman ran away. Lex Luthor was accidentally injured by the clone and died unexpectedly.

  On the Internet, there is a video of the white knight fighting the clone Superman Bizarro.

Only then did the people realize that the Superman who appeared a few days ago was cloned by Lex Luthor. After the combination, Lex Luthor deliberately ordered the robbers to frame Superman. down to freezing point.

  That directly reflected the stock price of Lex Group.

  The Eye of the Sky also came here after hearing the news and intervened in the investigation. Rorschach cleaned up all the unexamined biological weapons and Clark\'s blood samples. Even the Eye of the Sky could not find any useless information from the pile of ruins.


  PS: There is no big problem. After writing Big Ugly, including the author’s next Superman fanfic, when you wrote Big Ugly and Lex Luthor, some readers reported that those two characters were too poorly written by you.

  In fact, to put it bluntly, it is because of the perspective of a Kryptonian, no matter how stupid or awesome a special person, whether ugly or bald, is no different from an ant.

  No one would care if the ants would have some kind of conspiracy against the heavens and step on them to death.

  (end of this chapter)