The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 200: 199, Black Death Sword

Chapter 200 199, Black Death Sword

  Before that, Zeus had said to Ares, the **** of war, that if he encountered an enemy he couldn\'t deal with, he would shout "Heimdall" to the sky.

  As long as Ares yells this \'Heimdall\', the Aesir **** of dawn will send powerful gods down to assist him.

  Before Ares\' cry was over, a colorful rainbow light descended from the sky.

  Colorful rainbow light fell on the ruins of the Holy of Holies in New York, and the figures of the gods Rorschach, Thor, Hela, and Zeus appeared in the colorful rainbow light.

   "So, it\'s a trap?"

  God Slayer Geer put on a fighting stance and looked around vigilantly, but he didn\'t show any look of fear. Instead, he grinned more excitedly and said, "In this way, I can catch you all in one go."

   As he said that, Geer the God Slayer split more jet-black liquid creatures from the Black Death Sword.

  These black liquid organisms are different from the symbiote organisms. The symbiote organisms split from the black death sword can change into independent forms even if they do not parasitize the host.

  In the comics, God Slaughter Geer used symbiote creatures to create his dead wife and children, as well as a group of symbiote creatures with good fighting power, on the planet that imprisoned and enslaved the gods.

  Rorschach waved his hand, and the dimension descended, transferring the battlefield from the real world to his sun dimension.

  Zeus appeared beside Ares, the **** of war, waving the golden lightning, and collided with the black death sword of Geer, the **** slayer, and suddenly burst out a blue and black shock wave.

   Upon seeing this, Ares immediately swung the ax of war, and slashed at the right hand of the god-slayer Geer.

  Hla holds the sword of Odin, one symbiote with each sword, while Thor, the **** of thunder, directly raises the storm battle axe, arouses the power of thunder in the sky, and smashes at all the symbiote.

  However, after these symbiont creatures were killed, they turned into a pool of pitch-black liquid matter and returned to the Black Death Sword.

The black death sword actually has no fixed shape. The black cloak behind Geer is also a part of the black death sword, so even if Ares cut off Geer\'s right hand, as long as there is still a trace of black on Geer\'s body, he will Still has the power of the Black Death Sword.

  God Slayer Geer\'s severed arm was covered in black, and his right arm recovered instantly.

  His hands flicked, and a black long sword appeared in both hands at the same time. One hand blocked Ares\' war axe, and the black long sword in the other hand pierced towards Zeus\'s chest like lightning.

"Be careful!"

  Thor just wanted to throw his storm battle axe to prevent the God Slayer Geer from killing Zeus.

  In an instant, two fiery rays of light slammed heavily on the body of God Slayer Geer, knocking him flying with his sword.


God Slayer Geer was hit by these two hot rays of light and moved forward all the way, plowing two deep ravines on the ground. Of course, this is just a broken afterimage between the sun dimension and the real world, not the real world. of wreaking havoc in the real world.

  The two heat visions disappeared, and in the ruins, Geer the God Slayer slowly stood up.

  He looked angrily at the source of the two heat vision, Rorschach who was suspended in mid-air.

   "Black Death Sword... is not afraid of my thermal vision..."

  Rorschach looked at the black covering the body of God Slayer Geer, and it was not burned by Rorschach\'s heat vision like the symbiote creature.

   But it\'s normal to think about it.

  Gnar, the **** of symbiosis, used the blood of the gods as fuel to burn and forge the Black Death Sword. Low-level symbiote creatures are afraid of high temperature and noise, but the Black Death Sword may not be afraid.

   Or it should be said that the Black Death Sword\'s resistance to high temperature and noise is infinitely stronger than that of symbiont creatures.

   "You angered me, I will make your life worse than death!"

The God Slayer Geer couldn\'t see that among the gods present, Rorschach was the strongest, as long as he killed the strongest **** and absorbed his blood and power, then the rest of the miscellaneous fish would be slaughtered by him .

  The next moment, Geer\'s figure teleported in front of Rorschach, his speed increased to the extreme, the storm-like attack fell, and the black long sword in both hands continued to slash out.

   Thor and the other gods trembled in their hearts, and looked in Rorschach\'s direction.

But seeing Luo Xia standing in mid-air, stretching out his right index finger and pointing forward continuously, only to hear a series of "dang dang dang" metal collision sounds one after another, Luo Xia blocked the God Slayer Geer\'s attack with one finger. All attacks.

  Below, Ares, the **** of war, showed a dazed look.

Thinking about how he had fought for a long time, but he couldn\'t help Geer, the god-slayer, and even got killed, and his fighting skills were absorbed from his blood by the opponent, but Luo Xia blocked Geer\'s attack with only one finger. Attack all.

   Ares suddenly felt that he might be a false god.

   God Slayer Geer slashed through the air with his sword, and Rorschach punched God Slaughter Geer\'s chest with a backhand. Immediately, Geer\'s chest exploded with flesh and blood, and his body flew upside down, hitting the ground heavily.

   Immediately afterwards, Rorschach shot two fiery rays of light from his eyes, shooting straight at the head of God Slayer Geer.

  God Slayer Geer instinctively raised his hands, crossing the two black swords in front of him.


Two blazing rays of light, like two jets of water, impacted on the black sword. The powerful impact moved Geer\'s body a few meters underground. The terrifying heat wave burned the surrounding space, and even the air began to become cold. distortion.

  The other gods looked at this scene, even if they were far away, they could feel the terrifying heat wave rushing towards their faces.

  God knows how hot the very center of the heat source has reached.


  At the end of the blazing light, Geer\'s whole body was torn apart by the heat wave, and he could even smell a burnt black smell.

  The black death sword gradually covered Geer\'s whole body, preventing the heat wave from roasting the god-slayer Geer into coke.

  Rorschach continued to explode his thermal vision, and the power of the sun and stars in his body poured out like a flood that opened the gate. Fortunately, hundreds of suns descended in the solar dimension, quickly replenishing the energy of the yellow sun consumed by Rorschach.

  With the sharp increase in temperature, even the surrounding space is distorted.

  The place where the Black Death Sword was in contact with the thermal vision gradually appeared a smear of red, and as the red color gradually expanded, the Black Death Sword seemed to be about to be melted, and gradually collapsed into a spherical shape half the height of a person.

  Gnar, the **** of symbiosis, used the blood of the **** of heaven as fuel to melt the black death sword.

  With Rorschach\'s current strength, it is naturally impossible for Rorschach\'s thermal vision to be inferior to the blood of the gods. Therefore, Rorschach\'s continuous explosion of thermal vision can reach the temperature of melting the Black Death Sword.

   This process lasted for a long time.

  It wasn\'t until the black liquid substance in front of him completely turned into a puddle of red molten iron that was formed after melting steel, that Rorschach gradually retracted his gaze.

   Interruption of thermal vision.

  Rorschach\'s eyes were still red, and a large amount of steam appeared due to the ultra-high temperature, lingering on Rorschach\'s eyes, looking from a distance, it was like a demon **** descending, making people afraid to look at those terrifying eyes.

   "Is it dead? Is Geer the God Slayer dead?" Ares, the **** of war, asked with lingering fear.

   Thor, the **** of thunder, stepped forward to check boldly. In the huge pit on the ground, there was a pool of red liquid substance that was gradually cooling down, but there was no sign of the god-slayer Geer in it.

  For a while, Thor didn\'t know what was going on.

"Ger, the God Slayer, should be dead. He is just an ordinary alien. I melted the black death sword and lost the protection of the black death sword. In this case, Geer hardly exists. possible." Rorschach explained.

  He scanned the Black Death Sword with X-ray vision and microvision.

   When the Black Death Sword melted, the god-slayer Geer lost the protection of the Black Death Sword. At a temperature that could melt the Black Death Sword, Geer, who was just an ordinary alien, instantly turned into ashes.

   And from the molecular level, it was completely burned.

   "Die well!"

  The big stone in the heart of Ares, the **** of war, finally fell to the ground. He carried the ax of war on his shoulders, and said with a long sigh of relief: "Has the enemy been resolved? Leave the rest of the finishing work to me!"

   Ares feels that after all, he is the patron saint of the earth now, and he must do the finishing work and appease the people.

  By the way, he can also show off in front of the media. It would be the best if he can gain a wave of little fans.

  The battle here has long attracted the attention of the surrounding people, but now the Terminator robots are guarding the daily security of the neighborhood, and they have set up a cordon early on to prevent enthusiastic citizens of the United States from running to the battlefield to die.

   But Rorschach interrupted Ares\' dream: "No, the real enemy has not been resolved, this is just the beginning..."

   These words were like a basin of cold water, poured on the hearts of the gods present.

Before they could ask what this sentence meant, the black death sword in the huge pit cooled down quickly, and returned to its previous black color, and it was ejected quickly, turning into a huge black liquid net, and slashed at Rorschach\'s head and face. shrouded in the past.

   At the moment when the huge black net enveloped Rorschach, five infinity gems appeared on the back of Rorschach\'s left hand.

  The Time Gem and the Mind Gem lit up at the same time, and Rorschach\'s right fist slammed forward, hitting the huge black net with one punch.

  The force enough to shatter the space erupted, but the black giant net was just like water waves, extending outward layer by layer, as if to transfer and dissolve all this destructive force.

  In an instant, a huge black liquid net shrouded down, instantly covering Rorschach\'s whole body.

  Rorschach stretched out his hand, tearing the black liquid substance on his body vigorously, but no matter how he tried to tear it, he couldn\'t completely tear off all the black on his body.

  The thermal vision gushed out again, but before the thermal vision reached the temperature of melting the Black Death Sword, Rorschach\'s eyes were covered by the black liquid substance.


  Thor saw this scene, his scalp went numb with fright, and he immediately swung his storm ax and slashed at Rorschach.

  He knew that with the defensive power of Rorschach\'s body, the storm battle ax would not pose any threat to Rorschach at all, but if Rorschach was possessed by the Black Death Sword, that would be the most troublesome thing.

  However, Thor\'s ax with the power of thunder slashed on Rorschach, only splashing a few sparks.

  Even the piece of black substance covering Rorschach\'s body couldn\'t be cut off.

  Zeus holds the golden lightning in his hand, Ares holds up the ax of war, and Hela wields the sword of Odin. They also surround Rorschach one after another, exerting divine power together with Thor, and frantically attacking the black liquid substance covering Rorschach\'s body.

  However, the Black Death Sword cannot be shaken by these low-level gods.

  The next second, an orange gemstone emerged from the black death sword that turned into a liquid, emitting a light that shocked the soul.

  Rorschach\'s struggle gradually weakened.

  Without the blessing of Rorschach\'s power, the sun dimension is gradually separated from the real world.

   "Master Rorschach!"

Hela, the goddess of death, summoned several ground thorns, wanting to leave Rorschach covered by the black death sword, but when the several ground thorns touched the black liquid substance, they seemed to stab phantoms, completely penetrated the past.

   This is a sign that the solar dimension has been separated from the real world.

  The gods looked unwillingly at the black substance floating quietly in midair, only to see that black substance gradually faded and disappeared from the eyes of the gods little by little, but they were helpless.

   Thor, the strongest among them, can barely reach the level beyond the Heavenly Father.

  Even if all the powers of the gods present are united, it is impossible to affect a dimensional world.

  So they could only watch Rorschach and the sun dimension disappear before their eyes.

   After the sun dimension disappeared completely, a Terminator robot controlled by remote came forward to ask specific matters, but found that several people present, whose registration information was the existence of gods, all stared blankly at midair.

  No matter how the driver behind the Terminator robot asked, he remained silent.

   Soon, a superhero arrived on the scene.

  A silver lightning flashed from far to near, and instantly appeared in front of Thor and other gods.

   Quicksilver Pietro quit the bullet time and walked towards Thor with a leisurely pace, holding a bag of potato chips in his hand, eating while walking.

When he walked in front of Thor, he looked at Thor and then at the sky: "What are you looking at, just now a Terminator reported that Rorschach and some gods were fighting aliens, I was just now in the Washington area Dealing with an alien robbery, am I late, has Rorschach already left?"

   As he spoke, Pietro stuffed another handful of potato chips into his mouth, and at the same time handed the bag of potato chips to Thor and the others, asking, "Do you want to eat?"

  Tor, Zeus, Ares, Hela, the four gods turned their heads in unison, and their eyes focused on Pietro.

  Pietro had goosebumps all over his body as the four looked at him.

"Hey, why are you looking at me like this? Could it be that you were bullied by Rorschach? Let\'s agree in advance, although Rorschach is my brother-in-law and my sister is the scarlet witch who is famous among the stars, but if Rorschach If it offends you, you must not blame me!"

  Pietro took a step back, ready to run at any time.

   "Something went wrong... something big happened..."

Thor took a deep breath, grabbed Pietro\'s shoulder, and said in a very heavy tone: "Where is Wanda, hurry up and notify the universe, gather all superheroes and all troops, we are in big trouble, hurry up!" go!"

  (end of this chapter)