The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 514: Beast, just be honest with two meals

"Good Brother Sheng, good sister-in-law." A group of people greeted the two together.

Fan Sheng nodded and pointed to Bai Yuanjun and Chen Lihua who were frightened by this scene: "These two shameless guys come to your sister-in-law to touch the porcelain and throw them out for me."

"Dare to touch the porcelain sister-in-law?"

"How courageous!"

"Don't die!"

A group of people looked at the Bai family husband and wife, as if looking at two warriors.

Who doesn't know that his sister-in-law is the lifeblood of Brother Sheng, who can make her even a little unhappy?

A group of brawny men came up, Chen Lihua and her husband were so scared that they screamed: "What are you going to do? Come on! Help!"

Two people covered their mouths and dragged them out.

Fan Sheng frowned, and said dissatisfied: "These two people are really good actors. They just throw them out. As for the screaming so loud?"

Yu Manluo chuckled: "You are just dragging people out. People don't think so."

After thinking about it carefully, Fan Sheng understood the key-or his hard performance just now worked. These two people are afraid that they really want people to take them somewhere to deal with them, right?

It's... I'm very stupid.

Although Fan Sheng looks a little scary, he is indeed a good citizen who abides by the law?

Fan Sheng looked at Yu Manluo carefully, his expression was very serious: "Manman."

"What's wrong?" Yu Manluo looked at him strangely.

"You said, your biological parents are mentally disabled and your adoptive parents are vicious, why do you look so attractive?" Fan Sheng said seriously.

Yu Manluo suddenly laughed and patted him: "No sweet talk."

Fan Sheng hugged her and mumbled: "I'm telling the truth."


Chen Lihua and his wife rolled back from Hangzhou in despair.

Even if they knew that Yu Manluo might be his daughter, the two of them were really frightened, and they didn't dare to make any waves.

When the daughter Bai Lingxiu asked, for the sake of face, the two had to hide and tuck each other, only saying that Yu Manluo was not their daughter.

Bai Lingxiu was disappointed.

When Jinli heard the news, she was surprised and called Yu Manluo:

"Manman, how did you manage the Bai family? They are like dog skin plasters, they are not the kind of people who give up easily." Jin Li asked curiously.

Yu Manluo lazily said: "How else can we do it? A beast is the most eye-catching thing. As long as you show a little softheartedness, she will find a chance, stick it up, and can't take it off. One At the beginning, I will be cruel, take a slap, and then take a kick, naturally I will not provoke you again."

Jin Li thought about it for a while and found it reasonable.

"Awesome." She exclaimed sincerely, and made a conclusion, "No wonder I beeped with them for so long, because I was too gentle."

At the beginning, he beaten him twice, fearing that nothing would be left.

Yu Manluo chuckled when she heard her summary: "Why are you so interesting."

After she hung up the phone, she lay on the table and still found it interesting when she thought of it. She couldn't help but muttered, "I want to lie to me to give birth to a daughter."

Fan Sheng, who was passing by, heard this in one ear.

He rushed towards Yu Manluo like a hungry wolf, his eyes were shining at Yu Manluo: "Does Manman want a daughter?"

He wants it too!

I have been thinking for a long time!