The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 288: 82, Barry, get wet

Chapter 288 82, Barry, run up

  The second week after Superman left, a superhero in a red Blitz suit appeared in Central City.

  The media called it, The Flash.

  In a short period of time, The Flash fought criminals everywhere in the central city, helped up fallen grandparents, prevented pedestrians from being hit by cars, and other acts of righteousness.

Rorschach replaced the original position of Dr. Harrison Wells. He not only made a training plan for the Flash Barry Allen, so that Barry could familiarize himself with his power faster, but also customized a set of red lightning nanometers for him with nanotechnology. Battle suit.

  With the red lightning suit, Barry Allen no longer has to worry about burning his clothes and shoes while running.

  And the nanosuit can also feed back Barry Allen\'s condition to the laboratory in real time, so that the members of the lightning team can monitor Barry\'s physical condition at any time.

  In Star Lab, Sisko is the person who cares most about Barry besides Rorschach.

  Because Sisko has loved superhero comics crazily since he was a child. In today’s world, many cities have their own superheroes, but Central City has never had its own exclusive heroes.

   This gave Sisko the idea of ​​living in another city.

   Now Central City has its own superhero, and this hero was born under Sisko\'s nose.

  Thus, Sisko consciously served as the logistics of the Flash team, as well as the equipment repairer, and cooperated with Barry to fight against the criminals in Central City.

   "I have never been able to understand why there are so many robbers and criminals when there are so many superheroes?" Rorschach sat on the chief seat of the laboratory command center and complained.

Sisko was immersed in assisting The Flash to solve a jewelry robbery case. Catherine heard Rorschach\'s question and replied: "Maybe those criminals are taking chances, thinking that as long as there are enough people committing crimes, superheroes will have no time to stop them." them."

   "It\'s not that superheroes always like to capture criminals alive instead of killing each other. If one kills the other, you see who would dare to commit a crime." Rorschach shrugged and said.

  Now he can reach a consensus with Batman and Superman and respect each other\'s ideas, which is already very rare.

  Rorschach can\'t force Batman and Superman to kill criminals at will.

So, as long as the black knight doesn\'t make a move, many criminals will take a chance and take a gamble to see who is flying over to stop them. If it is a hero who insists on not killing, such as Superman or Batman, then You can still resist for a while, but if it is a black knight, then you can directly report to the police and surrender.

   "Criminals can never be killed, and there will always be people who choose to take risks for various reasons." Catherine said.

  Rorschach smiled. After all, it is still the soil of the United States Federation, which is prone to various cancers.

  Rorschach was chatting with Catherine every sentence, when a flash of lightning flashed, and Barry Allen appeared in the command center.

   "Hey, I found that my speed has increased a lot, have you seen it?" As soon as Barry came in, he enthusiastically gave Sisko a high-five to celebrate, as if it was such a great feat to stop a few small robbers.

"Barry, your current attack method is too simple, and your physical strength limits your combat effectiveness. Let me give you a simple example. It is also at the speed of Mach 10. Your punch is the same as the black knight\'s. One punch is definitely two concepts." Rorschach used himself as an example for Barry.

  But Rorschach hasn\'t told Barry that they are the Black Knights. It\'s not that Rorschach can hide it, it\'s just that there is no right time yet.

  If you just tell Barry so bluntly, Hey, Bazai, I am your idol Black Knight.

   This is somewhat of a drop in price.

  Barry thought about Rorschach\'s words seriously: "Indeed, but I\'m not a strength type at all, and after wearing the nano suit, my physical strength has actually improved."

"Then have you ever thought that when you run at full speed, a strong current will be generated. After our rough calculation, the current energy when you run can reach hundreds of millions of joules. If you can control this current, you will If you throw it out, this will become your trump card." Rorschach instructed Xiaoshan to use the skill of lightning throwing.

Before Barry said anything, Sisko had already started typing on the computer: "Throwing lightning... This is so cool, Barry, according to my calculations, as long as your speed can be maintained at Mach 8, you can form a stable lightning Electric current, you can shake your arm, and by creating a potential difference, you can guide the lightning in your body to shoot out."

   As he spoke, Sisko held up his right hand to demonstrate to Barry: "Just like this, one up and one down to cut the magnetic induction line, this is what you learned in natural science when you were in elementary school."

  Catherine didn\'t think there was anything wrong with this gesture, but Barry blushed, "No, I refuse."

"Why, brother, you can throw lightning, just like Zeus, the **** king in mythology, controlling thunder, this is so cool." If Sisko also has speed force, he must try this skill immediately .

Rorschach tried not to laugh, and also booed from the side: "Go and try it, Barry, didn\'t you say that you want to follow the example of the Black Knight? You can\'t compare with the Black Knight, so go to the second floor now." Run in the particle accelerator for an hour, then train lightning throwing for two hours, go, run, Barry, run!"

   "But I asked Iris to have dinner with him tonight." Barry wanted to reject Rorschach\'s increased training programs.

  When Luo Xia heard this, he was puzzled and said: "I remember that your childhood sweetheart has a boyfriend, or your adoptive father\'s partner?"

   "Yes, Iris\' boyfriend is also here, and the three of us will have dinner together." Barry was always licking the dog as soon as he opened his mouth.

  Green tea is not worth it! Barry.

Luo Xia was really sad: "Barry, your Iris already has a boyfriend. Your behavior is called dog licking at best, or destroying other people\'s feelings at worst. I didn\'t expect you to be this kind Kind of people."

   "No, Rorschach, you misunderstood, I just wanted to..."

"I just want to look at each other silently and guard her? To put it bluntly, I don\'t want to poach someone\'s corner. There is a kind of love called letting go. With all due respect, Iris is not suitable for you at all. Look at us bystanders, we can all see it." You have always been secretly in love with Iris, but Iris himself has never known, haven\'t you thought about whether she really doesn\'t know, or is she pretending not to know?"

   Rorschach spared no effort to persuade, because he felt that Xiao Shan deserved better people.

  Batman is not as holy as Iris!

  Barry looked at Sisko and Catherine: "You can see it too?"

  Sisko and Catherine nodded in unison and said, "As long as you have eyes, you can see it! And your adoptive father should know it too."

   "Joe knows too?" Barry was in a bad mood.

  The whole world knows that he likes Iris, but Iris doesn\'t. Is it possible?

   For a while, Barry fell into self-doubt.

   "Barry, listen to my advice, women will only affect your running speed, now immediately, go to the basement for training, get wet, Barry, get wet!" Rorschach urged again.

  Barry gradually clenched his hands, and the nano-robots around him quickly expanded to form a red lightning suit, which was changed around Barry.

  The next moment, there was a flash of lightning, and Barry Allen, the Flash, appeared in the huge particle accelerator space on the negative second floor, and began to run around the Star Laboratory.

  Sisko looked at the electronic monitoring screen: "Unbelievable, Barry\'s speed has increased by another 2 percentage points, boss, you are really amazing."

   "That\'s natural. As I said, women will only affect Barry\'s speed. If Barry can stay single for a long time, his speed will exceed your imagination." Rorschach said with satisfaction.

  (end of this chapter)