The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 118: 117, surrender

Chapter 118, 117, Surrender

   "Dark Elf, willing to surrender!" Malekith\'s legs were trembling.

  He thought he was fearless, and even before the massive invasion of Asgard, he was ready to fight Asgard to the last soldier.

  But Rorschach\'s appearance shattered Malekith\'s last hope.

  Dark elves can fear death on the battlefield, but they still instinctively feel fear when facing an invincible opponent like Rorschach.

   Especially seeing countless dark elves die tragically under Rorschach\'s eyes.

  The scene of flying flesh and blood, stumps and broken arms, destroying everything, even **** is nothing more than this!

"From now on, the dark elves are my servants. On behalf of the earth, I announce that Vatheim has become a colony of the earth. As the leader of the dark elves and the supreme ruler of Vatheheim, do you have any objections?" Rorschach walked In front of Malekith, he still looked at Malekith with his red eyes and asked.

   " comment." Malekith replied tremblingly.

"very good."

  Rorschach nodded in satisfaction, and made the dark elves his servants, who could replace the super soldiers on Earth to a certain extent.

  The overall strength of dark elves and super soldiers is not much different.

  But compared to the super soldiers on the earth, the dark elves are more suitable for the various harsh living environments in the universe and stars.

   Simply put, it means that the skin is solid and easy to raise.

   At the moment Malekith answered, a system prompt sounded in Rorschach\'s mind.

   "Ding, complete the side mission \'Interstellar Diplomat\', congratulations to the host for establishing diplomatic relations with Wertheim on behalf of the earth, rewarding 1,000,000 mission points!"

  Rorschach glanced at the system interface:

  Character attributes:

   Lineage: Kryptonian Lineage

  Level: LV4

   Additional attributes: none

   Skills: Man of Steel, Bio-Force Field, Super Strength, Super Speed...

  Mission Points: 4811359

  Before Rorschach established diplomatic relations with Asgard, and after saving the Goddess Frigg, Earth\'s culture invaded Asgard, and Rorschach\'s points were close to 4 million points.

  Combining the establishment of diplomatic relations with Wertheim this time, Rorschach\'s points are still about 200,000 short, and can reach 5 million.

   It is a matter of upgrading the Kryptonian bloodline to LV5 and developing five diplomatic civilizations.

In fact, Asgard’s wool has not been fully harvested. Now that Asgard’s imperial city is mostly destroyed, Rorschach uses the reason of strengthening the defense of Asgard’s imperial city to let the earth lead the rebuilding of the imperial city. The reward points he can get Certainly not less.

   "Order all the dark elves to surrender, and all fleets to land." Rorschach ordered to Malekith.

  Malekis did not dare to disobey, and immediately sent an order through the dark elf mothership to order all the dark elf fleets to stop attacking, lay down their weapons and prepare to surrender.

  Rorschach was about to leave. Seeing this, Malekith plucked up his courage and asked Rorschach, "My lord, I don\'t know your name yet."

   "My name is Rorschach, and from today onwards, the only deity that the dark elves believe in. If you dare to defy my will, I can make the dark elves exterminate in just a moment." Rorschach said.

   Malekith hurriedly lowered his head in panic. He recalled the scene where Rorschach killed countless dark elf fighters with one look.

  He had no doubts about Rorschach\'s words. If he defied the god\'s will, the dark elves would really be wiped out.

  Thus, Malekith deeply remembered Rorschach\'s words, not daring to neglect in the slightest.

   Above the skies of Asgard.

  The dark elves and the Terminator Legion stopped at the same time, and the gorgeous fireworks stopped abruptly. In just a split second, the sky suddenly entered a brief silence.

   Immediately afterwards, the fleet of dark elves gathered and landed slowly outside the imperial city of Asgard.

  The dark elf soldiers lurking guerrillas in the city also put down their weapons and surrendered to the super soldier army.

  Tor swung his storm ax and rushed out of a dark elf vanguard ship that he had destroyed, looking around with some doubts.

   Seeing the Dark Elf fleet land and the soldiers surrender, he couldn\'t help but ask, "What\'s wrong, the Dark Elf surrendered now?"

   Thor hasn\'t had a good fight yet.

  However, compared to the tragic death of the Goddess Frigg in the original plot, Thor at this moment does not actually have much murderous intentions, chasing the dark elf fleet is only defending Asgard.

  Now that the dark elves surrendered, Thor stopped killing.

   "It was Rorschach, the **** of Midgard, who persuaded Malekith, the leader of the dark elves, to surrender." An Asgard captain answered Thor\'s question.

  He also heard from the super soldier legion on the other side of the earth. Just now, the soldiers of the super soldier legion received orders from above, saying that the dark elves surrendered and the battle was over.

"I see."

  As soon as he heard that it was Rorschach who persuaded Malekith to surrender, Thor couldn\'t help but pull a knowing smile from the corner of his mouth.

  What persuading him to surrender, based on Thor\'s understanding of Rorschach, that black-hearted guy must have to peel off a few layers of skin from the dark elf!

  After the dark elves surrendered, the Terminator Legion and Asgard soldiers captured all the living dark elves.

   Even the leader of the dark elves, Malekith, was escorted to the Golden Palace by two Terminator robots for trial.

   Golden Palace.

  Odin held the hand of Queen Frigg, stood in front of the destroyed Sun Throne, glared at Malekis who was kneeling below.

"The dark elves invaded Asgard and brought huge casualties and property losses to Asgard. The dark elves must compensate Asgard for all losses, and its leader, Malekith, will also invest in Asgard. Prison of Virtue, imprisoned for a thousand years."

  Because the casualties and losses of the Asgard Imperial City are still being counted, Odin can\'t give a specific amount of compensation now.

  But since the dark elves have surrendered to Rorschach, Rorschach naturally has the right to intervene in this matter.

He took a step forward, looked at Odin, and said, "God King Odin, now that the dark elves have surrendered to the earth, they are willing to establish a covenant with Asgard. The earth will participate in the reconstruction of the damage caused by the dark elves, and the earth will participate in the reconstruction work." In exchange, Earth and Asgard have the right to enter Vartheim for resource extraction."

  After hearing Rorschach\'s words, Odin pondered for a moment: "Wartheim is shrouded in dark smoke. I don\'t think there are any resources worth mining there."

  "Wartheim\'s existence itself is a kind of resource, not to mention anything else, the dark matter in Wertheim is rich, it is the raw material of dark matter engine fuel, dark matter fuel is infinitely more precious than the oil on the earth..."

Rorschach talked eloquently, and continued: "In addition, I will also send a long-term survey team to comprehensively detect the resource deposits in Wertheim. Under the protection of the World Tree, none of the nine kingdoms is a world with poor resources. In the eyes of those who don’t understand, Wertheim will feel worthless.”

  Among them, the most representative one is the dwarf country which is rich in Uru metal, and most other countries are characterized by natural energy.

  Only the earth as the atrium is completely a world of mortals, as if it has experienced the end of the Dharma era.

  Odin felt that Rorschach\'s words meant him.

   "Perhaps, Asgard should really learn about science and technology from other countries... especially Midgard." Thor hurried out to smooth things over.

   Even the dark elves have intelligent weapon technology, and the weapons and equipment in Asgard still rely on the manual operation of soldiers.

In Thor\'s view, Asgard has the strongest weapons in the Nine Realms. If the science and technology on Earth can be applied to Asgard\'s weapons and equipment, it may make Asgard\'s army even stronger. one floor.

Rorschach also agreed with this: "That\'s right, take Asgard\'s anti-aircraft guns as an example. You still rely on soldiers to manually aim and shoot. If you can apply artificial intelligence systems to realize automated anti-aircraft guns, it will be more effective in dealing with sudden attacks and The shooting accuracy will increase several times!"

  (end of this chapter)