The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 630: You're still the Lu Zhengya

Jin Li: "..."

She looked at Lu Zhengya a little strangely, and said, "You really are still you."

Lu Zhengya looked at her suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

Jinli thought for a while, and said, "The world's Lu Zhengya, when he first met me, he said the same thing."

However, it's just about the same.

She added: "You speak it out, it's much smoother than him."

The little Lu Zhengya snorted, as if he was not satisfied with the human himself.

He immediately asked: "Then did you agree?"

Jin Li gave a "tsk": "What do you think?"

The small version of Lu Zhengya is serious: "A human dared to say such a thing, you must refuse."

Jinli looked at him approvingly: "Not bad."

Lu Zhengya raised his head to look at her: "What about now? Do you want me to support you?"

Jin Li laughed and couldn't help but stretched out her hand and rubbed his head: "Why do you think that I rejected the adult version of Lu Zhengya and would promise you?"

Lu Zhengya said disdainfully: "I am a sacred beast, Pai Yao, no one can compare to him."

Jin Li: "..."

Unexpectedly, after the ex-boyfriend became smaller, his mind became smaller.

In the past, I was just eating other people's vinegar. Now, I even start to eat my own vinegar!

It's terrible.

She dealt with him casually: "What identity am I, little koi fairy, do I need to be raised by others?"

Lu Zhengya thought about it and found it reasonable.

But he didn't quite understand: "In this case, why do you have to work so hard, working like those humans?"

Speaking of this, the little fairy is also a little sad.

She sighed: "This matter is a long story..."

So she didn't bother to say that she chose the simplest and most rude operation between the gods-Spiritual Sense Transmission.

In just a few seconds, Lu Zhengya had an extra memory in his mind.

"So, if you want to recover your strength now, you have to collect these human likes?" Lu Zhengya said.

Jin Li nodded.

The little Lu Zhengya sighed, "It's so pitiful."

Jin Li: "..."

She thought she was very pitiful.

But now, looking at the little beanie in front of him, the meaty face looked like an old man, and he smiled suddenly.

Before Lu Zhengya could react, she quickly stretched out her hand, squeezed the other's delicate smiling face, then released it before he turned his face, and said with a grin: "You are no better than me, three thousand-year-old Pai Yao is a little cute. At least I found a way to restore my visual power. How about you? When will you recover your divine power and return to the heavens?"

Lu Zhengya: "..."

Don't ask, to ask is just dumbfounded.


After eating the dessert, Jin Li brought Lu Zhengya to buy some small things like shoes and accessories. In the end, at Lu Zhengya's extremely firm request, she reluctantly returned.

"In fact, there is also a cool children's glasses shop over there..." She tried to persuade Xiao Zhengtai beside her.

Lu Zhengya... is slumping on the seat next to Jinli.

What sits in dire straits has long ceased to exist.

He collapsed on the seat very salty, seeing Jinli's appearance, couldn't help but stretch out his hand to motion her to lean closer: "I have something to say."

Jin Li leaned over.

Lu Zhengya gritted her teeth: "If you don't want me to be in the crowd, and the divine power is so weak that you can't maintain the human form, you can continue to let me try."

Jin Li: "..."

Her eyes brightened and stared at Lu Zhengya with piercing eyes: "Can you become a prototype?"