The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 264: 58. Kryptonite Weapon

Chapter 264 58, Kryptonite Weapon

  The battle in the sky continues.

  In the streets of the factory, Batman took the lead in picking up the kryptonite rifle and pulled the trigger on a Kryptonian warrior who fell to the ground.

Da da da…

   A series of green bullets shot out, creating howling winds in midair.

  However, before these bullets hit the target, the Kryptonian soldier closest to him raised his head, his eyes were red, and two rays of thermal vision shot out, accurately melting all the kryptonite bullets into air.


  Although the Kryptonian warrior\'s right arm was cut off by Diana\'s kryptonite long sword, green blood vessels protruded high from the wound.

   But this male Kryptonian warrior still erupted with strong oppressive force.

   His feet slammed on the ground, his figure rushed to Batman like a shell, and he clenched his left hand and slammed down on Batman\'s chest.

   In a hurry, Batman only had time to fold his hands on his chest.

  The next second, the opponent\'s fist came crashing down.


With just one punch, the energy shield of Batman\'s nano-suit was exhausted in an instant, the nano-metal on his hands exploded completely, and a terrifying force came, smashing Batman upside down, smashing through the After several walls, it stopped.

  As soon as Batman landed, the damaged parts on both arms were immediately repaired by nano metal.

   There was another sonic boom that pierced the air, and the Kryptonian soldier with the broken arm came to him again, and he saw that he punched Batman again.

   Until this moment, Batman finally realized the power of Kryptonians.

  He reached out to touch the bat dart on his waist as quickly as possible. Green Arrow and Digger rushed over. They raised their kryptonite rifles at the same time and fired at the Kryptonian warrior.

  The dense kryptonite bullets behind him rained down like raindrops.

  The Kryptonian warrior with the broken arm gave up killing Batman and chose to dodge hastily. At this time, Batman also took out six kryptonite darts from his waist and threw them towards the Kryptonian warrior.

   "Bat, your dart went wrong!"

   "No, it doesn\'t."

The kryptonite darts did not aim at the fleeing Kryptonian warrior, but were randomly thrown in the air as if they had lost their focus. Just when Green Arrow thought that Batman\'s darts were thrown wrongly, those kryptonite darts suddenly exploded. Turned into a cloud of green smoke.

   "Cough cough cough..."

  The Kryptonian warrior passed through the smoke, took a deep breath of gaseous kryptonite, and a powerful sense of weakness swept over him.

"kill him!"

  Batman didn\'t dare to insist on the principle of not killing any more at this moment, because any stupid kindness would give the Kryptonian a chance to kill them back. Green Arrow and Digger continued to shoot at each other.

  Batman rushed towards the opponent at the fastest speed and punched out.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

Kryptonite weakened the Kryptonian. Batman hit him with a set of consecutive punches, and the opponent was powerless to fight back. But even so, the Kryptonian\'s physical fitness was extremely strong, and this level of hand-to-hand combat could not cause any substantial damage to him. harm.

  After understanding this, Batman took out the kryptonite pistol on his waist, pointed it at the head of the Kryptonian warrior, and pulled the trigger.


   One shot to the head, the Kryptonian soldier with the broken arm was killed on the spot.

   "Kryptonians are just like monsters, no...they are monsters!" Green Arrow sighed.

   Without Batman\'s armor, he definitely doesn\'t want to fight a Kryptonian in hand-to-hand combat, even with Kryptonite in his hand.

   Not far away, several explosions sounded one after another.

  Batman took a look, that direction was the area where he planted kryptonite mines, it seemed that a Kryptonian fell into the kryptonite minefield and stepped on a kryptonite mine.

   "I\'ll go ahead and have a look, you\'d better follow me." Batman urged.

In the sky.

  Even though Diana was holding a kryptonite long sword, she was still powerless to face four or five Kryptonian warriors wearing Kryptonian armor at the same time.

  Superman originally wanted to take the Kryptonian fighters chasing him to the place where Batman set up a kryptonite trap, but after the real fight, he discovered that these Kryptonian fighters would not go according to their plan at all.

  Superman is stronger than these Kryptonians who only have warrior-level blood in terms of strength, but they can\'t stand the fact that their fighting skills are inferior to their opponents.

   Coupled with the large number of opponents, Superman was surrounded and beaten by several people from the very beginning.

   "We were born to be trained as warriors, and where did you train? A farm?"

  Fullah-O dodged Superman\'s full-strength punch, and a backhand slashed Superman\'s throat with a hand knife. Behind him, a male Kryptonian soldier raised his hands above his head and smashed down on Superman\'s back heavily.


   There was a deafening sound in the sky.

  Even the evacuated people a few kilometers away heard loud voices coming from the direction of the industrial area.

   Some people raised their heads and stopped to look at the sky.

  I saw a red figure galloping from a distance, like a small meteor falling from the sky to the ground.

   When they got closer, they finally saw the red figure clearly.

   "It\'s Superman!"

  The people saw Superman flying, and before they had time to cheer, they saw the superhero in their eyes. Superman hit the ground with his head, and his speed remained unabated, drawing a deep ravine on the ground.

  Superman struggled to get up from the ravine, his face in a state of dismay.

  The next second, six black figures descended from the sky and landed straight on the ground.

   "It\'s an alien, run away!"

  After seeing the six black figures clearly, the people screamed in horror and fled in all directions.

Perhaps because these screaming crowds were too noisy, the super-hearing Kryptonian warriors couldn’t adapt to the noise for a while. One of the male Kryptonians looked at the crowd angrily, and two fiery lights burst out from his eyes. , swept past in the direction of the crowd.

"Do not!"

  Seeing this scene, Superman immediately flew to stop the other party from killing, but before he could fly out, Fura-O grabbed the cloak, yanked it violently, and smashed it to the ground.

  Seeing that the Kryptonian warrior\'s thermal vision was about to sweep across the crowd, Diana descended from the sky, holding up her divine power shield, and stood in front of the crowd.


The powerful thermal vision impacted the divine shield, and Diana moved back a few meters. After she stabilized her foot plate, she stepped on the ground suddenly, set up the divine shield against the thermal vision of the Kryptonian warrior, and rushed to In front of the opponent, he waved a kryptonite long sword, and stabbed the opponent\'s chest with a sword.


  The Kryptonite sword pierced the Kryptonian\'s chest, and Diana kicked him. At the same time, she pulled out the Kryptonite sword and looked at another person.

  Superman also struggled to get up from the ground. Since his fighting skills were not as good as the opponent\'s, he didn\'t compare to fighting skills. He completely gave up his defense and let Fura-O\'s attack hit him.

  When Fulla-O hits a punch, there will be a momentary stagnation, and Superman will use this momentary stagnation to counterattack.

   bang bang bang...

The two sides fought together again. This strategy of giving up defense was very effective, but in the eyes of outsiders, this fighting method seemed to have become a turn-based battle. If you punch me, I punch you with a backhand, like a very Two rookies were punching each other.

  (end of this chapter)