The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 433: Wizards, magicians, witches, vampires and onmyojis

Jin Li couldn't help asking, "What's wrong with them?"

It was okay if she didn't ask, and when she spoke, the three moon people became more afraid.

The three of them hugged each other tightly, as if some monster was about to eat them.

Lu Zhengya couldn't help but take a closer look, and the more he looked at it, the more he doubted life: Are these still the three, unreasonable, unreasonable moon people who are above all in the show?

Qingyangzi heard Jinli's words, "Oh", "That's it, these three people, after our investigation, are a black mage who broke the rules in the metaphysical circle of the moon country, and sent out to stir the water."

Moon country metaphysics?

Black Mage?

Lu Zhengya was stunned online.

He couldn't help asking: "The Daoist Qingyangzi meant that the Moon Country also has it, are you monks like you?"

Qingyangzi disdain after hearing this: "Of course not!"

Lu Zhengya breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he thought there were such people all over the world.

However, Qing Yangzi said in the next second: "Cultivators, the world only exists in the flower country. The so-called alchemists of Moon Hua are just pheasant cultivators with sporadic inheritance. How can they be called monks?"

Lu Zhengya: "..."

So, still there?

He doubted life again, and asked the doubts in his mind: "According to the Taoist leader, it is not unusual for people in the metaphysical circle to have similar existence all over the world?"

Qingyangzi Xianfeng touched his beard bonely: "Well, theoretically, I can't tell non-daoists..."

Lu Zhengya said very loudly: "I heard Jinli say that Maoshan, as an ancient school that has been passed down for thousands of years in our country, can be called an intangible cultural heritage, but because it is not well known to the world, it is very difficult to live. The ancient culture is very interested, and I am willing to support the Taoist leaders of Maoshan."

Qing Yangzi's spirit was shocked, and he instantly felt the happiness of being surrounded by money.

He laughed and looked at Lu Zhengya very appreciatively, feeling that this young man was more pleasing to the eye.

"That's it. Mr. Lu, have you watched "Little Wizard Harry"? He asked.

This is a series of movies that are popular all over the world. Although Lu Zhengya is not interested, he has heard of a big name.

He nodded.

Qingyangzi asked again: "Where is "The Witch Master of St. Petersburg"?"

This is also quite famous, Lu Zhengya nodded again.

Qingyangzi asked again: "Then "Vampire City" and "Onmyoji Abe" must be familiar too, right?"

Lu Zhengya nodded again, and couldn't help asking: "The Daoist means..."

Qingyangzi confessed very readily: "Wizards, magicians, witches, vampires, onmyojis... all exist!"

Lu Zhengya: "?????!!!"

Is this world so mysterious?

Seeing his expression, Qing Yangzi said in his heart: "Mr. Lu, don't worry. All of us have signed international conventions. We don't show our strength in front of ordinary people and cause panic. You don't usually touch it. "

Lu Zhengyaxin said this is the point?

What really shocked me is your existence, okay?

He looked around blankly, scanned the three people in the corner, and subconsciously asked: "Then they..."

"Oh." Qing Yangzi said, "These three guys were sent by a non-compliant black mage from the Moon Kingdom to stir up the water. They used the show to attract popularity and steal ordinary popularity to strengthen themselves. In fact, there are more. The power was absorbed by the black mage himself."