The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 553: Netizens this year are too nasty

A screenshot of Jinli was placed on the screen.

She read out the three people's ID, asked them to privately send their account passwords, and said the cards they wanted, and she pulled them live-of course, she had to be ready to draw the funds.

The three people were very excited and sent their account passwords to the boss.

Two of them are decent people, and they both wrote out the SSR they want most, not much.

The rest is more sassy.

Jinli even published the private message account password after coding, and the message was impressively written:

[Papa Ouhuang, I just filled in with 20,000 yuan, you can smoke it, I want a complete picture book]

On the barrage, laughing and haha, while pitiful Jinli, heart said how a scam after smoking.

Jin Li admired him: "Very good, good, and know how to seize the opportunity. I have a live broadcast to help you draw a lottery. It's probably just this one time. It's smart to ask more.

Players: "..."

People who thought Jinli was poor, turned their backs one after another: "Just blow it up, wait for a face-slap, you won't get mixed up in this game!"


After a long, long time, the old players of "Shan Hai Ji" still remember the scene at that time.

A long time later, when the enthusiasm of "Shan Hai Ji" has passed and almost all services are closed, the video of Jinli card drawing still made it into the top three of the "Top Ten Famous Scenes of Mobile Games" with a strong posture.

Ou Huang shot, terrifying!

The memories are over.

Jin Li logged into the game and scanned various emails in the background. He didn't see any new official events and no new clothes, so he felt that there was no energy.

She yawned and lightly lit the screen to complete several routine tasks.

Lu Zhengya put the juice on the table in front of her and glanced at the phone screen: "Are you playing "Shan Hai Ji"?"

Jinli glanced at him: "Hey! You know? Do you play too?"

Lu Zhengya: "..."

Of course he has never played.

Master Ba’s time is calculated in seconds, and in this time in seconds, there is obviously no game arrangement.

——But Jin Li is playing.

Moreover, he didn't really appreciate this kind of money-trapping game with no depth.

——But Jin Li is playing.

Lu Zhengya said without changing his face: "I've heard about this game. It is said that the screen is beautiful, very fun, and the evaluation is good."

Jin Li was excited when she heard it: "Come on, you download one, and we will play together."

Games, such as entertainment, are more fun when you have friends.

"it is good."

The boss became a degenerate boss. He took out a mobile phone worth tens of thousands of encrypted layers and downloaded the first game above.

The operation is very simple. After Lu Zhengya registered an account, he had to give himself a role name.

He asked: "What is your game ID?"

Jin Li said, "Jin Li is a little fairy Acridine."

It is very characteristic of Jinli, Lu Zhengya smiled in his heart.

With a fingertip, he took an ID for himself [Jinli's boyfriend].

——Sorry, the account name has already been registered.

Lu Zhengya: "..."

So angry!

He continued: [Jinli's husband]

——Sorry, the account name has already been registered.

Lu Zhengya: "..."

He continued.

[Jinli big baby][Jinli wife][I love Jinli][Jinli loves me][Jinli genuine boyfriend]……

He tried many times in a row, but none of them worked.

Lu Zhengya: "..."

This group of netizens, too much!

He snorted and made up his mind in his heart: Tomorrow, go and buy the game company!

These people, all change my ID!