The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 550: Don't kiss me!

"You, you..." Jin Li covered her mouth and stared at Lu Zhengya.

"I just want to tell you that the kiss between lovers is like this." Lu Zhengya stretched out his hand and stroked his lips, and smiled nostalgicly.

Jin Li felt that feeling was too used.

I was a little dizzy in my head.

"I'm telling you, you can't do this again." Jin Li frowned and said, "It's strange."

Lu Zhengya asked, "Why is it strange?"

Jin Li's words are irrational: "It's strange!"

She said solemnly: "Just like this... dear, it's the first time that I and I miss you, so I don't care about your offense. If you change someone, I will tell you that I will have my head knocked off!"

Lu Zhengya supported his forehead.

Continue to be helpless, and a little proud.

What happened to him is still better than others, isn't it?

But a man who has tasted the sweetness will never let go of such benefits.

He looked at Jin Li aggrieved: "But, don't you like me? I like you too. We are already lovers now. This is what lovers should do."

Jin Li: "..."

She thought that to like is to like.

You can do it after you like it. Are there so many things between humans?

"Anyway, anyway!" she said dryly, "just not."

She tried to recall the human TV series she watched, and suddenly she had a flash of inspiration: "Right!"

Lu Zhengya felt bad: "?"

Jin Li's eyes lit up: "I read your human novels and TV dramas. When you think of each other between couples, your heart will speed up and you can die for each other. What the sea is dry and the stone is not transferable... But I have not liked it so much. You!"

Lu Zhengya: "..."

Jin Li raised a finger vigilantly: "A little bit. I just like you a little bit."

She held the finger: "So, we are different from other lovers. What others can do is others. I don't want it."

Lu Zhengya: "..."

He was a little surprised to react so quickly this time.

Well, it was a surprise to get a kiss.

He got up, and when Jin Li was still wary of whether he was angry and would do something, Lu Zhengya asked, "I didn’t eat dinner today? Are you hungry? If you want to eat something, I will make it for you. ."

Oh, eat.

She glanced at the time and shook her head: "Forget it, you suffered today, and it is too inhumane to let you cook. Let's take out."

Occasionally a takeaway is fine.

Lu Zhengya nodded.

After Jinli took out her phone and asked Lu Zhengya's opinion, she excitedly ordered a lot of food.

She hasn't forgotten to send a message to Lan Ting, saying that she has returned, and she is now at Lu Zhengya's house, ready to have dinner.

[Lan Ting]: Dad Lu is discharged from the hospital? How is the injury? No problem, right?

[Little Fairy]: It's all right.

[Lan Ting]: Do you need my help?

Jinli glanced at Lu Zhengya whose bandage had been removed, and shook her head:

[Little Fairy]: There is nothing to help, I have to go home after dinner.

Lan Ting sat on the sofa and looked at Jin Li's words, and she shouted excitedly: "Don't come back! Go home! Go home at this time!

Dad Lu just had a car accident. It's a time when his body and mind are fragile. You should comfort him!

And Dad Lu, who looks like a black-bellied and cold-blooded elite. At this time, don't you know how to sell cute things to keep the little fairy? How can you chase your wife like this? "

Mom is very disappointed and hopeful for you two!

CP fan really broke my heart for you two!

3 more.

The next update will be around five o'clock.