The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 652: The way to restore strength!

Su Hexiang knew about this.

Because all the discerning people around Jinli could tell that she and Lu Zhengya were the first to be tempted by each other.

Having known Jinli for so long, Su Hexiang had never seen her when she was in love.

"So, what did Mr. Lu rely on to impress you?" She asked with a little hope in her heart.

"Well, he does a lot of things. But..." Jin Li thought about it seriously.

"The most important thing is that he looks good," she said.

Su Hexiang: "..."

She gave up asking for advice: "It's OK, what's the use for you."

Jin Li was not convinced: "You can't say that."

She thought about it, and took out a small pendant from her pocket: "This is for you."

Su Hexiang took it over: "What is this?"

Jinli smiled and said, "Well, wear it, bless everything goes well."

Su Hexiang smiled, and didn't care too much: "Thank you."

Jin Li said: "This symbol can't make a person who doesn't like you like you, but if you have fate, or if he also has a good impression of you, it can save you two from making many detours."

Su Hexiang regards this as a blessing from a friend.

She shook hands with the pendant: "Thank you, Jinli."

Jinli waved her hand: "Good luck."

When she walked out of the small building, she was still thinking: Su Hexiang is a good girl, I hope her love will go well.


Jin Li is supper at Su's house.

While eating, she received a call.

The caller is Lu Zhengya.

Lu Zhengya at this time should still be a cub Lu.

She got up and walked to a quiet place.

"Jin Li Jin Li!" The immature voice on the other side was filled with excitement, "I seem to have found a way to restore my strength."

"Really?" Jin Li was a little surprised, "Congratulations."

It was good for Lu Zhengya to recover his strength sooner.

Jinli thought secretly: Maybe Lu Zhengya recovered faster than himself? If he is faster than himself, he doesn't know if he can bring himself a hand when he is in heaven.

Back at the dinner table, her good mood did not hide.

Mother Su asked: "What phone makes you so happy?"

Jin Li smiled and said, "Lu Zhengya came here."

This was obviously misunderstood by the three.

Su's mother and Su's father looked at each other, and both saw a smile in each other's eyes.

It seems that these two young people have a very good relationship, and a phone call can make Jinli so happy.

After some time, can I discuss with Jinli and let Lu Zhengya come to see it at home?

Because she was worried about Lu Zhengya, Jinli left Su's house after dinner and hurried home.

Lu Zhengya was already waiting for her at home.

Seeing Jinli, his eyes were shining, obviously excited.

"What's the situation?" Jin Li asked him.

Cub Lu whispered: "When I came home from get off work, I passed by a jewelry store."

Jewelry Shop? Jin Li understands.

Pai Yao, it's impossible not to be tempted by these shining treasures.

Cub Lu said, "I bought a few gadgets, and when I was playing with them in the car, I discovered something."

His silver-gray eyes gleamed: "These jewels are rich in wealth, and my eyes can see."

High-value things have more wealth, and low-value things have less wealth.

Jin Li faintly understood something: "So?"

Cub Lu said excitedly: "I can absorb the wealth from these things!"


4 more.

See you tonight~