The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 417: Auntie, are you here to touch porcelain?

Chen Lihua glared at what she said together: "You bastard..."


Her words stopped abruptly, replaced by a screaming scream.

Many people around looked over here.

Jin Li released her hand, Chen Lihua squatted on the ground with her arms in her arms, her face pale, and she began to whine: "Kill, kill, help! Where's the police? Someone is killing here!"

Jin Li: "..."

She took out a tissue from the pocket of her clothes and slowly wiped her hands. With that expression, anyone could see her dislike for Chen Lihua.

Chen Lihua is wailing and wailing, and the pain is real pain.

The violent pain of the bones being crushed by life made her cold sweat all of a sudden, wishing to faint immediately, but she couldn't do it.

She simply lay on the ground and started to roll around.

Such movements quickly attracted a large group of people.

Lin Wan's face was a bit pale.

She pulled Jinli and blamed: "You kid, why don't you know the importance of it so much."

Jinli frowned, a little unhappy: "Mother Su, do you think I should teach her?"

Lin Wan shook her head: "I want to teach her, what method is not good? You smash people's arms in a big public, and then pass it out. Don't tell your bad reputation, in case someone calls the police..."

She murmured, but Jin Li smiled mysteriously: "Don't worry about Mama Su."

Ok? Lin Wan looked at her in confusion.

Chen Lihua was still wailing, many people around pointed and pointed, and some people recognized Jinli and wanted to take out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Lin Wan had to block Jinli subconsciously.

Until someone asked suspiciously: "Auntie, you are crying so loudly here, how do I think your arms are good?"


Many people looked over, and they heard Chen Lihua crying that her arm was pinched off, and she really didn't pay attention to such details.

This look, eh?

Sure enough, isn't her arm good? When you roll on the ground, you can still support the ground!

Chen Lihua: "???"

She lowered her head blankly, and sure enough, her arms were fine, neither sagging softly nor showing any injuries.

But, what is going on with this piercing pain?

The cold sweat on her forehead was not fake, her pale face was not fake, and the pain in her heart was not fake.

But what's the matter with this arm?

Jin Li's sigh appeared just right.

She lowered her head and looked at Chen Lihua: "I know, you despise me. It's a coincidence. I also despise you. We don't care anymore. It's great that you don't provoke anyone clean."

This is a bit informative!

The melon-eating people who knew Jinli cheered up and looked at Chen Lihua.

The place Jinli made on Weibo before was really too noisy, and Chen Lihua appeared on the show again and was recognized.

"Ah, I see, isn't this, Jinli's vampire foster mother?"

"Is that her? The Bai family who is particularly disgusting?"

"Fucking trough even dared to appear in front of Jinli, what does this arm yelling for murder mean? Do you want to touch porcelain?"

"Bah, shameless, if I had no face to go out a long time ago, I dare to come and touch porcelain in front of Jinli."


Touch porcelain?

Chen Lihua's arm was painful, and even her underwear was sweaty. At this moment, when she heard the words of passers-by, her eyes were really black, and she couldn't tell if she was suffering.

Suffering from shock and pain, and being stimulated again, she finally lost her eyes and fainted as she wished.