The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 222: 16. Inspiring teachers and mobilizing crowds

Chapter 222 16, mobilize the crowd


  Rachel finished her day at work, and she made a detour to an upscale supermarket to buy new bed linens, as well as men\'s daily necessities.

   When she walked out of the mall, she saw a brand new Rolls Royce Dawn.

It was a four-seater convertible luxury sports car. Just by parked on the side of the road, it would attract the attention of countless people, not to mention the handsome man sitting in the car, who even hugged two Victoria\'s Secret models from left to right. like a female companion.


  Rachel stopped in her tracks, and looked at the handsome man in the sports car in astonishment.

   That person is none other than Bruce Wayne, the young master of the Wayne Group who has been missing for many years.

  Bruce Wayne also saw Rachel. He left behind two handsome female companions, and walked quickly to Rachel. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he didn\'t know how to speak.

  Rachel saw the embarrassment of the other party, and smiled: "When did you come back?"

   "Just today, around nine o\'clock in the morning." Bruce Wayne replied.

He just wanted to explain a few words, but he saw a tall young girl carrying a bag, walked up to Bruce\'s Rolls-Royce sports car, and urged Bruce, "Bruce, we should go, the prom!" It\'s about to start, and you definitely don\'t want to miss today\'s dance."

   Listening to the urging of the three female companions behind him, Bruce Wayne twitched the corner of his mouth in embarrassment.

In fact, he was pretending that he was a playboy, so as to cover his identity for the upcoming Batman. After all, no one would compare a superhero who punishes evil and promotes good in the dark with a young model who spends his days drinking and drinking. Playboy hook up.

  However, on the first day today, pretending to be a playboy, he ran into his childhood friend.

  Rachel looked at Bruce Wayne\'s hesitant look, and she said:

   "Bruce, in your heart, maybe you are still the innocent boy before, but the key is not to look at your heart, but to look at what you do."

   The implication is that your current behavior really makes me blind.

  After speaking, Rachel left quickly, heading straight to her warm little home.

  Looking at the back of Rachel leaving, Bruce Wayne felt that it would be good to leave Rachel\'s life like this, at least he would not put the other party in a dangerous situation because of his next identity as Batman.

  So, with a hero\'s lonely temperament, he stepped into his Rolls-Royce and drove to a certain bar with three young girls laughing all the way.


  The clock strikes midnight.

  The melodious bells echoed in the night sky of Gotham City.

  A black figure jumped down from a height like a bat. After gliding for a certain distance, the black figure jumped to the window of Sheriff Gordon\'s house.

   "Jim Gordon, I have something to ask you."

  Bruce Wayne, wearing a black Batman suit, sneaked into Sheriff Gordon\'s house through the window, hoping to learn more about the gang and the Black Knight from Sheriff Gordon.

Although it was already midnight, Sergeant Gordon was still working at his desk at home. He was quite frightened by the mysterious man who broke in suddenly. When he took a closer look, he was wearing a black cloak and a black hood. Two inverted triangular ears are erected.

black Knight? ? ! !

   At this moment, Sheriff Gordon\'s heart was about to explode. He opened the drawer almost without hesitation, took out a pistol, and fired several shots at the black figure who broke into his house.

   bang bang bang...

  Batman stared blankly, and quickly pulled up his cloak to avoid the bullets.

  His bat cape is made of a special material, which is very soft, but hard to damage, and can even withstand the impact of a grenade explosion.

   "Enough, Jim Gordon, I didn\'t come to trouble you, I just wanted to talk to you."

  Bruce Wayne used a voice changer to change his voice, and yelled at Sheriff Gordon, trying to calm him down and listen to himself.

  However, Sergeant Gordon didn\'t listen to the other party at all. After the pistol finished firing a round of bullets, he immediately replaced a magazine and continued to shoot.

   Facing Sergeant Gordon\'s refusal to cooperate, Bruce Wayne cursed secretly.

  He retreated to the window and jumped out of the window.

   "The black knight has appeared, he is right here, John, notify all police officers, dispatch all police forces to me, I want to arrest the black knight!"

Sergeant Gordon climbed out of the window while contacting his assistant, Constable John, jumped onto the fire stairs on the outer wall of the building, and then chased forward desperately like he had been injected with chicken blood. black figure.

   "Sheriff, are you sure what you saw was the Black Knight?"

   "I\'m sure, invulnerable, able to fly into the sky and escape from the ground, he is the black knight!"

   "Sheriff, please pay attention to your own safety, I will immediately dispatch an armed helicopter to support you."

"it is good."

   After a short reply, Sergeant Gordon ended the communication and kept jumping around in the rooms of this building.

  The buildings in Gotham City are very dense, and you can easily jump from the top of the building to the top floor of the next building. Sheriff Gordon is just like parkour tracking the black figure in the night sky on the top of the building.

  Bruce Wayne\'s bat cape can glide in mid-air.

  When he landed on a low building, several Gotham police officers who were talking on the walkie-talkie ran down below.

  The police officers heard the movement above, and when they looked up, they had another face-to-face with Batman Bruce Wayne.

"Hear me out…"

  Bruce Wayne was about to explain something, but those police officers immediately drew their guns from their waists and fired a burst of shots in the direction of Batman.

   In desperation, Bruce Wayne could only continue to escape.

"Damn it, if Sergeant Gordon shot me, it could be explained that I invaded his house illegally and made him feel that I threatened his life, but why did these police officers say nothing to me? Launch the attack!"

   "This is not normal...Could it be that they took me for...the Black Knight?"

  Bruce Wayne suddenly wanted to swear.

   "Damn bastards, are you all blind? Can you not see the wings of a bat at my age? You actually think of me as a black knight!"

   Although Bruce Wayne doesn\'t know what the Black Knight looks like, he is definitely not wearing a bat uniform.

  If the Black Knight or Batman can\'t tell the difference, Bruce Wayne is really disappointed in Gotham\'s police system.

   Just as Bruce was preparing to return to the Batcave first, ending today\'s bad day.

  A gunship flew from a distance, and a beam of bright light shot from the gunship, locking onto the figure of Batman.

   "Gift Crab... What are you doing?!"

  Bruce Wayne wanted to scold his mother. In order to arrest a black knight, the Gotham City Police Department actually dispatched one... no, it was three gunships!

  In addition to the one overhead, Bruce has heard the sound of helicopters flying in two directions in the distance.

   His mind is now full of what the **** is the black knight doing?

   Actually asked the police to dispatch three armed helicopters. Didn\'t Alfred say that the other party just killed a dozen gangsters?

   Killing a few gang members is so mobilizing the crowd? !

  Bruce Wayne said he couldn\'t understand.

  Of course, it\'s normal for him not to understand. For Bruce Wayne\'s intelligence cognition, he only stays at the fact that the Black Knight killed a dozen gang members, and he doesn\'t know that the black knight killed the gang members. The method is extremely cruel.

  Even the internal criminal psychologists of the police, the inner personality portrait of the Black Knight is: a dangerous anti-human being who is extremely indifferent to life and has no compassion.

   Sheriff Gordon put the Black Knight on the list of first-degree criminals long after the first dock incident.

  The massacre in the apartment that just happened raised the danger level of the Black Knight to a higher level, an S-class super criminal.

   Therefore, after treating the bat Bruce Wayne as the Black Knight, Sheriff Gordon mobilized all the forces he could mobilize, and began to chase and intercept the "Black Knight" in all directions without dead ends.

  (end of this chapter)