The Kryptonian of a Certain American Comic

Chapter 1: 1. High school teacher

Chapter 1 1, High School Teacher

  City Tech High School, Queens, New York.

teacher\'s office.

  Rorschach sat at his desk, boredly reviewing the scientific research homework submitted by the students.

  It is said to be a scientific research homework, but what do you expect a group of high school students to research, so in Luo Xia\'s view, reviewing students\' science homework is more like playing house with this group of children.

   "Hmm... on the possibility of cross-species gene transplantation technology?"

  Rorschach was taken aback when he saw the title, and then looked at the signature of this research report.

   "Peter are starting to pay attention to cross-species gene transplantation technology...that is to say, you have been bitten by a mutated spider?"

When Rorschach saw the name \'Peter Parker\', he couldn\'t help but smiled. This is a student in his class. In the eyes of ordinary people, he is a shy and unsociable nerd, but Rorschach knows that , Peter Parker has another identity, that is Spider-Man.

  Actually, Rorschach is not from this world, he is a time traveler.

  Before crossing, Luo Xia was just a hard-working office worker in China. After several months of high-intensity overtime work, he crossed into this world inexplicably.

  In this world, Rorschach\'s identity is a science teacher at New York City High School of Science and Technology. Because of his handsome looks, many suitors, and he has inherited a considerable inheritance, he is a winner in life.

Luo Xia had no pressure to integrate the memories of his predecessors, thinking that he had finally got rid of 007\'s super blessings, and finally could live a happy life of luxury and money, and a young model in the club. Proclaim to the whole world that he is Iron Man.

   This is the Marvel Universe!

  Seeing the news that Tony Stark announced that he was Iron Man, Rorschach\'s heart suddenly turned cold.

  I thought I was entering a blissful daily life of a handsome American male teacher and a **** female teacher, but in the end I found out that this is a sci-fi world full of superheroes and supervillains.

  No matter how handsome you are, no matter how rich your family is, it’s useless!

  Handsome enough to be eaten?

   No matter how rich Rorschach\'s family is, it is only enough to live comfortably. This amount of money is probably not as much as Tony Stark\'s pocket money!

  As the saying goes, the rich rely on technology, and the poor rely on mutation.

   If both ends can\'t be touched, it can only be used as cannon fodder.

   Fortunately, Rorschach has a trick, otherwise he really doesn\'t think he can live well in this world.

   This year is 2009. According to the development of the plot of the Marvel Universe, the evil **** Loki will lead the Chitauri army to invade New York City in three years.

  Even if you can escape the invasion of the Chitauri army by chance, you can also escape the conspiracy plans of various villains who are desperately trying to destroy the world, and finally there is a snap of the fingers of Thanos, the chairman of the Universal Family Planning Committee.

   Thanos snapped his fingers, and half of all life in the universe was wiped out without distinction.

Although in the movie plot (MCU), the superheroes finally defeated Thanos and saved the world, how vast the Marvel multiverse is, Rorschach has now determined that the universe he lives in is very similar to the MCU, but there are still Many differences.

  So Rorschach dare not pin his future on a few superheroes.

  You must know that in Marvel’s multiverse, destruction is the norm. The happy family reunion like the MCU can only be regarded as a beautiful fairy tale.

  Luckily, Rorschach has a cheat.

  Rorschach\'s hack seems to be attached to the time travel, he called it the mission system.

  The interface of the task system is very simple, quite like an online game. The system interface is divided into three sections, \'Character Attributes\', \'Task Table\' and \'System Mall\'.

  Rorschach closed his eyes, and his consciousness entered the system interface.

  Character attributes:

  Name: Rorschach

   Strength: D

  Spirit: E

  Physical resistance: SSS+

  Magic resistance: S

  Skill: Man of Steel (can be upgraded to full Kryptonian blood)

  Mission Points: 180

The four-dimensional attribute of ordinary people is only F level, and Rorschach benefited from the "Steel Body" drawn in the novice gift box. While greatly strengthening his own dual resistance, Rorschach\'s strength and spirit have also been greatly improved .

[Man of Steel]: Kryptonian\'s exclusive talent skill, which can absorb the radiation of yellow sunlight and convert it into biological energy in cells, so that it can obtain unparalleled defense ability and extraordinary self-healing ability, and at the same time, it will also gain part of biological energy field.

  Skill Status: It can be upgraded to a complete Kryptonian bloodline. (Default Kryptonian bloodline template: Al Family.)

  Upgrade conditions: Collect all the seven abilities of the Kryptonian, and you can upgrade the "Man of Steel" into a complete Kryptonian bloodline.

  Upgrade progress: 1/7.

  At present, Luo Xia has a body of steel, and his life safety is basically guaranteed. At least he doesn\'t have to worry about walking on the street and suddenly encounters a gunman who shoots him.

  But the Man of Steel is powerful, but Rorschach is still worried that he won\'t be able to hold back Thanos\' snapping fingers.

  So it’s better to collect all seven Kryptonian abilities as soon as possible and upgrade to a complete Kryptonian bloodline. At that time, Rorschach can fly directly to teach that purple potato essence how to be a human being.

  Thinking of this, Rorschach switched the system interface to the task list with a thought.

  Exclusive mission stage 1 (super strength): Do 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats every day, run 10 kilometers, persist for one year, and you can get the exclusive skill Kryptonian super strength.

  Mission progress: 349/365.

  Exclusive task stage 1 (super brain): study five hours a day for one year, and publish two papers in natural science journals. You can get the exclusive skill Kryptonian\'s Super Brain.

  Mission progress: 349/365, 2/2.

The teaching tasks of American High School are not heavy, so Rorschach can squeeze out five hours of study every day. As for the two papers in the journal of natural sciences, it is even easier, because Rorschach directly redeemed them in the mall with mission points .

The two papers he published were on the direction of biological genetics, which caused quite a stir at the time. Even Norman Osborne, the president of the Osborne Group, personally offered an olive branch to Rorschach, wanting to High salary hired Rorschach to work in the bioscience laboratory of Osborne Group.

  Rorschach expressed that he was very touched, and then refused.

   Going to the laboratory to be a hard-working researcher is not as comfortable as being a **** teacher, anyway, I am not short of money.

  Currently there are only these two exclusive missions. After completing the first stage, you can unlock the second stage missions.

   And so on, until you get six more exclusive skills, you can unlock the complete Kryptonian bloodline.

  Of course, Rorschach can choose to give up when encountering a task that cannot be completed at all. The system task has prepared nine exclusive skills, and Rorschach only needs to complete six of them.

In addition to Krypton\'s exclusive skills, there are many daily tasks on the task list, ranging from changing the world to helping an old lady cross the road, comforting a city girl who lives alone, helping a rebellious adolescent girl to study hard, etc. What strange and weird tasks Both.

  However, these daily tasks will only reward mission points, and the reward points are generally not high.

  As for the system mall, most of them are props from the comic universe, including Iron Man\'s full series of armor designs, or scientific technologies such as super soldier serum, and even infinite gems!

  However, the price of infinite gems is too expensive. An average infinite gem costs 30 million mission points.

You know, it only takes 10 million to exchange the lowest-level Kryptonian blood. If I have 30 million mission points, I can almost catch up with the elite fighter-level Kryptonian blood. I will directly exchange for the elite warrior-level Kryptonian blood, and then directly from Isn\'t it good to grab infinite gems from other people\'s hands?

  Just as Rorschach\'s attention was on the system interface, a round ** sat on Rorschach\'s desk.

   "Hey, Mr. Rorschach, I wonder if you are free tonight?"

  Hearing the voice of the other party, Rorschach opened his eyes, and saw the person wearing a bright red dress with an unfathomable chest, two slender legs crossed and sitting on Rorschach\'s desk.

   "Uh...sorry, I have to grade students\' homework tonight."

  Rorschach took two seconds to think carefully. The other party was a music teacher who just joined the job two weeks ago. At that time, the principal asked Rorschach to familiarize her with the environment.

  What\'s her name...

   Luo Xia thought for a while, but couldn\'t remember what the other party\'s name was.

   But it doesn\'t matter, the other party obviously wants to ask me out. It\'s not good to be handsome, and it is always easier to come into contact with some temptations than ordinary people.

  Women only affect the speed at which I do tasks.

  So in order to prevent the school female teacher from having unnecessary emotional entanglements with me, which would affect the speed at which I can complete the exclusive task.

   Luo Xia set a rule for himself, the so-called rabbit does not eat grass by the side of the nest, he is determined not to fall in love with the female teacher in his school.

   Not even for one night.

   Seeing Rorschach\'s polite refusal, the other party was a little displeased, but he glanced at Rorschach\'s handsome face, and his anger dissipated instantly.

  She leaned down, got closer to Rorschach, and said, "Maybe we can have dinner together, then go to my house to watch a movie, and drink some wine along the way."

  Rorschach sighed, a little helpless.

  The other party’s hints are so obvious, but... I am a person with principles, today’s training task has not yet reached the standard, I can’t lose the chain at this time.

  Already thinking about refusing, Luo Xia coughed lightly, and said, "That\'s good, I still have some homework to correct, and I\'ll go find you after school."

   "No problem, I\'ll wait for you."

  The young female teacher gave Rorschach a wink, and then walked out slowly with her eyes twisted.

  The female teacher walked out of the office, and Rorschach rubbed her head.

   What a crime!

   It\'s not that my willpower is not firm enough, it\'s that the other party is too big.

  The kind I can\'t control with one hand.

   If you want to blame, blame me for being so handsome.

   I\'m damned, nowhere, charm!

   Sighed, Rorschach planned to fill up the time for today\'s learning tasks and training tasks while he still had some time.

   Otherwise, I may not have time to do these tonight.

   Sure enough, women will only affect the speed at which I draw my sword.

   hey ~

  Long sighed, Rorschach stopped wasting time, but took out a book from the drawer, "How to Make a Rich Woman Fall in Love with Me", turned to page 108, and started today\'s learning task.

   Not long after, the door of the office was pushed open again.

  A girl rushed in from the outside. After seeing Rorschach, she hurriedly said anxiously: "It\'s not good, Mr. Rorschach, Peter and Flash are fighting again."

  Wait, why do you say \'again\'?

  Rorschach put away the book in his hand, and looked up at the person coming.

   This girl is none other than Spiderman Peter Parker\'s dream goddess, Mary Jane.

   "Student Mary, don\'t panic, tell me first, who won this time?" Rorschach has long been accustomed to this.

  This is not the first time Flash has bullied classmate Peter, and naturally it is not the first time Mary Jane has come to Rorschach.

  Peter Parker was a nerd in school before he became Spider-Man, and Flash was a sportsman, the type with all the muscles in his head.

  Plus they both like Mary Jane, so Flash, the strong gym student, loves to trouble little Peter when he has nothing to do.

  In the past, the weak Peter Parker was not the opponent of the big Flash at all, and was beaten up every time by the opponent, but this time Rorschach thought of the scientific research assignment handed in by Peter Parker.

  On the possibility of cross-species gene transplantation technology...

  Maybe, that shy nerd has turned into Spider-Man.

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  (end of this chapter)