The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 407: are shameless!

This doctor who has always been gentle and polite, rarely got angry.

"There are some things, not to say, it means that she does not exist. Susu and our paternity test report has been released, and later, the test report of Susu and you, as well as the test report of Jinli, will come out. Think about it yourself Now, after these results come out, can the current lies be maintained!"

None of them went to find Jinli.

Su Hexiang didn't tell her parents what Jinli knew about the truth but didn't tell her.

The Su family husband and wife are at a loss as to how to speak.

They all know the incident that caused a lot of noise not long ago.

Know what life Jin Li spent in the Bai family.

They are even afraid to find Jinli.

Until the outcome of the matter is completely settled, they have no confidence to disturb Jinli.

Only when they really understood the truth, they dared to tell her about it.

I don't know, will she blame them?


Of the five people present, no one knew.

In another room separated by a wall, the person they were thinking about was sitting there.

The effect of this hotel’s private rooms is particularly good. The conversation here is never heard by other rooms or even people outside the door.

But Jinli is not a human being.

What she wanted to "listen" to, even with a hundred layers of protection, was useless.

The Bai family wanted to quibble.

Jin Li felt disgusted when she heard Chen Lihua's words.

She gazes through the wall, through the cold steel and concrete, and falls on Chen Lihua.

Chen Lihua shivered without warning.

"Mantra." Jin Li said softly.

A silver halo that was invisible to the naked eye of mortals emanated from her body and fell exactly on Chen Lihua and Bai Yuanjun.

Chen Lihua only felt that a burst of resentment suddenly spread in her heart.

She gave birth to endless desire to talk.

Looking at the three people sitting opposite, she suddenly laughed.

"I really want to hear it? Okay, I'll tell you!"

She looked at Su Lingyou and Lin Wan, and slowly said: "Back then, you saved me and let me live in the luxurious ward of the hospital, did you know? You just set it up as a spare ward, which is better than me and the older one. The wedding room where I get married is much more beautiful. I live there every day, grateful to you, and jealous. Everyone is human, so why, some people are in the sky, some people should be low in the dust?"

With a narrative tone, she slowly explained what happened that year.

"It was God who gave me a chance. I woke up. There was only you and me in the ward. I called you, but you passed out." She looked at Madam Su and raised a nasty smile.

"You said, is this an opportunity God gave me? We are in the same ward. The deluxe ward has closed surveillance cameras for the privacy of patients. My daughter, and your daughter, are lying there side by side just like that. I need to do something quietly, without knowing it, my daughter can have a perfect life."

When Madam Su heard the front, she had already grasped her husband's hand tightly.

She didn't expect, she really didn't expect that for her momentary softheartedness back then, instead of being grateful, she raised such a white-eyed wolf!

" are shameless!" She yelled harshly. If her husband hadn't stopped her, she would have liked to get up and slap the woman severely.