The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 278: 72. Survey

Chapter 278 72, Investigation

  Central City, inside the Star Science and Technology Laboratory.

  After being struck by lightning a few months ago, Barry Allen, who had been in a coma, suddenly flashed yellow Speed ​​Force lightning around him.

   However, Dr. Catherine Snow, who was in charge of taking care of him, didn\'t notice Barry Allen\'s situation at first, because both Catherine and Sisko were paying attention to the monsters that suddenly appeared on the metropolis.

  A terrifying monster that was finally defeated by the joint efforts of the Black Knight, Superman, Wonder Woman, and the new mysterious hero.

   "That monster is so terrifying, even Superman is no match for him. If it weren\'t for the Black Knight, I can\'t imagine what the metropolis would be like." Catherine Snow felt a little scared.

  The world is getting weirder and weirder now.

   Various aliens and monsters emerge in endlessly.

  If a year ago, someone told her that there would be aliens, superheroes and other things, then Catherine would definitely think that this person was crazy, but now it seems that all kinds of weird things happen every day.

   Sisko on the side nodded in agreement: "We don\'t want to be black or bragging. The Black Knight is indeed the strongest of all superheroes. Without the Black Knight, Superman and Wonder Woman may not be able to defeat that monster."

   They don\'t know that there is kryptonite that can kill Doomsday.

  The two were chatting, and Catherine suddenly noticed the flashing yellow light in the intensive care unit. The yellow light indicated that it was not an ordinary incident. If it was an emergency, an alarm with red light would sound in the laboratory.

   "It\'s Barry Allen, he seems to be waking up..." Catherine retrieved the monitoring data of Barry Allen in front of the computer.

   "Barry? The kid who was struck by lightning a few months ago?"

  Sisko remembered who Barry Allen was. When Rorschach transferred Barry Allen to the Star Lab, Sisko complained about whether the boy swore to a girl and was struck by lightning.

   "Yes, that\'s him. I have to check on his condition. He may be waking up. Sisko, do you want to come over and take a look?" Catherine hurriedly left the office and went to the intensive care unit.

  How could Sisko miss such a good opportunity to catch fish, and quickly followed up: "Of course, I really want to study why humans can survive intact after being struck by lightning."



  After Rorschach and Clark dealt with the military side, Clark immediately changed back to the appearance of a little reporter, and returned to Central Park with a camera.

  He was having a headache on how to explain what happened today to Lex Luthor, but when he went back, Lex Luthor had already left.

  Clark looked at the three collapsed hero statues in Central Park, sighed helplessly, and said to himself: "Hey, Lex will definitely doubt me more now..."

   Rorschach recovered the fallen meteorite.

  Perhaps this meteorite can find clues that the doomsday will come to earth.

  Rorschach brought the meteorite back into the Kryptonian spacecraft on Mars, and asked the bald researcher Os-Mon ​​to analyze the composition of the meteorite and detect the energy residue.

"Your Highness Rao, from this meteorite, I detected the energy fluctuations of the space jump. Someone used the space jump technology to accurately deliver this meteorite to the earth." Researcher Os-Mon ​​humbly asked Luo Xia Hui reports.

   "Space Jump Technology..."

Rorschach thought about it for a while. If it is a space jumping technology, then it can be ruled out that the Doomsday meteorite landed with the Zod spacecraft. Looking at the entire Doomsday plot, there are only two super villains in the universe who have the Doomsday meteorite. Technology of strategic weapons.

  One is the fiendish Brainiac.

  The other is Darkseid who has been thinking about invading the earth all day long.

However, Rorschach is more inclined to be the ghost of the figure maniac Brainiac. After all, he destroyed Krypton and collected Kandor, the capital of Krypton. Then this meteorite with Doomsday is naturally Brainiac. Nyak found it inside Kandor.

   "If it\'s Brainiac, you have to deploy some backup in advance. For Brainiac, the human network is simply more fragile than the fortifications built by primitive people."

  Rorschach was thinking secretly in his heart.

  Maybe it is necessary to improve the Kryptonian spacecraft and the firewall on the earth. When Brainiac of the province came, he broke through the human data network and electronic products in an instant.

   But before that, Rorschach had to use the blood of Doomsday to recast the Black Death Sword.

  If Black Death Sword can gain the ability of Doomsday, then it will be much easier to deal with enemies like Doomsday in the future.

   "Os-Mon, can our Kryptonian technology resist Brainiac\'s invasion?" Rorschach asked.

The bald researcher Os-Meng thought for a while, and said: "If Krypton used to have a complete defense system, if it defends with all its strength, it can resist the invasion of Brainiac to a certain extent, but now we only have one ship." Kryptonian spacecraft..."

  He didn\'t continue to speak, but the meaning was already obvious.

   With the remaining Kryptonian technology, it is no match for Brainiac at all.

   "Then from now on, strengthen the Kryptonian technology firewall system as much as possible. You should first complete the basic framework, and then I can help you upgrade the firewall." Rorschach instructed Os-Mon.

  The bald researcher seemed to understand something: "Your Highness Rao, does it mean that Brainiac is about to descend on this galaxy?"

   "I guess so. In short, be prepared to go to war at any time."

  Rorschach felt that it was necessary to take precautions before they happened, otherwise he would be in a very passive situation if he really had to wait until after Brainiac came to consider upgrading the system.

   "Of order, Your Highness Rao." Os-Mon ​​said to Rorschach respectfully.

  Leaving the technology cabin inside the spacecraft, Rorschach is considering whether to recruit a group of top scientific research talents from the earth. The new batch of children with scientific talents on Krypton is still in the embryonic state.

   It will take at least twenty years for these babies to grow into qualified scientific researchers.

   This time is too long.

"There are still many outstanding scientists on the earth, such as Sisko and Catherine in my star science and technology laboratory, Felicity from the Green Arrow team in Star City, Ray Palmer the Atom, Mr. Curtis- Holt, wait..."

   While thinking about things, Rorschach walked towards the weapons and equipment warehouse. He planned to forge the Black Death Sword as soon as possible to obtain more powerful power.

  At the end of the long corridor passage, Fio-la had his hands behind his back, as if he had been waiting there for a long time.

Seeing Rorschach approaching, Fio-la stepped forward quickly, and gave a military salute to Rorschach: "His Royal Highness Rao, I made a genetic combination of existing Kryptonian warriors for the natural breeding population plan you mentioned earlier. table, please take a look."

What the hell?

   Gene binding table?

  Rorschach watched Fio-La raise his wrist computer solemnly, releasing a light curtain on his wrist, and an electronic chart appeared on it.

   is the list of existing Kryptonian fighters, and the targets of their respective genes.

   There are a total of 14 Kryptonians on this spacecraft.

   Five male Kryptonians and nine female Kryptonians.

  However, there are only twelve Kryptonians on the chart. Rorschach glanced at them and found that there were no Fio La or Fura Ao on the list.

"Four male Kryptonian fighters, each paired with a Kryptonian female fighter, this seems to be no problem, but why is Os-Mont bald...cough, why is Os-Mont paired with three Kryptonian female fighters? "Rorschach had to admit, I was sour.

"You said that scientific research personnel are the cornerstone of the revival of Krypton, so in order to quickly increase the number of people with scientific research genes, in fact, Fura-O suggested that I combine all Kryptonian female warriors except the two of us with Os- genetic pairing." Fior La said very seriously.

   "Ah, this..."

  Rorschach was speechless for a while, that bald man in Os-Mon ​​can marry seven Kryptonian wives, is he Wei Xiaobao?

   "Why did you exclude yourself and Fura-O from the list?" Rorschach asked rhetorically.

  (end of this chapter)