The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 617: Mr. Lu became Dad Lu

Jin Li looked at the little boyfriend lying on the bed with his chin supported.


I don't know if Lu Zhengya was so good-looking when he was a child, or after revealing his true body, he also turned himself into the form of a **** orc when he was a child.

In short, it looks good!

Especially good-looking.

Tender and tender.

Like a jade doll.

It's fun to watch.

Doorbell rang.

Jin Li recovered from seeing her boyfriend and was a little unhappy.

She got up to open the door, not surprisingly, she was from the Taoist Association.

A bunch of hula la la.

Both came to see Jinli and...Papa Lu.

In the past, only the people from Maoshan called Dad Lu Zhengya. Now, one of the people from the entire Dao Men who come to participate in the exchange activities counts as one, and they all automatically upgrade Mr. Lu to Dad Lu in their hearts.

Divine beast Pai Yao!

This is not a father yet, what is a father?

The group of people couldn't help but glanced at the bed. Seeing Lu Zhengya still asleep, they were curious and a little disappointed.

Qing Yangzi couldn't help asking: "Friend Jinli, Mr. Lu..., what is his situation now?"

Jin Li shook his head: "I just checked, everything in his body is normal, there should be no problem."

"Oh." Qing Yangzi responded dryly.

The group of people kept looking at Lu Zhengya.

Jin Li looked at them for a while, and asked, "What do you want?"

The group shook their heads.

They did have a lot of questions, but Dad Lu didn't wake up at the moment, so there was really nothing wrong at the moment.

——That is, the fact that Jinli is a little fairy has not been announced yet.

Otherwise, she will probably get double the trouble.

The people from the Taoist Association left.

Before long, someone knocked on the door again.

It is the blood family.

The Duke of Cappadocia once again presented a generous gift list to Jin Li with a serious and enthusiastic expression.

He said sincerely: "Miss Jinli, this is my apology to Mr. Lu on behalf of our blood, and sincerely hope that he can wake up as soon as possible."

The Duke said by the way: After he returns to the white dove country, he will begin to prepare to sleep.

The implication is that, big guys, I promise that I won't be in front of your eyes for a long time.

Don't beg you to remember me, beg you to forget me!

Not long after the Duke left, people began to visit again.

It is the representative of those profound door forces.

It hasn’t been long since returning from the enchantment, but this short period of time is enough for those foreigners to look up the relevant information of Hua Country from the appearance of Lu Zhengya, and roughly guess what his identity is.

Ancient beasts.

The gods of real value are still very powerful ones!

I feel like I really need to hold a thigh. Even if I can’t hold it, I’ll show up and check my favorability.

But Jin Li was obviously impatient.

Lu Zhengya was still asleep, and the little fairy fish didn't even bother to accept the gifts he always liked, and didn't see them.

Those people couldn't, they could only turn to see other representatives of Hua Guo.

Curve saves the country, and hope that Qingyangzi and the others will remember to say a few good things for themselves after the big beast awake.

So this world is very realistic.

Jin Li was fortunate again that she was a little fairy daughter, and the fact that Tian Dao's father loved the little koi had not been exposed.

Otherwise, that hot gaze would be all on the fish.


Let Lu Zhengya face this passion alone.


Lu Zhengya slept for a long time.