The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 182: Brother Ahao

Wen Jiming looked at the Jinli on the set, a little lost.

A Hao and him grew up together.

He was two years older than A Hao. When he was a child, he liked that beautiful brother in a big yard very much. He often went to the Long's house to play.

It's a pity that this younger brother has not been very healthy.

Wen Jiming's impression of Long Hao when he was a child was roughly the only thing he had about his overly delicate eyebrows and an overly pale face.

The children in the compound all adore strong uncles who are physically strong, so they don't like to play with the thin Long Hao.

Only Wen Jiming often happily took a lot of his toys to share with his brother Ahao.

The two can be regarded as having a small friendship.

But when he was ten years old, Long Hao seemed to get worse.

The Long family often took Long Hao out. Once they went out for as little as half a month or as long as half a year, Wen Jiming asked his mother, and the answer was that he went to treat the illness.

Alas, cure.

The young boy Wen Jiming felt that Brother Ahao was really pitiful.

He saved him a lot of delicious and fun things.

Long Hao's "treatment" lasted for three or four years, but his condition did not look very good.

Every time Wen Jiming went to see him, he always felt that Ahao's younger brother's face became paler and thinner.

He held Long Hao's hand every time, and said seriously what he learned in school today, and what the book said was pretty. When you are done, we will go together.

At this time, Long Hao, a young boy who had always been expressionless, would show a slight smile and say yes.

But Wen Jiming had a faint feeling in his heart, feeling that he was afraid that he would not be able to wait for the day when A Hao's brother would get better.

But that day has arrived.

The summer vacation at the age of fifteen is very long for Wen Jiming.

He didn't see Long Hao all summer vacation.

But when the leaves fell in autumn, Long Hao came back.

His face was still very pale, but he looked energetic, and he no longer fell down when the crooked wind blew.

It's just that his two-way flat eyes became more silent.

Sometimes Wen Jiming looked at him, and even felt that Ahao's brother looked like a normal person.

How can a normal person just like to be alone if he doesn't laugh or jump a lot?

But this does not affect the friendship between the two teenagers.

He happily shared his treasures with Long Hao, and also agreed with Long Hao to go to Switzerland to play in the snow during the winter vacation.

Unfortunately, this agreement has not been kept.

Long Hao rarely stayed at home at first, and often went out. Once he disappeared, it would take many days, and he couldn't even reach the phone.

Wen Jiming asked his mother. His mother only said that Long Hao went to a very strict school.


More than ten years have passed, and the two have grown up long ago.

Wen Jiming's name for Long Hao also changed from A Hao's younger brother to A Hao.

The two do not meet each other often, but the relationship is still close.

Wen Jiming is no longer the silly and sweet boy he used to be. He probably understands in his heart that A Hao is probably engaged in a very confidential job.

What is not known, pay for this country.

This can be roughly guessed from his secret whereabouts and when he returned home, when the people in the compound mentioned Long Hao's secret expression on his face.

This kind of work has always been extremely dangerous.

A Hao's temperament has become increasingly fierce and indifferent over the years.

That bracelet...

Probably a status symbol, right?

Wen Jiming looked at Jinli from a distance.

Will a sunny and innocent girl like Jinli be someone who works with Ahao?