The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 155: 154, Resurrection from the Dead (Please Subscribe!)

Chapter 155 154, resurrection from the dead (seeking subscription!)

  The Eternal Gun turned into a golden streamer, like a small meteor falling, piercing towards the sentinel in front with an unstoppable force.

  The sentinel, who had been dominated by nothingness, suddenly dodged like lightning.

  However, the Gun of Eternity is a weapon that approximates the law of causality, and it is attached with the energy of four infinite gems. Once it locks on the target, it will definitely hit the opponent.

  The golden streamer turned suddenly, and still shot towards the sentinel impartially.

  No matter how the sentry moves and dodges, the distance between him and the eternal gun becomes shorter and shorter until he is hit by the eternal gun in the middle.


  The huge crackling sound shook the world.

  The golden streamer transformed from the Eternal Spear pierced through the Sentinel\'s chest and penetrated his body.

   At the \'S\' on the sentry\'s chest, a huge gap appeared, and the gap was covered with spider web-like cracks.

  The next second, the sentinel\'s body was instantly torn apart like broken ceramics, turning into countless pieces.

  The Spear of Eternity returned to Rorschach\'s hands.

  The golden light disappeared, and it returned to its original appearance.


  Osborne Group, everyone who was following this battle, saw the sentinel shattered and disappeared, and heaved a sigh of relief.

  The battle between Sentinel and Rorschach made them feel a lot of pressure.

"What kind of monster is that, I bet, Steve, for such an enemy, let alone fight him all day, even if you are punched by the opponent, you can\'t bear it, even if you have a vibrating gold shield." Dong Bing patted Captain America Steve Rogers on the shoulder and said.

   Now I finally found the words to return to the mantra of the US team, \'I can fight with you for a while\'.

The next time this guy dares to say this, the Winter Soldier can just reply, \'You can find a Rorschach or a Sentinel, try to fight with you all day\', and smash every molecule in you to scum Believe it or not.

  Compared to the relaxed expressions on the faces of other heroes, Wanda frowned and looked towards the sky.

   "No, it\'s not over yet, Sentinel...not dead!"

  The voice did not fall.

  Under the horrified eyes of everyone, an extremely dazzling golden light suddenly burst out somewhere in the sky, and countless particles converged towards that golden light.

  In the dazzling golden light, they gradually regrouped into a tall figure.

   That\'s Sentinel, Robert Reynolds.

   Yes, the Sentinels are back!

Although Rorschach\'s press conference today was forcibly terminated by General Ross, the news team of the Osborne Group immediately released the truth about the anti-Rorschach alliance formed by the U.S. federal military and the world\'s top leaders to the online.

   And Tianluo uses network data to snipe the malicious and rhythmic navy.

  After such an operation, the wind direction on the Internet changed instantly. Countless people with lofty ideals began to denounce the top leaders of the United States and their followers.

   In the face of powerful alien enemies, such as Thanos, the king of the universe, and even the Chitauri army, the vanguard of Thanos, they are obedient.

   As a result, he treated his own hero with no mercy at all, and tried every means to plot and frame him.

   Cowardly like a dog externally, fierce like a tiger internally.

   This is the kind of person he is talking about.

  The battle between Rorschach and the Sentinels was also published on the Internet and seen by the people on the earth.

  A battle of this level is simply a modern version of the battle of the gods.

  I thought that Rorschach would crush his opponent with absolute strength as usual, but after a world-shattering battle, the sentinel who was killed by Rorschach was resurrected again.

   Seeing the resurrection of the sentinel, Nick Fury, who was almost desperate, couldn\'t help but yelled "Mare Falke" again. He was so excited that he felt that this was a miracle and that God was looking after him.

  God bless the United States!

   "The ability to recombine molecules, can\'t even the Reality Gem erase your existence?"

  Rorschach frowned with a headache.

  The throwing gun of eternity he just used not only used physics and magic, but also infused the power of four infinite gems into the gun of eternity, which has reached the level of the law of the universe.

   But still unable to completely kill the sentinel.

   On the contrary, his smashing of the sentinel\'s body gave the sentinel and the void personality a hint of fusion.

  In Sentinel\'s ability setting, he already has the power to control molecules.

In the comics, the Molecule Man erased the Sentinels from the molecular level several times, but without exception, the Sentinels reorganized themselves, and after several "resurrections", the Sentinels actually directly grasped the power to control the molecules. In terms of control, it is desperate to abuse the elements.

  After the sentinel has mastered molecular control, nothingness will exist in a materialized form.

   This will also speed up the fusion of Sentinel and Nothingness.

   "I\'ve already felt it, your strength is nothing more than that." The sentinel once again returned to its previous proud form.

  During Rorschach\'s battle, he gradually learned about Rorschach\'s ability.

  After the dominance of nothingness and this resurrection, the strength of the sentinel has broken from the single universe level to the dimensional lord level, which is at the same level as Rorschach who used the power of four infinite gems.

  The voice did not fall.

  The figure of the sentinel disappeared suddenly, and appeared in front of Rorschach at a speed almost teleporting, and punched out.


   Ripples erupted in the surrounding space, and Rorschach was thrown upside down by the punch, smashing countless buildings along the way.

   This is the first time Rorschach has been sent flying by the opponent since he fought with the sentinel.

  Before, the sentinels were beaten by Rorschach and flew all over the world.

   What\'s more, even though Rorschach\'s solar dimension still shrouds this area, the power of the Sentinel seems to have escaped from the solar dimension, causing the real world to tremble violently.

  In an instant, great fear shrouded the hearts of the people of the whole world.

  Rorschach flew out of the ruins, and used the Reality Gem to restore the real world affected by the dissipation of the Sentinel\'s power.

   And re-fortified the surrounding space barriers with space gems.

  He shook his arm, still with a faint smile on his face, and asked back: "Do you think you are sure to win?"

"Is not it?"

   Sentinel Robert Reynolds flickered again, appeared in front of Rorschach out of thin air, and swung another heavy punch.

  Facing an opponent of the same level as his own, Luo Xia didn\'t dare to be a bit arrogant in his heart. While raising his left hand to block, he also swung his right fist violently, attacking the sentry\'s chest.

  The fists and feet of the two collided, and each blow caused a space shock.

  The strength and speed of the two sides are almost the same. After going all out, they are evenly matched.

   Just like that, the two sides fell into a fierce battle again, fighting from the sky to the ground, and from the ground to the starry sky of the universe.

   Fortunately, the dimension of Rorschach\'s sun is enough to cover the entire earth, so that the Sentinel will not fly out of the scope of the dimension and cause serious damage to the real world.

  (end of this chapter)