The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 242: 36. Barry Allen

Chapter 242 36, Barry Allen

  Today, there was a big news from the Central City Star Science and Technology Laboratory.

  Harrison Wells of the Star Science and Technology Laboratory is a fake. A criminal with superpowers replaced Harrison Wells\' identity, and after being discovered, he massacred the police who arrested him!

  Some people who were at the scene uploaded the video they took.

  They didn\'t take pictures of the inside of the Star Science and Technology Laboratory, only the video of Reverse Lightning wearing a yellow uniform slaughtering the entire special forces in front of the gate.

  From the appearance to the end, in two seconds, the special forces composed of more than a hundred people were all broken necks.

   That terrifying voice that makes the scalp tingle will become the nightmare of countless people.

   "This is so fake, the black knight can\'t kill so many people in an instant, I\'m afraid this video is not edited!"

   "Are you stupid in front of me? Tell me how to edit, so that hundreds of special forces can break their necks at the same time and fall down in unison. How do you edit?"

   "High-energy warning, the black knight is about to debut! Who said the black knight can\'t do it!"


  The video screen continued to play, and Rorschach, Diana, and Bruce also appeared on the screen one after another, but the audience\'s focus was mainly on the Black Knight and Wonder Woman.

   As for Batman...

   Except for the people of Gotham City who know about Batman, people in other cities, especially the people in Central City, don\'t know Batman at all.

   "Which one is the one in the bat suit? He looks so weak? Can you introduce which one is bigger?"

   "I\'m sorry, let me tell you, I don\'t know who he is, maybe he is the black knight\'s follower. Didn\'t you notice that the batman was dressed like the black knight?"

   "The legs of the heroine are always god! I can play with this leg for ten years, I love it!"


  What happened in the Star Science and Technology Laboratory was not only spread on the Internet, but the media in Central City rushed to the scene as soon as possible to report live.

  Barry Allen of the Appraisal Section of the Central City Police Department immediately drove to the Star Science and Technology Laboratory after seeing the news, because his adoptive father, Sergeant Joe West, also participated in the operation.

   When Barry Allen arrived at the gate of the Star Technology Laboratory, Batman also left here.

  In the open space in front of the door, a very long cordon was pulled up, and corpses covered in white cloth were carried out one by one, and Barry rushed over nervously.

   "I\'m Barry Allen from the Identification Section of the Central City Police Department, please let me in."

  After Barry took out the ID card from the Appraisal Section, he crossed the cordon and saw his adoptive father, Joe West, directing the removal of the corpse.

   "Joe, God bless, it\'s great that you\'re fine!" Barry stepped forward and gave his adoptive father a hug.

   Sheriff West patted his adopted son on the back: "Barry, today I almost thought I would never see you again."

   "What happened, I heard that Harrison Wells is a counterfeit, and the other party is a superpower, it\'s unbelievable..."

"Barry, listen to me, I think you may be right, about your mother\'s death, you said that ten years ago, a yellow lightning appeared in your house, and a red lightning, I just saw it with my own eyes, fake Harrison Wells, he turned into a yellow lightning!" Sergeant West said to Barry Allen.

  Ten years ago, Barry was a kid.

  His mother was murdered. The police believed that Barry\'s father did it and arrested him and put him in jail.

  The young Barry kept saying that his father was wronged, two bolts of yellow and red lightning broke into his home, and a figure in yellow clothes killed his mother.

  At that time, no one believed the child\'s words, and everyone thought that the little boy was trying to excuse his father.

  However, after Sergeant West saw the scene of reverse lightning moving at high speed, he immediately thought of Barry Allen\'s mother. Perhaps the real murderer was not Barry\'s father, but the fake Dr. Wells in front of him.

   "Oumaika... that fake Dr. Wells, where is he now?" Barry Allen asked in surprise.

Sheriff Joe West glanced into the distance, "The Black Knight and Wonder Woman are arresting each other, maybe they will be brought to justice soon, maybe your father\'s case will be overturned soon. "

   "The Black Knight, that vigilante... that\'s great!"

Barry Allen clenched his fists. Although he, as a member of the police system, should not pin his hope of justice on the vigilante, but after so many years of being unable to clear up his father\'s grievances, Barry Allen was almost desperate up.

  The appearance of the black knight gave him hope again.


  The reverse lightning side.

  After he realized that he might not be Rorschach\'s opponent, he kept running away. After trying to get rid of Rorschach, he looked for another opportunity and prepared to continue the plan of man-made Flash.

  However, Reverse Lightning found desperately that Rorschach was like a piece of dog skin plaster, no matter how he tried to escape, he couldn\'t get rid of it.

   Even if he is faster than the black knight.

  Reverse Lightning took advantage of his speed to hide in various buildings in an attempt to avoid Rorschach\'s tracking, but no matter how perfect he hid, he would always be found by the other party.

   "Damn, he\'s Kryptonian...he must be Kryptonian!"

  Reverse Lightning seems to understand something. The black knight in front of him can fly, has great strength, has super speed, and can find his hiding place in countless buildings at a glance.

   This is clearly an ability possessed by superhuman beings.

  But Reverse Lightning knew what Superman looked like, not the guy in front of him who was called the Black Knight.

   Therefore, Reverse Lightning speculated that this black knight might be a Kryptonian!

  In an abandoned industrial factory, Rorschach came here following Reverse Lightning. His X-ray vision scanned the entire factory area, but he didn\'t see Reverse Lightning.

   But in the next room, a huge lead metal cabinet suddenly appeared there.

  Superman\'s X-ray vision can\'t see through metal lead, but Rorschach doesn\'t need to see through that cabinet at all. He can hear the thunderous heartbeat from that cabinet with his super hearing.

   Well, that metal cabinet is not completely airtight and soundproof.

   "Come out, Dr. Wells, I have already found you." Rorschach came to the next room and said loudly.

   Reverse Lightning hid in the metal lead cabinet, trying to hold his breath. He didn\'t think that Rorschach had discovered him. After all, in his memory, Kryptonians couldn\'t see through metal lead.

However, Luo Xia walked towards the cabinet made of metal lead step by step, and said with a smile: "Your thunderous heartbeat has already exposed your position, you should find a completely airtight and soundproof metal cabinet to hide in... "

  However, since Rorschach knew that he could not see through metallic lead, he would definitely pay extra attention to things made of metallic lead, so the result was actually the same.

  Hearing Rorschach\'s joking voice, Reverse Lightning quickly rushed out of the cabinet, distanced himself from Rorschach, glared at Rorschach, and asked, "Black Knight, what exactly do you want?"

"What I want to do, of course, is to arrest criminals. I have sufficient evidence to prove that you killed the Harrison Wells couple and Nora Allen of Star Lab ten years ago. I want to know How did you find out?" Rorschach deliberately led Reverse Lightning to admit his crime.

   Killing Reverse Lightning directly would not be able to reverse the case for Barry Allen\'s father, but if Reverse Lightning could confess his murder and then record it, it would become decisive evidence.

   At that time, regardless of whether Barry Allen will become The Flash in the future, he will owe Rorschach a huge favor.

  (end of this chapter)