The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 639: love at first sight

Wait until Sister Qing is gone.

Jin Li touched her chin and looked at Xiao Zhengtai beside her.

The cub Lu Zhengya was a little disturbed by her. He asked vigilantly, "What do you want to do?"

Jinli: "You also heard what my agent said, you have to clarify the relationship between you and your reincarnation."

Cub Lu: "..."

He looked like he hated iron but steel: "Your personality is too good, so if you ask you to clarify, you can clarify."

Jinli Tanshou: "I can do nothing. I am now in this world. If I don't accumulate enough golden energy soon, how long will it take me to return to the heaven."



Then do as she says.

But how can I clarify?

They are one person.

He can't conjure another Lu Zhengya out...wait!

Changed into Lu Zhengya and came out.

Cub Lu's eyes lit up, and he raised his hand and touched it from his pocket. This is not a real pocket, it is just a blinding trick in the sleeve.

He rummaged through his pile of things, found a piece of wood, and threw it out.

As soon as the wood fell on the ground, it quickly grew bigger and turned into a tall human form-exactly what Jin Li once showed the cub Lu, the appearance of Lu Zhengya in the world.

It's just that he is just a dummy made of wood at the moment, standing there coldly, like a silent sculpture.

Before the cub Lu could speak, Lan Ting walked out carrying the fruit, and at a glance he saw Lu Zhengya standing on the edge of the sofa.

Lan Ting: "!"

Father Lu is back?

She glanced at the door suspiciously, but didn't hear anything. Soon after washing a fruit, Dad Lu moved so fast?

She said hello: "Mr. Lu is here, please sit down."

However, the fake wood tyrant is always unable to respond to her.

He still stood there coldly, without turning his head back.

Originally, the calm atmosphere in the living room was stupefied by the wood that made a sense of tension.

Lan Ting glanced at him suspiciously, saw the cold profile face, and glanced at Jinli and the cub Lu Zhengya sitting on the sofa.

A fierce controversy and cold war filled her mind immediately.

No, it is not suitable to stay here for long.

"I'm a little sleepy. Go back to my room to get some sleep. Jinli, call me if you have something to do." She said quickly, rubbing the soles of her feet and slipping fast.

Jin Li was very satisfied with the girl's knowledge, and it just happened that what they were about to talk about was not suitable for others to be present.

She placed an enchantment smoothly to ensure that the chat would not be heard by other people. Jin Li looked at the cold Lu Zhengya standing here, and looked at his face twice with nostalgia. Alas, such a handsome face, how many The sky is gone, I still miss it.

Her expression could not escape the eyes of the cub Lu Zhengya.

He glanced critically on his reincarnated face twice, and said proudly: "After all, it is a human shell, even if it is my reincarnation, it can have my three-point demeanor."

Jin Li agrees with this.

The appearance of Lu Zhengya in the world is the ultimate human appearance and temperament.

But Lu Zhengya who has recovered his true body...

Although she only glanced hurriedly and said a word, Jin Li also had to admit that the cub Lu did not speak big words.

Jinli has been in the heavens for thousands of years, and Xiansheng has seen nothing better than it.

She held her face, but she fell in love at first sight with the face of Lu Zhengya who had recovered her body.

But this kind of thing, you don't need to tell the other party now.

Lest this little guy screams.


4 more.

See you later.