The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 627: Online fine score

Lu Zhengya was rushed to the guest room cruelly.

He hugged the small pillow Jin Li gave him and sat cross-legged on the bed in the guest room.

Jin Li thought he was doubting life.

But this Pai Yao had a big smile on his face.

"Jinli..." He sighed, and stretched out his hand towards the sky, as if Xuxu was holding something, "You still came to me."

After joy, Lu Zhengya began to sort out his experience in this world for more than 20 years.

The unimportant twenty years ahead were directly swept by him and ignored.

From the time he met Jinli, it was the real beginning of his life in his mind.

He took a closer look all the way, and the more he looked: "..."


Mortals who have been reincarnated can be stupid like this.

And I was just as stupid as a child.

If you pass by outside of Lu's guest room at this time, you can hear his sad sigh:

"Thank you for this face."

He knew better than the reincarnated Lu Zhengya and the three-thousand-year-old cub Lu Zhengya, the importance of this face when he wanted to capture a fish.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but start to feel sleepy.

The cub's body is fragile and can almost fall asleep anytime, anywhere.

He sighed in his heart and didn't know, when will this day end?

After sleeping, Lu Zhengya was still thinking in a daze: If he is in his adult form now, it would be much easier to catch a little stupid fish...


Jin Li was awakened by the sound of the door.

Someone outside the door is shooting the door, and the shooting is very rhythmic, take a break after three shots, and then continue shooting.

Lan Ting can never do such a thing.

So, was it the man who slept in the guest room last night who had degenerated into a cub's body?

When Lan Ting heard the movement, she walked over. What she saw was Xiao Zhengtai, who was wearing a little black robe, patting the door sternly.

When she saw Lu Zhengya's clothes, she was still at a loss for a second. Where did the home clothes on this young master come from? It has an ancient charm?

But this is not the point now.

She hurried over to stop him: "Lu...Little Master, Jin Li came back very late last night. She must be very tired. You can let her sleep a little longer."

Lu Zhengya raised his eyes to look at her, wondering: "Is she tired?"

Facing those silver-gray eyes, Lan Ting suffocated her breath: What a beautiful eyes!

However, this color, could it be that the young master is a mixed race?

This is not the point!

She patted the fluttering thoughts away again and said softly, "Yes, you fell asleep on the road yesterday, but Jin Li didn't sleep."

Trumpet Lu Zhengya thought for a while, then let go of her hand: "Then let her continue to sleep, and I will look for her when she wakes up."

He said that he was going back to the guest room where he slept.

Lan Ting is a little strange. Didn't the young master sleep with Jinli last night? Why are you outside?

Seeing him walking to the left, she hurriedly said: "Hey little master, would you like some breakfast..."

Lu Zhengya shook his head, solemnly: "I will eat Jinli when I wake up."

He continued to walk to his room, and with a click, behind him, Jin Li's room door opened.

Lu Zhengya looked back quickly and was a little happy to see Jinli: "Jinli, you wake up..."

Jinli walked out, picked up Lu Zhengya with one hand, returned to the room, "slammed" the door, and rudely put the person down.

All in one go.

Trumpet Lu Zhengya was a little dazed.

Lan Ting, who was shut outside, was also a little confused.

The little angelfish, who hadn't woken up, grabbed his hair, a little grumpy: "What are you doing in the morning?"

Lu Zhengya seemed to be taken aback by her.

He wanted to pout his mouth, but he felt that this was very unmanly, his eyes widened stubbornly, and he was a bit wronged: "I'm so hungry..."


4 more.

A boyfriend during the day and a boyfriend at night, happy :)

See you tonight.