The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 462: The Wolf King and the Lion

Uncle Lin hurriedly let people go to see.

After a while, the man brought back news.

Just this news...

Uncle Lin: "..."

He lowered his head and looked at Mr. Lu, who was seated in the main seat, the head of the family, who was well-arranged. Beware that he heard the news, he couldn't stand the irritation all at once, and he was angry.

But no matter what, I still have to say.

Uncle Lin bit his scalp and said, "Little Master, he went straight to his yard, not here for dinner."

Father Lu: "..."

He was so angry as Uncle Lin expected him!

But he was so angry that he could barely maintain his sanity: "Huh! Don't eat! Starve him to death!"

Uncle Lin: "..."

He bit the bullet again and said: "Little Master let someone buy the ingredients, and he is cooking and eating himself."


This is the sound of the soup spoon that Old Man Lu just picked up and fell into the soup bowl.

He looked up incredulously: "What did you just say? I didn't hear it clearly."

Uncle Lin repeated the words again, then silently took a step back.

After five seconds of silence.


This is the sound of broken porcelain on the ground.

"Unscrupulous...Unscrupulous! His father and I have never eaten a bite of his dish! I have never been to his treasure room! Just for a woman...for a woman!"

Father Lu was obviously angry, and he was yelling at him.

The honest and loyal Uncle Lin continued to complain silently in his heart: Well, the young master has never eaten a bite of your dish. Isn't this even?


Lu Zhengya didn't know that his father was going to be fainted with anger.

Of course, if he knew it, he probably wouldn't care much.

He and the man, it is a joke to say affection to each other.

There are more to be uncomfortable with each other.

Of course, this kind of unilateral sentiment, Mr. Lu is afraid it will be more.

After all, as far as Lu Zhengya was concerned, these people in the Lu family, except Lu Jianzhen, he didn't like them, but he couldn't say how much he hated them, let alone make them sad.

They are not worth his time.

But for Mr. Lu, it's different.

Lu Zhengya's existence was a slap in the face to him.

Tell him that the son he never cared about was actually the best one.

Excellent enough to make Lu's commercial kingdom flourish, and it has taken several levels.

But it was so good... it emptied him.

Let him become a retired old man who spends his time at home raising flowers and plants.

His perception of Lu Zhengya is actually very complicated.

Of course, in the ten years before Lu Zhengya showed his talent, he had no impression of him at all.

A son with autistic tendency and emotional disorder is really not worth his trouble.

When he showed his abilities and means, apart from the strangeness between the father and the son, there was only a struggle for power.

He looked at Lu Zhengya as both proud and unwilling, mixed with the idea of ​​wanting to control this son, forcing him to bow to himself.

But there is no comparison between an old wolf king and a young and strong lion.

A male lion can never bow his head to a lone wolf.

The Wolf King clings to his former glory and pride.

Therefore, the contradiction between them can never be reconciled.

Of course, for Lu Zhengya, he never thought about reconciliation.

He was sitting at the table now, watching Jin Li eat something with a satisfied face.