The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 100: 99. Trapping the Eternals

Chapter 10099, Trapping the Eternals

  Rorschach finished speaking the last line to the camera, then his eyes were red, and he shot two rays, helping the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. to release the metal ring.

Then he grabbed Fastos who was stepped into the soil by him, continued to maintain a kind smile to the surrounding people, then raised his fist above his head, and flew straight towards the sky, and soon disappeared from everyone\'s sight middle.

  Below, the crowd burst into cheers, and everyone was applauding and taking pictures.

   Sitwell and others watched Rorschach go away, and then disappeared from the public\'s sight.

  Chicago police are relatively close to this place, so it took only half an hour to arrive at the scene, followed by the news media who heard the news.

  For a while, alien spies have been lurking for many years, planning a terrifying conspiracy, Superman Rorschach\'s heroic arrival, smashing alien conspiracy and other news, instantly occupying the headlines of major media.

   Especially the videos and photos taken by the people at the scene were also bought by the news media at high prices and spread wildly on major media websites.

   Above the sky.

   Rorschach did not bring Fastos back to the Osborn Group. Far from any monitoring, satellites, etc., Rorschach strangled Fastos by the neck and looked at him with pity.

  Fastos struggled to make a sound, and said: "How do you know us, what do you want to do, we are not your enemy."

   "The dead don\'t need to know that much."

  Rorschach\'s eyes suddenly turned red, and two scorching rays of light started from his feet and knees, gradually erasing him from the physical level.

  The reason why he didn\'t kill him in front of the public was mainly because Rorschach wanted to maintain his image in front of the public, and most importantly, he wanted to use this to attract other Eternals.

  According to the original plot, after conflicts emerged within the Eternal Clan, everyone was scattered around and lived their own lives in seclusion.

   Those close to human cities are relatively easy to find.

   And some hidden in remote mountainous areas with underdeveloped traffic information, it will take a little time.

  Although it is said that as long as Rorschach is willing, he can scan the entire planet inch by inch, even if the Eternals hide deep in the center of the earth, he will find them.

   But Rorschach is unwilling to waste too much time on the Eternals. Instead of spending time finding out the whereabouts of the Eternals one by one, it is better to design a trap and let them come to the door by themselves.

   And the trap is that Rorschach took Fastos away in public.

   Let the other Eternals think that Fastos is still alive and was captured by Rorschach. When the time comes to release a little information about Fastos being imprisoned, the Eternals will definitely come to rescue him.

  Although there are problems within the Eternals on Earth, even if they cannot attract all of them, most of them will do.

  The rest may not be able to hide for long.


  London, Museum of Human History.

   After finishing work today, Searcy invited her boyfriend, Dane Whitman, to a restaurant for dinner.

   While eating, however, the restaurant TV news interrupted with an urgent news.

"This afternoon, Superman Rorschach captured an alien spy who had been hiding on the earth for many years. According to the latest information, the alien spy has been hiding on the earth for many years and planned a huge conspiracy to destroy the earth with his accomplices. But the righteous Superman Rorschach found out in time and arrested him..."

  While the news was broadcast, videos and photos taken by the people at the scene were released.

Circe, who was having dinner with her boyfriend, accidentally glanced at the TV screen, and suddenly saw the scene where Rorschach punched Fastos into the air. She froze suddenly and stared directly at the TV. After a while, she was finally sure. The extraterrestrial spy mentioned by the journalists is her companion Fastos.

   Dane Whitman, who was sitting opposite Circe, noticed the abnormality of his girlfriend. He also looked back at the TV and said with a smile, "Circe, aren\'t you not interested in superheroes?"

   "Yes, Dane... I suddenly remembered something to deal with, I\'m sorry I can\'t accompany you."

   Saying that, Circe immediately got up, gave Dane Whitman a perfunctory kiss, and hurried out of the restaurant.

   Circe is a magician among the Eternal Race, whose ability is to change the form of matter, such as turning water into oil.

  After seeing the news that Fastos was captured by Rorschach, although Circe didn\'t know what happened, but according to the description of the news, the high-level people in the world must have noticed their existence.

  The arrest of Fastos on the street is a strong signal.

   Therefore, Circe is going to find another Eternal companion living in London, Spacey who can create illusions.

   At the same time, other members of the Eternal Race scattered around the world also more or less learned about this matter.

  The Eternal Race on Earth consists of ten people.

  Excluding Fastos, who was killed by Rorschach, there are still nine people left.

  When the earth was just born with civilization, the Celestial Group sowed the seeds of a **** on the earth, and this **** was Tiamu.

The growth of the new **** Tiamu needs to absorb the energy of a large number of intelligent life on the earth, and prehistoric humans were hunted and killed by large predators. In order to allow the earth to reproduce more intelligent life as soon as possible, the group of gods released a batch of mutants Go to the earth and let the mutants hunt and kill the predatory creatures on the earth to ensure that intelligent humans can reproduce naturally.

   However, the mutant race got out of control and started hunting the early humans.

  So the Celestial Group created another group of Eternals to hunt and kill mutants to ensure the sustainable development of human civilization.

  When the mutant race on the earth was almost hunted down, some contradictions and disagreements appeared within the Eternal Race, which led to ten members of the Eternal Race scattered all over the world, and began to live in seclusion for thousands of years.

  Rorschach\'s "capture" of Fastos became the beginning of the reconnection between the Eternal Race. The leader of the Eternal Race, Ajak, began to convene a team to discuss the rescue of the "captured" Eternal Race companion Fastos.


   Osborne Group.

  Rorschach is in his laboratory, debugging the destruction armor inlaid with space gems and mind gems.

  Because he\'captured\' Fastos, he has attracted the attention of other Eternals. Rorschach intends to destroy all Eternals. This behavior is likely to cause the arrival of the **** Alitham.

  So, Rorschach prepared two infinity gems in advance to deal with the possible arrival of the **** Alitham.

In order to draw out the Eternals, the SHIELD secretly spread some news that "alien spies" will be sent to the Raft Prison on Lake Island in New York in the near future. Although this information has not been released to the public, the Eternals have technology far beyond the Earth. It was easy to investigate this information.

  The leader of the Eternal Race, Ajak, tried to contact the top of SHIELD, indicating that they were not \'alien spies\'.

  However, the top executives of S.H.I.E.L.D. headed by Sitwell are not willing to communicate at all, because Rorschach has only one instruction for the Eternal Race.

   There is one, kill one.

  So, Ajak\'s attempt to contact S.H.I.E.L.D. was soon greeted by local officials\' siege and interception. After communicating with high-level officials to no avail, Ajak directly chose to go to New York to intercept the vehicle escorting Fastos.

   This also hit Rorschach\'s trap.

  According to the tracking of the monitoring data networks of other countries, the trajectories of the eight Eternal Races have now been locked.

  These eight are the leaders of the Eternal Race, Ajak, Icaris, Circe, Spacey, Ginger, Tina, and Gilgamesh.

  The last Eternal declined Ajak\'s invitation.

  Because of different ideas, the Druids of the Eternal Race, who are good at mind control, controlled all the village names with psychic energy in a certain remote mountain village, and lived a happy life like a land emperor.

  He is dissatisfied with Ajak\'s leadership, and he is even less willing to participate in the affairs of the Eternal Race.

  Therefore, there are only eight Eternal Race gathered this time.

  After debugging the Armor of Destruction inlaid with two infinite gems, Rorschach put on the miniature nuclear fusion reactor again and unfolded the armor of destruction in black.

  In an instant, the energy of the Space Gem and the Mind Gem rushed towards Rorschach.

  With the help of the energy of the Space Gem and the Mind Gem, Rorschach\'s strength instantly leaped from the peak of the Heavenly Father to the single universe level.

   In this way, even if the **** Arisham descends, Rorschach will still have the power to fight.

  (end of this chapter)