The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 528: Lu Zhengya, the dead straight man who focused on solitary life

She said to Ying Qian in her heart, then you continue to play the game.

The little fairy is going to bed.

In fact, as Jinli, she doesn't need any so-called beauty sleep.

Immortality is the most basic characteristic of immortals.

Even if those soaring gods fail to survive the five decays of heaven and man, they are still beautiful when they emerge, and there is no old state at all.

But is the little fairy the kind of superficial little fairy?

Beauty and beauty is an attitude to life!

She fell into sleep happily.

Then the next morning, she received a call from Lu Jianzhen.

"Jinli, I talked with a few of my old friends, they all like you." Lu Jianzhen said with a smile.

Jin Li also reacted, asking her heart to say why my sister's friend liked me?

Then she remembered: Oh, the endorsement thing!

She rubbed her eyes to dispel sleepiness: "Huh? How do you say it?"

Lu Jianzhen started balabala... to introduce the welfare conditions offered by each family.

Jin Li quickly remembered in her mind, although she didn't understand it very well, she could also analyze it. This treatment should be considered very generous.

Want to come, Lu Jianzhen put a lot of effort in the middle.

Especially K.D, the attitude is very enthusiastic.

Lu Jianzhen smiled and said: "That's because their designer saw you wearing a beloved star. They agreed that you can best interpret the charm of their jewelry, and no woman can resist this charm. ."


Jin Li called Sister Qing and, with her strong memory ability, repeated all the words Lu Jianzhen had said to Sister Qing.

The poor young sister was going crazy with excitement.

"Are you serious?" She confirmed again and again.

Jinli nodded: "It should be true. My sister said that those companies that are interested will contact you soon."

Sister Qing nodded: "Okay!"

Jinli changed clothes and got up. After eating a loving breakfast made by Su's mother, she... received another call.

It is a strange number.


On the other side of the phone was a very nice female voice: "Is this Miss Jinli? This is Xu Muqing. I would like to make an appointment to meet you."

Jin Li: "???"

"Who are you?" she asked.


"I am the woman who is going to marry Mr. Lu, according to the news."


Jin Li sits on the chair and looks at the woman opposite.

She is very pretty.

The woman opposite is also looking at her.

"What's the matter with you looking for me?" Jin Li asked.

When she said this, she thought about "I give you 30 million, leave Lu Zhengya" and "I am the satisfied daughter-in-law of the Lu family. You will leave Lu Zhengya with a little face". ...Wait for the weird plot.

Jin Li: "..."

She felt that her brain might be broken.

Continue to look at this Xu Muqing.

Hmm... the family background and Lu Zhengya match well, and they look good, although they are a lot worse than Lu Zhengya, they are also good-looking among humans...

Jin Li's thoughts drifted far away, very absent-minded, and a little inexplicably boring in her heart.

Xu Muqing: "..."

Less than five minutes after the two met, the woman opposite has been distracted several times.

She sighed helplessly: "Miss Jinli."

Jinli returned to God, blinking at her: "Huh?"

Xu Muqing finally knows what it means to be "deer-like eyes" in reality.

Who can stand this TM!

She said sincerely: "Actually, there is nothing wrong with me asking you out. I just want to see, what kind of girl Lu Zhengya likes, the lonely, dead man?"