The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 511: All by acting

His appearance and temperament are quite capable of bluffing people, and such a posture really scared the two of them to say nothing.

Fan Sheng continued to sneer: "I thought, Yu Manluo, a young lady with delicate skin and tender flesh, can make a lot of money when she goes to accompany the guests. You have to be hospitalized for selling a kidney, and the loss is not small. You two , Is it her parents?"

Chen Lihua opened her mouth to deny it.

Fan Sheng didn't give her a chance, he hehe smiled: "Father's debts and daughters are paid, do you have to pay your parents for this female debt? You two look pretty strong, or if you give her a kidney, you can't die. People, I first give the money to my brother as condolences?"

As he said, he stood up, his tall body full of oppression.

He went around in this room, and he really found an arm-long Tang knife.

The blade is sharp, reflecting the cold and sharp light, and it also printed the cold white faces of Bai Yuanjun and his wife.

Fan Sheng chopped his hand to slap the knife on the table: "You two, who will come first?"

Chen Lihua: "..."

Bai Yuanjun: "..."

They went to see Yu Manluo, only to find that this woman had long been hiding in the corner with her head down and shivering--can't help but hold back a smile!

Chen Lihua was still a little skeptical, and she insisted on saying: "You, don't want to be scary! I tell you, now is the era of truth, you are against the law like this!"

"Fa?" Fan Sheng also spared no effort in order to be realistic.

He lifted his T-shirt, underneath his close-fitting clothes, and on his strong body, there were countless scars.

The longest scar is ferocious, even if it is now complete, you can still see the danger at that time.

Where do people like Bai Yuanjun and Chen Lihua who can only play tricks?

They were all shocked.

Fan Sheng was still saying, "Have you seen it? Laozi fights, one after another! I don't go outside to inquire, this Hengzhou, who would dare not give me the face of Brother Sheng? Huh?"

The blade of the cold light was in front of him, and the terrifying evil spirit in front was also in front of him.

The hopeful daughter knelt and shivered in the corner.

Bai Yuanjun and his wife finally realized that this "daughter" was unreliable.

They still started to retreat in their hearts.

Chen Lihua said quickly: "This, this Brother Sheng, calm down first."

Fan Sheng carried out the evil spirit to the end: "Calm down? Lao Tzu's brother is still in the mental hospital, how can you calm Lao Tzu?"

His face flashed murderously.

Chen Lihua, who was really murderous, faced him, only to feel that horrible feeling rose from the back of his spine, and gleamed through his body.

Even the heart is cold.

She swallowed and made a decision: "Brother Sheng, all this is a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding!"

Fan Sheng glanced at her: "What do you mean? Your daughter owes her debts and pays off her money. It is only natural and righteous. What's the misunderstanding?"

Chen Lihua said: "No, she is not my daughter!"

Bai Yuanjun also recovered, and hurriedly said: "Yes! She is not our daughter!"

Yu Manluo, who was "shivering" in the corner, suddenly raised her head and rushed in front of the two of them a few steps. She couldn't believe her beautiful eyes: "Parents, what are you talking about? I'm not yours. Daughter? We can do a paternity test!"

Chen Lihua avoided looking into her eyes, and looked at Fan Sheng firmly: "No, we made a mistake, she is not our daughter."