The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 606: Weird Wilderness Wizard

After the Duke of Cappadocia left, Jinli told Long Hao what he had said.

"Be careful of the wilderness wizard?" Long Hao frowned, and said, "the wilderness wizard is strangely strong this time, even if you don't mention it, we will be careful."

Jin Li nodded, "I just told you."

Anyway, no matter how powerful those wizards are, they cannot be the opponents of the little fairy.

The half-day rest time passed quickly.

the next day.

The second round of competition.

Dozens of talents and hundreds of people, after the first round of elimination yesterday, only more than a hundred people remain.

These more than one hundred people were able to get out of the cherry blossom forest formation at the age of only thirty. It can be said that all of them are elite.

The pillars of the future of this world's profound door are them.

This round is a draw and one-on-one competition.

This is the cruelest and most conventional round of competition.

Jin Li also went to draw lots.

Her ranking is very low, and her opponent is from the Temple of Light.

More than 100 people, more than 70 games.

Play one by one.

Everyone knows this kind of competition. Without being ruthless, they will try their best to use their full strength and beat the opponent.

In fact, most people do.

Until the first wilderness wizard comes on stage.

Face him with the castle witch from Grizzlies.

Both parties are wizards and the fighting methods are similar.

Magic, summon wraiths to fight with yourself.

Jin Li had never seen such a way of fighting, and she had a rare interest in it.

She held her chin in her hand and looked for a while, and said, "That witch is about to lose."

Lu Zhengya couldn't understand, but Jinli said that the witch would lose, so she probably really would lose.

Ying Qian, who was sitting on the other side, frowned and looked surprised: "But I haven't seen each other in a few years. What have these wild wizards met and become so strong?"

In fact, in Jin Li's eyes, these two are similar.

She watched them play as if an adult watched two children having fun.

Jin Li asked smoothly: "Aren't they great before?"

Ying Qian said: "It's not that it's not terrible, but it's completely incomparable. The overall strength of the castle witch is very strong, and this one on the court is also very powerful, but now, she is being beaten by the opponent.

The time she spoke, the situation suddenly changed.

I saw behind the witch, I don't know when a huge resentful spirit suddenly appeared and opened his mouth to the witch.

Before everyone had time to react, he swallowed people in one bite and chewed them on the spot, without giving people any chance of survival.

This obviously does not meet the rules of the game.

The elder of the castle witch sitting in the audience stood up on the spot and pointed at the people on the court.

Thanks to the high-tech translator, Little Fairy finally solved the language barrier problem.

The witch elder was obviously accusing the wild wizard of unruly, and there was a lot of discussion on the table.

At this moment, the resentful spirits on the court stopped chewing and vomited out.

The "witch" in his mouth turned out to be a paper villain.

On the other side of the field, the castle witch appeared with a pale face-it was obvious that she had escaped the catastrophe by using some substitute spell just now.

When that tall and hideous resentful spirit saw her, his face appeared angry, and he opened his mouth to swallow people again.

But now who will let it move?