The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 439: Something big!

Qingyangzi's heart: Fellow Jinli Taoist is my Maoshan's big treasure, lucky! Must not be offended! Even if she said that the sun today is green, I must cooperate with her to pretend to be colorblind!

Lu Zhengya also smiled softly: "Yes, our Jinli is so powerful, how can we be afraid of mere ghosts?"

President Ba's heart: Jin Li is really cute, but she still has to follow her, otherwise she will be embarrassed.

Finally, the ghost Xuerou.

She pursed her mouth very embarrassedly, her white hands brushed her hair a little messy by her behavior just now, against Qingyangzi's crazy hint, she couldn't help but say with conscience: "It's true. I can't help Master Jinli, I will try my best to practice the skill of head removal next time to be crisp and beautiful."

When this sentence came out, let alone Jinli, even Lu Zhengya was speechless for a while.

Xin said that you are still goodbye, picking up this skill, no matter how you contact, no one will find it good-looking, but will only feel scared.

Jin Li breathed a long sigh of relief, and then looked at the three ghosts standing quietly in front of him, only feeling uncomfortable all over.

She used to be in the heavens, and even if she saw the ghost, it was a ghost who had cultivated the right way. It should be said that she had become a ghost. It is no different from other gods.

Who knows that these ghosts can make themselves so scary?

"Let's go out first," she said.

Qing Yangzi wanted to say this when he saw Jinli like that. He didn't dare to scare Jinli by his own yin spirit. What if a big treasure refused to give him the treasure charm?

He took Jinli and Lu Zhengya out of the room, not knowing whether it was intentional or unintentional, and left the three ghosts in the room.


The door was closed.

The moment the three of them walked out of the room, Jin Li and Lu Zhengya had a meal--they heard a screaming scream.

The voice was so miserable and desperate to the extreme, falling in the eardrums made the scalp numb, and the hairs all over his body couldn't help but stand up.

——God knows, what kind of madness did those three people from Moon Country in the room face?

Seeing their expressions, Qing Yangzi quickly explained: "Don't worry, all of us Maoshan are good citizens who abide by laws and regulations! We absolutely do not harm them, just scare people."

Jinli/Lu Zhengya: "..."

They remembered the trembling look of the three of them, and said that they might be more willing to accept physical punishment.

Qing Yangzi took the two to the previous hall.

On the Dao Sect Association's side, let Jin Li come over today, not just to see these three moon nations.

They have more important things to tell her.

"Friends of Jinli Taoist, I don't know if you have heard that next month, our Taoist Association will send representatives to participate in the cultural joint meeting?" asked Hu Zhengan, the president of the Taoist Association.

Jin Li: "?"

She hadn't heard of it.

If someone else is here, in this situation, you must show a polite but awkward smile, indicating that you have heard a little, and then the other person will start to teach yourself science.

However, Jinli is not an ordinary person.

She asked very suspiciously: "What is that? I haven't heard of it."

Hu Zhengan: "..."

He choked for a while and said, "Our official blog has previously sent news, but Taoist Jin Li may be busy and didn't pay attention. That's it..."

He and Jin Li explained this so-called cultural joint conference.

In name, it is to have a meeting together to exchange culture.

In fact, it is far from that simple.



Behind the so-called cultural exchange meeting is actually a contest between the mysterious forces of various forces.

Which force has the stronger mysterious power, has more say in this respect.

Ruhua Country has always been one of the best in this regard.

After listening to the popular science Jinli: "Oh."

Hu Zhengan: "..."

His reaction to Jin Li was not very surprising.

Because when Long Hao talked to him about this matter, he mentioned that he had invited Jinli to join the Supervision Bureau and was rejected without hesitation.

This mysterious Jinli Taoist friend did not seem to care about these chores very much.

He had anticipated that he did not show any surprises in the face of Jin Li's cold reaction. He just smiled and said, "The Jin Li Taoists are not curious, what will the exchange of what we call the Fighting Conference look like?"

As a little fairy, Jin Li is really not very interested in this kind of magical communication between humans.

She shook her head honestly.

Hu Zhengan: "..."

Okay, it doesn't matter, I haven't started to formally convince Jinli Taoist friends yet.

He simply went straight to the point and said directly: "Friends of Jinli Taoist, I will not sell it anymore. This time, I want to represent the Taoist Association and invite you to join us and participate in this exchange meeting."

Jin Li lowered his head and thought for a while, and asked, "What are the benefits? Is this mandatory? Is it possible to refuse?"

Hu Zhengan said that Captain Dragon was right.

Fellow Jinli Daoist will ask this.

He nodded: "There are benefits. As long as you agree, your career will go smoothly in the future. The management of film and television will put you on the first list, that is to say, make you a young domestic artist. Representative of..."

Lu Zhengya was a little surprised when he listened. He is not Jinli, and he must be more keen on this information.

Listening to the words of the chairman of the Taoist Association, it is obvious that the meaning of this so-called Xuanmen Fighting Conference is not ordinary.

Jin Li looked thinking.

Hu Zhengan quickly stated: "Of course, we are only inviting Jinli Taoists to participate. It is not mandatory. You can refuse."

Jin Li asked again: "Then, what do I need to do to participate in this fighting ceremony, and am I tired?"


Hu Zhengan said quickly: "Your goal is to defeat all opponents in other places."

This is easy to say.

Jin Li blinked: "Nothing?"

Hu Zhengan nodded: "Nothing."

Jin Li summed it up and thought it was a good deal. Just as she was about to nod her head to agree, Lu Zhengya gently pulled her sleeve.

Jin Li turned around puzzled: "What's the matter?"

Lu Zhengya whispered: "Wait a moment and agree."

Hu Zhengan: "?"

Lu Zhengya stepped forward, walked to Jinli's side, and looked at Hu Zhengan: "Chairman Hu, I still have some questions about this Xuanmen exchange meeting. Can you help me out?"

"Of course, Mr. Lu, please." Hu Zhengan nodded.

Lu Zhengya glanced at Jinli: "Where is the venue? How long? What is the format of the competition? Who are the referees? Will the contestants be in danger? Will their lives be in danger? There have been contestants in the past. Are there any unexpected precedents? What substantive rewards will be given if you win?..."

He asked a lot of questions before stopping: "I will add it later."

Hu Zhengan: "..."

Jin Li: "..."

"You are amazing." She admired Lu Zhengya with her eyes glowing.