The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 599: Feel the power of heaven

Just as Jin Li was about to say something, she looked at the two suspiciously: "You two, why do you suddenly ask?"

She has a great father, something they already knew.

Jinli guessed that the pile of thunder from Heavenly Dao's father would shock countless people.

She also guessed that the people of Dao Sect would be curious.

However, the expressions of Xue Laodao and Qing Yangzi were not just as simple as curiosity.

They were distinct, as if they had guessed something.

Only Long Hao was at a loss.

He had been in the cherry blossom forest before, so he didn't see the scene of the old man thundering the sun country.

Qingyangzi and Xue Laodao called him over, also showing an attitude-the Daomen Association and the Shen Supervision Bureau have always been in the same spirit.

Long Hao, as the representative of the Superintendent Bureau, couldn't hide such things from him.

Besides, even if you hide it, so many people have seen it, can you hide it?

Long Hao didn't know the ins and outs, Qing Yangzi and the others also had time to explain to him now.

As a result, Captain Dragon could only wonder in his heart, calmly looking at Jinli as the two of Xue Laodao.

Hearing Jinli's questioning, Xue Laodao and Qing Yangzi looked at each other.

Qing Yangzi said: "Indeed, people who have reached a certain level of cultivation can summon Thunder, including the old-fashioned me, and they can also use Fu Zhuan and Fa Jue to attract Thunder's might. But that's different."

Jin Li blinked.

She suddenly understood where the flaw was.

Sure enough, the next moment Qing Yangzi continued to say: "The thunder we can attract is just an ordinary thunder. But today, Xue Daochang and I felt a familiar kind of thunder from the thunder that my father smashed. feel."

Jin Li's very cooperative question and answer: "What familiar feeling?"

Qingyangzi's face was serious: "Cultivating to a great realm, the feeling when facing thunder."

no surprise.

Jin Li sighed in her heart: Father Heaven, I didn't say anything, you exposed yourself.

The essence of cultivating immortals is to go against the sky.

Let an ordinary person with a lifespan of less than 100, let an ordinary person with no power to bind a chicken, have a life span of hundreds of thousands of years, and have the power to move mountains and fill the sea. Isn't this going against the sky?

It stands to reason that the way of heaven cannot tolerate such a situation.

But the way of heaven is ruthless, the way of heaven is sentimental, and everything, he leaves the other side a ray of life.

Thunder Tribulation is a catastrophe for the monks, but also a ray of life for them.

After crossing over, you can have a long time and great power.

If you can't get there, it means you have gone the fate you should have gone. When it's time to leave, the dust will return to the dust, and the soil will return to the soil.

Lei Jie was an ordinary monk, the only time in his life when he could feel the power of heaven.

This is how it should be.

But Xue Laodao and Qing Yangzi broke this cognition.

They felt familiar power in this thunder catastrophe.

So, why can Jin Li’s "dad" grasp the power of the law of heaven?

This mysterious Taoist Jin Li, who is she?

What kind of existence is her father?

Xue Laodao and Qing Yangzi had many speculations in this short period of time.

Of course, in the most outrageous guesses, they dare not guess that it is God's way.

But guessing is always difficult to find the real answer, so they waited until the banquet was over and hurriedly came to look for Jinli.