The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 114: 113, the capture of Asgard (1)

Chapter 114, Chapter 113, Capture of Asgard (1)

   "There seems to be trouble over there in the Asgard dungeon, Wanda, let\'s go and have a look."

  Rorschach knew that the riot in the Asgard dungeon was just the beginning.

   Next, the dark elf army will soon arrive at the Rainbow Bridge. Although Rorschach can resist the entire dark elf army with his own strength, even if he does so, he will not get Odin\'s gratitude.

   After all, icing on the cake is worse than giving charcoal in the snow.

  Odin thought that the Asgardian army was invincible and invincible, so he should be given a blow at this time.

   Let him recognize the reality.

  The glory of Asgard is long gone. There is no need to be immersed in the glory of the past. It is time to open your eyes and take a good look at the world.

  Only when the Asgardian army is being rubbed against the ground by the dark elf fleet, and Rorschach leads the earth army to help the building from its collapse and turn the tide from its collapse, will Odin really consider how to treat the earth.

   Based on this, Rorschach was unwilling to stay on the Rainbow Bridge, and went to the dungeon to fish, so that the dark elf army could enter Asgard smoothly.

  At this moment, the riot in the Asgard dungeon has not subsided.

  Rorschach asked Wanda to open the portal and went directly to the dungeon, just in time to meet Odin and Thor father and son who led the army to fight against the rioting prisoners.

   "Rorschach, you came just in time. We are in some trouble and need your help."

  After Thor saw Rorschach, his frown instantly relaxed. He knew Rorschach\'s strength. As long as he had Rorschach\'s help, the riots in the dungeon could be suppressed quickly.

   "Do you need to send my guards over?" Rorschach asked with a smile.

  Odin can acquiesce in Rorschach\'s help, but the entry of troops from other countries into the imperial city is too sensitive, so Odin directly refused without thinking: "No need, our army is enough to deal with these prisoners."

   "Okay." Rorschach was obviously digging a hole for Odin to jump.

  I want to help you now, but you don’t want it, you will beg me later.

   Regardless of these, Rorschach threw a punch casually, and slammed at the prisoner who was rushing towards him.

  Wanda waved her hands, a large number of scarlet energy particles enveloped the area, and all the rioting prisoners were imprisoned and unable to move.

  The soldiers of Asgard, who were still in a hard fight just now, saw this scene, and immediately raised their weapons and killed the prisoners.

  In just a few tens of seconds, the prisoners in this area have almost been cleaned up.

  Odin gave Wanda a complicated look.

   Another heavenly father... no, a sub-heavenly father-level powerhouse!

  Wanda\'s magical energy is extremely powerful, but she is still lacking in control, and cannot cast high-level magic freely.

  However, Odin could see that, with Wanda\'s talent, it was only a matter of time before she became a Heavenly Father-level powerhouse.

   "Let\'s move separately, Thor, you go to the west, Rorschach, please guard the entrance on the north side, the rest of you, follow me."

   Odin didn\'t have time to marvel at Wanda\'s strength, and the top priority was to quickly put down the dungeon riot.

   Once these vicious prisoners are allowed to rush into the imperial city, it will be a disaster for innocent people.

   While Rorschach and Wanda were fishing in the dungeon of Asgard, the first invisible dark elf vanguard ship had arrived at the entrance of the Rainbow Bridge.

  The vanguard ship used some kind of stealth technology that could fool Heimdall\'s eyes, and Heimdall was not discovered until it approached the Rainbow Bridge.

  Heimdall quickly ran towards the edge of the Rainbow Bridge. When he was approaching the invisible vanguard ship, he drew out the dagger at his waist, jumped, threw himself on the invisible spaceship, and stabbed several times.

  The power unit of the invisible spaceship was pierced by Heimdall, and it staggered and fell to the Rainbow Bridge, bursting suddenly.

  Heimdall also fell back to the Rainbow Bridge, but before he could breathe a sigh of relief, a fortress-class space carrier slowly lifted off behind him. The shape of the huge mothership was like a cross-shaped dagger stretching between the sky and the earth.

   That is the mothership of the dark elves!

   Appearing together with the dark elf mothership, there are countless blade-like vanguard ships, charging towards Asgard like a raging tide.

  The dark elves have a well-planned plan.

  They first let Argolim, the deputy leader of the dark elves, sneak into the Asgard dungeon, use the curse stone to transform himself into a powerful curse warrior, release the dungeon prisoners, cause a riot, and attract the attention of Odin and his son.

  Then the main dark elf fleet quietly approached Asgard with stealth technology that could fool Heimdall.

The so-called mental arithmetic and unintentional calculations, the arrival of the dark elf army, Asgard did not take any countermeasures at all. When the dark elf vanguard fleet had almost rushed to the imperial city, Asgard\'s soldiers had time to climb up to the air defense. On the turret, the anti-aircraft guns are controlled to intercept the vanguard fleet of the dark elves.

  For a while, artillery fire flew across the sky.

  The Dark Elf Vanguard Fleet opened its weapon bay and aimed at Asgard\'s air defense array.

  In just a few moments of confrontation, a large number of anti-aircraft guns in the area were destroyed, and a hole was torn in the center of the entire air defense array, followed by a densely packed dark elf vanguard fleet, rushing over.

  In order to fill the gap in the air defense array, teams of Asgard flying boats took off to face the dark elf fleet.

  However, in a hurry, the Asgard airships took off one after another, and the Asgard airships charging at the front were destroyed by the intensive firepower of the oncoming Dark Elf Vanguard Fleet before they launched a counterattack.

Standing on the Rainbow Bridge, Heimdall looked at Asgard\'s defensive power as if it were in vain. In just a few tens of seconds, the dark elf army destroyed Asgard\'s air defense array, and the army drove straight into Asgard. German city.

   If nothing is done, the dark elves will soon invade Odin\'s Golden Palace!

  Heimdall ran back to the Rainbow Bridge Hall as fast as he could, inserted the great sword into the slot controlling the Imperial City Shield, and activated the Imperial City Shield.

   Asgard\'s golden shield gradually enveloped the entire imperial city.

  On the dark elf mothership, Malekith ordered to speed up and rushed into the imperial city recklessly.

  Because he felt the energy fluctuation of ether particles.

  At this moment, he is absolutely sure that the ether particles must be in Odin\'s Golden Palace!

   It was naturally Rorschach who triggered the energy of the \'Ether Particle\', and the Ether Particle is the Reality Gem. He used the Reality Gem, and the dark elves would feel the existence of the \'Ether Particle\'.

  Outside the imperial city, the dark elf fleet was on the rampage. In the Golden Palace, the cursed warriors got Loki\'s guidance and quickly found the energy core of the imperial city\'s protective shield.

  The cursed warrior shattered the energy core of the protective cover with one punch, and the protective cover that had just risen fell apart in an instant.

  The entire Asgard imperial city is like a dancing girl who takes off her clothes, completely revealing her softest side to the wolf-like dark elves.

  (end of this chapter)