The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 283: 77. I am justice

Chapter 283 77, I am justice

   "I, I..." The robber seemed to be still hesitating.

   But obviously, the incident of the bomb under the wheelchair has made the robber lose his trust in the instigator behind the scenes, because he didn\'t know about the bomb at all, that is to say, the person behind the scene wanted to kill him too.

   "It\'s Lex Luthor, he ordered me to reveal Superman\'s true face, so that everyone can see that Superman is a hypocrite..." The robber spoke out the ins and outs like a cannonball.

  However, the robber knew limited information, and only said that Lex wanted to reveal the true face of Superman, but he knew nothing about other things.

"As you can see, Superman is full of justice in his heart, but there are always people who want to persecute him. I hope to see if Superman will show his dirty and ugly side in the face of extreme situations. If Superman is really forced Crazy, and then you\'re going to say, \'Look, I knew he was a hypocrite, he was pretending to be a Madonna,\' and that\'s what you want?"

  Rorschach looked around the crowd, no matter whether it was a senator, a judge, a jury, etc., they dared not look directly at Rorschach.

  The audience was silent, and Rorschach\'s eyes finally fell on the robber who was wrapped in bandages and had plaster casts on his hands and feet.

  Two fiery rays shot out suddenly, in front of everyone, in front of the live broadcast reporter, they wiped out the robber on the spot!

  In an instant, thermal vision swept across.

  The robber was erased from the molecular level, leaving only scorched marks all over the place.

   "Ahhh, God..."

This move by Rorschach frightened the senators and judges present. The reporters on the side almost couldn\'t even hold the camera in their hands. Everyone took a few steps back and looked at Rorschach with horror in their eyes. .

  Rorschach ignored their eyes: "No one can judge Superman, not even the laws of the United States. Only the Justice League can judge all superheroes including Superman."

   Senator Finch swallowed, and mustered up the courage to question Rorschach: "Then who can judge you? You just killed someone..."

   "Do you want to say that I am a murderer? But I have killed many people, but everyone I killed was a heinous criminal..."

Rorschach looked at Senator Finch, "You don\'t need to restrain me with human morality, because what I guard is this planet, and what I guard is the billions of creatures living on this planet, not the United States Federation. law, or a specific person..."

   "Therefore, once someone threatens the safety of other holy spirits and the order of this world, I will kill him without hesitation. Just like this robber, who robbed a bank and threatened the lives of the people, he is guilty..."

   "I represent absolute justice, I am justice!"

   After speaking, Rorschach looked around, waiting for someone to refute his words, but unfortunately, no one dared to say a word, and some people even dared not speak out.

  The reporters at the scene broadcast this scene live, although the public already knew that the Black Knight acted without any scruples.

   But they never thought that one day the black knight would kill people in court in the Metropolitan Court.

   "I don\'t think the Black Knight is wrong. The U.S. federal court doesn\'t try robbers, but Superman. Should good people be pointed at guns?"

   "Bullshit federal laws, **** fairness and justice, who doesn\'t know that federal justice is for the rich, I bet ten fried chicken, Lex Luthor, who planned all this, won\'t be punished at all!"

   "Did you hear what the black knight said? He never protects a specific person or the Federation. What he protects is this planet and the creatures living on it. That\'s fair and just!"

   "You don\'t have to believe in Superman, but you must believe in the Black Knight!"


  On the Internet, Rorschach\'s murder in court not only did not cause panic among the people, on the contrary, countless people at the bottom saw true fairness and justice in Rorschach.

  At least when the disaster strikes, it is the black knight who has always been guarding the world and the people, not the so-called social elites who eat vegetarian food.

  In the Metropolitan Court, it was not until Rorschach left for a long time that the senators gasped for breath. The sense of oppression Rorschach brought to them was too strong.

   "Just let him go?" After Senator Finch confirmed that Rorschach had left, he looked at the sheriff of the Metropolitan Police Department.

  The Metropolitan Sheriff shrugged: "Even the military is trembling to maintain a good relationship with the Black Knight. Do you think we dare to let him stay and continue the hearing?"

   "But the black knight is trampling on the laws of the United States!" Senator Finch said loudly.

  The Metropolitan Sheriff shrugged and said, "Who says no, so what can you do to stop him?"

   Senator Finch was at a loss for words.

  Yeah, everyone knows that the black knight murder is illegal, but what can you do?

  Even the military and the top leaders of the United States have acquiesced to the behavior of the Black Knight. You asked the little police present to arrest the Black Knight. Is this to send them to death?


   Lex Group.

CEO\'s office.

  Lex Luthor is watching the Metropolitan Court news broadcast on TV, Superman is being tried by the Justice League, and the Black Knight is coming to the hearing to kill the robbers in public.

   "Whether it\'s a black knight or a superman, they are not people from Earth after all."

   Lex seems to firmly believe that the non-me race must have a different heart, no matter how righteous and great Superman Clark Kent pretends to be, Lex will not continue to trust each other.

  As for the Black Knight, he is a complete murderer, a super criminal who defies human laws.

  In the TV screen, after Rorschach took the bomb, the robber admitted that the instigator behind the scenes was Lex Luthor, which greatly affected the stock of Lex Group, but Lex didn\'t care about it.

   In contrast, he cares more about how to deal with the Black Knight and Superman.

  The door of the office was knocked, and a female secretary with short black hair came in: "Mr. Lex, someone from the Metropolitan Police Department said that he would like to invite you to be investigated."

   "Just say I\'m not here, and leave this matter to my lawyer." Lex Luthor said indifferently.

  This kind of accusation without direct evidence, the Metropolitan Police will at most come to question and make a record.

  A person of Lex Luthor\'s status doesn\'t even need to do the transcript himself, as a private lawyer will take care of everything for him.

   In the final analysis, it is still the same sentence, the rules of the United States are all for the rich.

   "I see, Mr. Lex."

  The female secretary was about to leave, when Lex suddenly stopped her, "How is the progress in the laboratory?"

   "All the cultivated test subjects died, and the last blood sample is left. Now the laboratory is trying to replicate more blood samples." Female Secretary Hui reported.

   Lex Luthor got up immediately and said. "The experimental subjects are all dead? Maybe you can try combining my blood, come on, follow me to the laboratory."

  The female secretary first called Lex Luthor\'s personal lawyer and told him that he needed to deal with the Metropolitan Police.

   After finishing the treatment, the beautiful female secretary with short black hair took Lex Luthor to the secret biological laboratory on the fourth basement floor of the Lex Group.

   A few days ago, Lex Luthor instructed the gangsters to use kryptonite weapons against Superman.

  He collected Superman\'s blood and wanted to use it to develop powerful biological weapons.

   However, the experiments in the past few days have all ended in failure.

Lex Luthor has always been pretentious, thinking that he is the savior who saved the world, the great leader like Alexander the Great, so, after hearing the death of the experimental subject, he immediately thought that maybe he should combine himself blood test.

  (end of this chapter)