The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 161: 160, God Killing Armor

Chapter 161 160, God Killing Armor

  Bringing Asgard up again, Dr. Pym seemed to think of something, and asked, "Did you go to Asgard to fight against the Celestial Group? Have you decided to go to war?"

   It\'s not surprising that Dr. Pym thinks this way.

  After all, their entire Celestial Life Research Group is studying the life forms and weaknesses of the Celestial God.

"That\'s right, I went to Asgard this time to discuss with Odin and the others about fighting against the Celestial Group." Rorschach did not hide this matter, because dealing with the matter of the Celestial God Tiamu could not be delayed any longer. .

  Hearing that the battle with the mighty **** was about to start, some of the scientists present were excited, while others were worried.

  Tony also frowned: "Is it going to be fought soon? How much time do we have to prepare? My anti-God Armor is still under design."

   "The preparation time for our war with the Celestial Group will not exceed one year at the latest, and it is best to complete the preparations within six months."

  Rorschach answered Tony\'s question, then paused, and then said: "Tony, as for the Anti-God Armor you mentioned...can you change the name? I always feel that this name is not very good."

  When Rorschach heard the "anti-so-and-so" armor, he would think of another name for this anti-series, that is, the "anti-what was blown up by what" armor.

In the comics, Iron Man Tony Stark has developed an anti-God armor, but that armor looks tall and powerful, but it can\'t stop God\'s moves at all, and he is smashed by the opponent in a few hits .

  However, if there is a breakthrough in the research on the matter of the gods.

Once this technology is applied to the \'Anti-God Armor\', the fighting power against the gods will be greatly enhanced, absorbing the life energy of the gods to fight against the **** group, which is definitely stronger than the combat power of the anti-god armor in the comics Some.

   "Is the name of the Anti-God Armor bad? Then what do you think is a better name?" Tony asked, looking at everyone in the laboratory.

   "What do you guys think of the name Godslayer?" Dr. Green was the first to suggest.

  Dr. Pim and Dr. Octopus are not interested in naming, while Dr. Helen Zhao expressed support for Dr. Green\'s proposal.

   Everyone looked at Rorschach.

   "Then call it the Godslayer Armor, it sounds better than the Anti-God Armor anyway." Luo Xia thinks that as long as it doesn\'t call it the "Anti-God Armor", even if you call it the Dog Slayer Armor, it doesn\'t matter.

   "Okay, I accept your proposal and call it the Mark 51 Godslayer Armor."

  Tony habitually compiled the new generation of Godslayer armor into the No. 51 of the Mark series, ranking one behind the Mark 50 nanometer armor he is currently wearing.

"About the core materials of the Godslayer Armor, tentatively determine the material of the gods, vibranium, and Uru metal. The armor composed of these can definitely support its own huge body and be put into actual combat. I will visit today For those in Wakanda, try to put it into the research work of the Mark 51 Godslayer Armor within 48 hours."

  Tony set a work plan for himself.

  The battle armor against the Celestial Group, even if it is not bigger than a planet, must at least reach the size of a fortress-class space carrier.

Regardless of the body shape and strength level of any battle armor, just talk about the absorption of the life energy of the gods by the gods. If the total mass of the gods is too small, the other party may not be aware of the absorption of the life energy of the gods. It exploded.

   Therefore, the Godslayer armor must be at least the size of a space carrier.

  Combined with what Rorschach said about the war with the Celestial Group, six months at the earliest and one year at the latest, then the time left for Tony to manufacture the Godslayer Armor is too tight.

  Even with the assistance of Pym particles, it would take a lot of time to shrink the parts of the huge Godslayer battle armor for building and assembly.

   Moreover, the premise of all this is that Wakanda is willing to trade a sufficient amount of vibration gold.

  Just when everyone was discussing the material of the gods and the armor of the godslayer.

  A scarlet portal appeared in the laboratory.

  A beautiful figure came out of the portal. It was the Scarlet Witch Wanda in a professional uniform.

Although Wanda is still brilliant at this moment, her eyes reveal a touch of fatigue. After she saw Rorschach, she said with dissatisfaction in her tone: "Captain America Steve Rogers won the election, next Monday we will Give an inaugural speech, and he invites you all to come."

   "Next Monday, I will go to Asgard soon. If it goes well, I should make it in time." Rorschach replied.

   Rorschach mainly wanted to persuade Odin to release Hela, the goddess of death, in advance.

  The goddess of death, Hela, is also an extremely powerful **** of the Asa protoss. Her power at its peak was even feared by Odin.

In the original plot, Hela crushed Thor\'s Hammer with bare hands, and even Thor, the **** of thunder who activated the "missing father" skill, was no match for Hela. There are even rumors that as long as Hela is within the range of Asgard, The strength will continue to increase, and if she stays in Asgard, no one can defeat her.

  Rorschach\'s plan to recruit Hela will definitely not go smoothly, but Odin\'s lifespan is coming to an end, and sooner or later Hela will break Odin\'s seal and be born again.

   He had to see Hela sooner or later, so Rorschach decided that it would be better to meet Hela in advance.

  Hearing that Rorschach was about to leave the earth again, Wanda said a little madly: "What about the retirement life you promised earlier, now all the affairs of the group are in my hands!"

  Now the Osborne Group controls the entire economic system of the earth and alien trade, and there are so many things to deal with every day.

  Although Wanda is assisted by Tianluo, Tianluo can only analyze and deduce at the data level, and give suggestions for dealing with problems. The specific decision has to be made by Rorschach or senior managers.

  Rorschach is completely a hands-off shopkeeper, and Wanda can\'t find anyone who can help her take the lead, so she can only go into battle herself.

"The Cree Empire has dispatched corresponding experts to help our earth establish and improve the alien trade system. You also know that the Cree Empire is very experienced in this area. As long as the earth\'s economic system is fully integrated into the cosmic credit currency system, our The workload will be much less.”

  Rorschach took Wanda\'s hand and quickly comforted him, "I know you\'ve been working hard recently, how about this, I\'ll give you a raise."

   "Is it about salary?" Wanda shook off Rorschach\'s hand and gave Rorschach a hard look.

  Everyone around looked up at the sky, these two had an awkward fight, the excitement was not good to watch.

  Rorschach took a lot of comfort before making Wanda happy. After Wanda left, everyone in the laboratory pretended to continue to indulge in work, as if they hadn\'t noticed Wanda\'s presence at all.

   I’ve been sorting out the outline recently, so the update is a bit slower. After the Tianshen group finishes, the last two major plots and four or five small plots are left in the Marvel Universe. After all the plots are written, they will go to the DC world.



  (end of this chapter)