The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey (Love from The Koi Goddess)

Chapter 1174: Long Hao Fanwai 6

When the autumn came again, Long Hao re-entered the school.

His body quickly recovered at a miraculous speed, his thin body regained strength, and the boy's body grew rapidly.

Wen Jiming was not happy, he could see that Long Hao was really good.

Although it was still a little thin, that face was no longer the lifeless and ominous paleness it used to be.

Long Haozhong didn't go to school for several years, but went straight to high school in a miraculous way.

That's right, not only did he not lose grade, he even jumped up and down, and became classmates with Wen Jiming.

Wen Jiming asked him strangely at the time: "Do you want to make up your previous homework?"

Long Hao shook his head: "No."

In the first monthly exam, he used shocking scores to prove that he did have the ability to skip a level.

Wen Jiming didn't say anything.



After lunch and before the lunch break, Wen Jiming was sneaking back on the table to play games against the clock.

A boy at the back table yelled: "Obviously! Someone is looking for you!"

The boy was grinning, and a row of people were watching and laughing lively.

Mingming is Wen Jiming's nickname.

Wen Jiming was playing vigorously. He raised his head and said casually: "Who, I will finish this game first..."

The voice stopped.

He looked helpless, sighed, buckled the phone on the desk, got up, and walked outside the classroom.

Long Hao was at his table, holding a book at the moment, looking intently.

He faintly heard the boys in the back class discussing:

"This is Feng Yingsi from Class 7, it's so pretty!"

"Yeah, it's beautiful."

"That's, it's not pretty, can you catch up with Wen Jiming, our class?"


Long Hao glanced sideways.

Wen Jiming stood by the fence in the corridor, facing this side, with a smile on his mouth, talking to the girl in front of him.

The girl standing in front of him was wearing a school uniform and skirt, and under the hot and delicate Liu Haihai was a white and beautiful face.

He retracted his gaze and continued reading.

This chat may not exceed five minutes, and Wen Jiming is back.

He looked a little helpless, but he didn't look happy or unhappy.

Long Hao was still reading, and the boy sitting at the back table of the two asked: "Obviously, obviously, what are you talking about with Feng Yingsi? Do you go on a date tonight?"

"Go go, make a fart! What else will you make after you break up!" Wen Jiming scolded.

"Break up?" The boy was obviously surprised, "Didn't you guys just be together for long?"

Wen Jiming rolled his eyes, and his gaze fell on Long Hao who was reading: "My Ahao, he is not in good health, do you know?"

All the boys nodded, obviously all aware of something about the youngest handsome guy in this class.

I heard that he was very sick before and almost disappeared. Now he is finally healed, but his face is still pale and looks a little different from ordinary people.

Long Hao put down the book in his hand, looked at Wen Jiming, and said that he didn't want to carry it out: "What is it to me if you break up?"

"Of course it's your business." Wen Jiming said solemnly, "You are so poor, so I am worried about you. I am worried about you. I ran to your house every day after school. I lost Feng Yingsi several times and refused several appointments. ,You said……"

"Can we stop blowing?" Wen Jiming spread his hands.

Long Hao: "..."

The other boys were in awe: "For my brother and his girlfriend, Mingming, toast you a cup!"