The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 152: 151, unlock the seal

Chapter 152 151, Unlock the seal

  Wasp warrior held the miniature nuclear fusion reactor in his hand, retreated to Nick Fury, and handed the reactor over to the opponent, "I have done what I promised you, don\'t forget to give me the complete Pym particle technology."

  Black Bolt closed his mouth, and the black knight got up from the ground, holding the ebony sword again, glaring at Rorschach: "You killed Circe, I swore, I will avenge Circe."

   "You can\'t kill him yet, Rorschach must hand over his crimes to the court for trial, Dane, believe me, the law will give your girlfriend justice." Nick Fury regained his seated demeanor.

  He stopped the black knight who wanted to kill Rorschach with a sword, but ordered the surrounding Terminator robots to arrest Rorschach.

  However, all the Terminator robots present were motionless, like statues.

"Dane Whitman, do you know that your girlfriend is an alien? She is an eternal race, and her purpose is to use the life on earth to conceive the **** Tiamu. Once the **** Tiamu is born, seventy Hundreds of millions of people will all die."

  Rorschach looked at the black knight with a face full of bitterness and hatred, and opened his mouth to explain.

   After all, Rorschach represents absolute justice, he never kills any innocent people.

  So this kind of thing must be explained clearly.

  However, the other party did not believe it.

   "You are lying, Nick Fury is right, you are a conspirator, a girl as kind as Circe, how could she be an alien, let alone murder anyone on Earth."

  Dain Whitman, the black knight, is deeply in love, saying that people in love have negative IQs.

   I saw it today, and it really is.

   "Let\'s stop here for the farce. Go and copy Rorschach. Starting today, the Osborne Group will be thoroughly investigated."

Nick Fury saw that the Terminator robot did not execute the order, and felt a little uneasy in his heart, but he couldn\'t tell what made him uneasy. He just wanted to send Rorschach to prison as soon as possible, and then destroy the place on the ground. Battle armor fragments, collect them.

  As long as he holds the Armor of Destruction in his hands, Nick Fury feels that there is nothing that can threaten the safety of the earth anymore.

Doctor Doom suddenly appeared, he raised his hand and used the magic beam to collect the fragments of the Doom Armor on the ground into his hand, and examined it carefully: "This metal is indeed not from the earth, it is even more fascinating than vibrating gold... "

   Armor of Destruction is made of Uru Metal.

   Ulu metal can be attached to magic. After Dr. Doom realized this, he injected magic energy into the Doom Armor.

   Sure enough, the Armor of Destruction was automatically assembled again.

   "Hahaha, the armor made by God King Odin is really powerful!" Doctor Doom\'s eyes radiated a fiery light.

  He can clearly feel that this set of battle armor contains powerful power, but it is just that it is still unable to exert the power that this set of battle armor should have.

   "Victor, what are you doing, this set of armor belongs to humans, do you want to take it all for yourself?" Nick Fury immediately scolded upon seeing this.

  Doctor Doom turned a deaf ear to it, and sneered, "What about you, don\'t you want to own this set of armor?"

  During the conversation, the two sides were full of gunpowder.

   Hate recovered half of his injuries, and stood next to Nick Fury with the Hornet warrior. Black Bolt and Black Knight looked at each other blankly, not knowing how to deal with the current situation.

   It was as if the Great Demon King had been defeated, but in the brave team, internal strife began due to the uneven distribution of spoils.

   "Hahaha, I\'m so ridiculous, you guys are actually starting to fight among yourself. I thought the members of the Anti-Rorschach Alliance were just and united."

  Rorschach looked at the good show in front of him. He originally wanted to say that after the reactor on his chest was taken away, let them experience what real fear is, but in the end, these people ignored him like this.

   "You\'re nothing but a clown."

  Doctor Doom didn\'t even look at Rorschach, but stretched out his hand and grabbed Rorschach hard.

  A magical energy that could crush everything suddenly acted on Rorschach, making a dull sonic boom.

  Dr. Doom\'s grasp could easily crush a heavy armored tank, but when it applied to Rorschach, it didn\'t even smash the ordinary suit he was wearing.

   Seeing this scene, everyone fell into deathly silence.

  Nick Fury suddenly turned his neck stiffly towards Rorschach a little bit, with an unbelievable expression on his dark face.

  Doctor Doom also sensed something was wrong, he looked at Rorschach with a cold look, " is it possible, you...why didn\'t you die..."

   As he spoke, he raised his hands this time and waved them at the same time.

  Two green energy beams were emitted from both hands, and they landed straight on Rorschach\'s chest.

  Rorschach, who was supposed to be blasted to pieces by these two energy beams, stood motionless on the spot, even with a faint smile on his lips, staring curiously at Dr. Doom\'s hands, as if he was studying the opponent\'s spells.

   "I don\'t know exactly what you are happy about, and I don\'t understand, obviously I have never done anything wrong to the earth humans, but there are so many people who want to put me to death..."

  Rorschach raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

  The magic beam on Dr. Doom\'s hands disappeared instantly.

   Seeing this, Dr. Doom began to panic. He summoned his hands and waved his hands, trying to re-establish the magic connection and release the magic power, but everything was in vain.

  Because, he seems to have lost his magic.

  Looking at Doctor Doom, Rorschach murmured, "Maybe I\'ve been too low-key all this time, so low-key that you all think I\'m easy to bully, so from today onwards, you need to get to know me again..."

   Before the words fell, Rorschach slowly floated into the air, and the dimensional suit covered his whole body little by little.

  He stood in mid-air, with his hands open, and a faint golden light radiated from his body.

  Like a god, looking down on the common people.

   "Victor von Doom, you have failed the world, **** you!"

  Rorschach\'s voice was like the thunder of judgment.

   Only a \'bang\' was heard.

  Doctor Doom\'s whole body turned into a cloud of blood mist, floating in the air, and the blood mist suddenly started to burn, turning into ashes little by little.

   "Damn, damn! What are we doing..."

   "He is a god, and we were sent to kill a god..."

   "God, forgive my sins!"

  Those military super soldiers, seeing the holy radiance around Rorschach, completely collapsed their inner defenses and fell into madness.

   This is the power of the Mind Stone.

  From now on, Rorschach will appear in front of these mortals as a god.

   "Kneel down!"

  Rorschach said something softly, but his voice sounded like thunder rolling in the hearts of everyone present.

  The super soldiers knelt down one after another, and even the Terminator Legion all faced Rorschach and knelt on one knee.

   "Get up, he is not a god, don\'t be fooled by him!"

  Nick Fury and General Ross roared frantically.

  The two of them were not affected by the brilliance of Rorschach, not because of their strong mental power, but because Rorschach didn\'t spread this brilliance on them.

  Because, they are not worthy.

  Rorschach wanted these two people to experience the most desperate thing in this world with the most sober will.

  (end of this chapter)